Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sydnee grimaced as she observed Jacob enter the café, coming towards us. I simply ignored his existence as he sat beside me. "I'm sorry" Jacob said as Niall watched us.

"I've heard those words before" I answered casually, taking another sip of my drink.

"But I mean it"

"Mm, you're only sorry cause you got caught" I smiled, getting up from my seat. "Sydnee"

"Yep" Sydnee replied, getting up and following me out of the café.

I deeply exhaled as my body stiffened with anger. It wasn't the first time Jacob cheated on me. I caught him kissing another girl one time but he apologised and wrote me cute letters, so I forgave him. I'm never gonna be so stupid to forgive someone like that again. He gained my trust again to just tear it apart. I loved him, I really did, but some people are just pure dickheads. A tear escaped my eye as my pace quickened.

"Are you ok?" Sydnee asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I stopped walking, wiping my eyes with my arm.

"I don't know" I admitted, "I don't know how I feel. All I know is I hate him, but I also still love him. I have anger towards myself for trusting him and, ugh. I don't know"

"Tab" she spoke, "he's honestly stupid. You're gorgeous, funny, smart and amazing. He's stupid for letting you go. He picked up a rock and threw away a diamond. Karma will hit him, it'll hit him hard... Even though I already did"

I laughed, "yes, yes you did hit him across the face"

"Exactly, but karma's gonna hit him harder" she smiled, "and just think of it this way, you're one heart break closer to your prince charming"

"Why are you so good at making me feel better?" I asked, embracing her in a hug.

"I dunno, I'm just good"

"That's why you're my best friend"

"Oh, I thought we were friends cause I'm sexy" she joked as I playfully hit her arm.

"Maybe" I laughed as we headed back to our room.

"Doors open!" I called out from my bed as Sydnee sat on top of her desk.

"I GOT CHIPS, CHOCOLATE AND NANDOS!" Liam announced as Louis pounced into the room. Sydnee was greeted with a kiss from Harry as Niall jumped on my bed next to me.

"So is this a routine now? You boys coming over every night?" I asked.

Louis turned around to face me, "pretty much"

"Fair enough"

"We got Nandos!" the cute Irish voice chuckled.

"I know" I laughed.

"So what's happening?" Sydnee asked, walking over to Liam and Louis who were doing something to the T.V.

"Nightmare On Elm Street" Louis smirked as he put the DVD in. Shit. I HATE HORROR MOVIES! I can never sleep at night after it.

I gulped, "do we have to?"

"What? Is Miss Evans scared?" Louis teased.

"Pfftt, no" I shot back.

"If you get scared you have four men here to protect you" Harry hit his chest to look tough.

"Four boys" Sydnee laughed as Harry grabbed her waist and pulled her on her bed.

"Three boys and one leprechaun" I laughed as Niall gently hit me in the arm.

"Hey! That's mean" he chuckled.

"Deal with it" I smiled, "although you would be crowned cutest leprechaun"

"Sexy leprechaun, thank you very much"

"No, cute"

"Just cause you're jealous"

"Of you? No"

"Fine! I'll leave" he joked, jumping up from the bed.

I grabbed his wrist, "you ain't going nowhere mister! You're staying here and protecting me from whatever the fuck comes into the room"

"Fine then!" he chuckled, sitting back down next to me on my bed as the movie started.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, pulling the sheet over my face. I heard Niall laugh as he pulled the sheet away from my face.

"What was that?" Sydnee asked, digging her head into Harry's chest.

"I don't know, but that was shit scary!" Liam said as Louis clenched hard onto his arm. Louis looked back up to the T.V and let out a girly scream. Niall and I exchanged looks then bursted into laughter.

"What a manly scream" Harry joked.

"I'm more manlier than you Styles" Louis objected.


"I have bigger biceps"

"I have a girlfriend" Harry stuck his tongue out.


"Manly people have girlfriends"

"No! Pussies have girlfriends" Louis smirked.

"Then why don't you have one?" Sydnee laughed.

"What are you trying to say Syd?" Louis tilted his head.

"I'm calling you a puss"

"Says the one who has one"

Sydnee threw her pillow at him, "inappropriate"

"You do though" Louis laughed.

"I have one too, and I know you want one but can't get one" I added.

"Yes you have one too but I just don't try to get one"


"Too innocent to swear?" Sydnee asked.

Liam nodded, "only mature one here"

"Yeah right" Harry laughed, "I've seen the naughty texts you write"

"Doesn't mean nothing" Liam blushed. We began laughing but soon started screaming as a loud bang came from the T.V startling us.

"HOLY FUCK!" Harry said as we all stared at the screen as Freddie Cougar's finger extended.

"I hate this movie" I admitted, digging my head into Niall's chest.

"PUSSY!" Louis shouted, then turned back to the T.V and screamed.

"Yeah... She's the pussy Lou" Liam said sarcastically.

"Yeah bro" Louis laughed.

I shook my head, "you're so weird"

"I know I am, that's what makes me special"

"Very special" Sydnee laughed as he threw the remote at her. "OW!"

"You deserved that!" Louis laughed.

Sydnee got up from her bed, "you wanna go boo bear?"

"Hit me bitch!" he joked as they started a play fight.

I swear to god I have the weirdest friends...

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