A Change Is Gonna Come Part Three

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Oh, there been times that I thoughtI couldn't last for longBut now I think I'm able, to carry on

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Oh, there been times that I thought
I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able, to carry on

"What's your plan precisely?" Josh questioned, hands resting on his bare hips as he watched Alex draw her shirt over her head to replace it with his own.

She would have been uncomfortable disrobing before anyone else, but with Josh, the prospect of shame seemed pointless.

So what if he caught a glimpse of her black bra? Hadn't she seen the prominent outline of his moose knuckle enough times in so many days to render modesty entirely moot?

She busied herself with unbuttoning his tie-dyed shirt, adjusting the fit until she was seemingly satisfied with the disheveled way it hung from her frame. "I'm thinking you go down first, in all your bare-chested glory, and see what gets riled up. Then, I'll follow after in my newly acquired attire."

Alex beamed with unbridled enthusiasm at the prospect of the pandemonium this would cause. Grinning maniacally while tossing her hair up in a haphazard bun.

"You know, this isn't what I had in mind when I said there were easier ways to make Jake jealous," Josh attempted to advise, but his forewarning fell on decidedly deaf ears.

She pulled a few more strands loose from her hair tie to complete the unkempt appearance of someone who may or may not have been fucking. "I'm well aware, but, be honest, you're titillated with anticipation," she presumed with a wink.

He let out a wheezing bark of laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It could be beautifully stimulating," he conceded.

"Maybe, or you could get punched. We'll see," Alex concluded in a chipper tone before swinging the door open and unceremoniously chucking Josh into the hallway.

Voices could be heard downstairs, but they weren't loud enough to make out. Alex waved her hand in a go motion, and he seemed to have no other option than to oblige her.

The pair padded silently down the steps but stopped short of the final one. "Showtime, baby," she whispered wildly, pupils blown wide in bewitchery.

Josh took a deep breath in readiment. "You're diabolical," he declared, then strode forward.

The suspense nearly had Alex pissing herself, leant up against the stairwell to shield her figure while listening intently. It was the same excited feeling one got while playing hide and seek. The waiting, the expectancy, made it all the more thrilling.

"What'd I miss?" Josh asked so casually that Alex had to clamp her lips shut like a vice to avoid a chuckle escaping.

The room was deathly silent for a moment, so still you could hear a pin drop, before the boys all began speaking at once.

"Where's your shirt?" Such a simple question could only come from Sammy.

"Oh no," bemoaned Danny. He seemed sensible enough to spot an oncoming shit storm.

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