In 1950, HYDRA created 30 artificial soldiers so they could find the perfect weapon. Experiment after experiment, training session after training session led to broken minds and indestructible living weapons.
⚠️⚠️This story contains violence, tortu...
Number 13 lost count of the time he was left in the cell.
Everyday was just the same. He would wake up with a soldier coming in. The soldier would chain him to the wall and beat him up in anyway he wanted to. This would happen again and again throughout the day with a different soldier every hour. Some would use knives and time how fast it would heal compared to other cuts. Others would burn him with fire and acids to see if they could burn deep enough to see any bones.
Every now and then, he would receive a serum. The serum was one that the other experiments were given. It would always burn his insides but he couldn't scream out the pain he was feeling. He began to notice differences in his body after each serum. His eyes could now see better in the dark cell, he no longer needed food or water to survive and his body was developing more muscles that were useless to him at the time. The biggest difference however was that he could heal quicker. Someone would stab him and remove the knife. This deep cut which would of previously taken minutes to heal was now healed in seconds.
Number 13 was chained so couldn't do anything about it. He would scream in pain but no noise ever come out. The soldiers would torment him when he opened his mouth. They would make fun of the fact he had no voice. The experiment would feel dead by the end of the day. He would give up with trying to call for help after 8 hours of consistent torture. Someone will then unchain him. The two year old would get 5 hours of rest before it would happen all over again. During this rest he would never sleep, he would lie there with no emotions, no movement, no sounds.
The soldiers had one mission, break him and rid of his emotions. After two years of the same routine, they finally did it. Number 13 would no longer attempt cry out in pain, the pain was submerged deep within himself. He could still feel it but he wouldn't react to it. He knew that the reaction would just make it worse for himself.
After his 5 hours of rest, the asset heard the cell door open. He glanced up and noticed that the soldier had other figures with him. He adjusted his vision and could see Zola, Meyer and a 4 year old boy had accompanied the soldier. Number 13 was given a knife instead of being chained up. With a confused face, he looked towards Zola waiting for a command.
"Good morning Number 13. Kill this boy in which you failed to do so in the first place and you will be allowed to join the others in the classrooms again." Zola said with an evil smirk.
Without any hesitation, Number 13 threw the knife which lodged perfectly in the heart of the 4 year old boy. Zola and Meyer shared a glance before escorting the experiment out of the cell and directly into the lab.
Inside the lab, the remaining two assets were lying on two beds with a third one left empty. This bed was later filled by Number 13 when he entered. The three experiments were strapped to the beds just like in any other experiment. Number 25, Number 10 and Number 13 noticed there were no IVs containing a serum like there usually was.
Zola and Meyer exited the room and went to stand behind the window.
"This is the final test. The vibranium will surround every bone in their bodies, protect all their organs and will continue to grow with their bones. The vibranium is the strongest metal on Earth so they can't be killed. Especially after the serum that will mean they stop aging at 21 and the fact they don't need oxygen, food or water to survive." Meyer informed Zola as the scientists in the room began to set up the machines which would inject the melted vibranium into their bodies.
"This is excellent Doctor. Their bodies will be indestructible." Zola replied giving the signal on the intercom to the scientists in the room. With that, the procedure began.
The three assets could feel the boiling metal run through their bodies but they made no indication that they were in pain. The heart monitors shot up for each asset. Number 10 then let out an ear-piercing scream. All the scientists immediately looked towards the mirrored window.
"His body isn't healing quick enough to the disruption the heat is causing in his body. He won't make it sir." Meyer said studying Number 10's vitals. Just as he finished his sentence, there was a flat line on the heart monitor. Zola didn't need to look up to know whose machine it was.
"Leave him and focus on the other two. At least one of them needs to survive." Zola spoke through the intercom directing the scientists to leave Number 10 and focus on Number 13 and Number 25.
Number 25 let out a scream of pain alongside Number 13 who attempted to scream. The scientists became alerted and focused on keeping them alive.
"Be ready to put them into cryostats when all the metal is in their bodies." Zola informed the scientists.
After another 30 seconds, the metal was now fully running through the assets' bodies. They were immediately unstrapped from the beds and lifted into two of the three chambers. They were still showing signs of pain as they were placed into a cryogenic stasis.
All the scientists breathed a sigh of relief as the heart monitors attached to the chambers began to detect steady heartbeats. Zola and Meyer walked into the room and the scientists put their attention towards them.
"Well done doctors. We have done the impossible. We have created two assassins that will live forever. They can't be killed. HYDRA will gain power once again and it will live forever." Zola congratulated. "Our work however is not complete. Their minds are made to be controlled. So we need to create a serum that will keep them controlled. It will show their worst fears and make them feel all the pain that they have endured in the past. Once we have created this serum, we will unfreeze them and show the world what they have to fear. Hail HYDRA!" Zola finished alerting everyone else to reply.
"Hail HYDRA!"
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