Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"LET ME DOWN YOU WEIRDO!" Sydnee squealed as Louis ran around the pool with her on his shoulder.

"GIVE ME BACK MY GIRLFRIEND!" Harry shouted, running after Louis.

I took my sunnies off, "they're so weird" I laughed as Niall sat on the chair beside me.

Niall chuckled, "oh no, they're completely normal"

"Oh yes, ver--" I started but screamed as I felt hands grab my ankles and tug me off the seat and into the water. I swam upwards and was splashed in the face by Liam. "Thanks bro"

"No probs sis" he smiled, diving back down into the water. I looked up as I heard Niall's chuckle.

"What's so funny Irishman?" I teased.

"Your scream! You sound like a dying seal!" he laughed. I jumped out of the pool and walked over to him.

"Very funny" I rolled my eyes, "it's not like your scream is any better"

"Wanna bet?" he challenged.

I smirked, "yes"

"Alrigh-" he said but was cut by me pushing him into the water. His head popped up onto the surface. "What was that for?"

"You wanted to bet, but you didn't scream though, should we try again?"

"Cheeky" he chuckled, "I like that"

"Haven't I been cheeky for the last ten years I've known you?"

"Yes, no, yes, maybe" he looked confused.

I laughed, "you're such a retard"

"Says you"

"Yes says me" I replied as he splashed water onto me.

"Who says what now?" he asked.

"I say... Wait what?"

"I say what I wanna say and therefor I can do what I wanna do" he smirked, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the water with him.

"That made no sense at all!" I stated, as we laughed.

"Yes, it did, ok maybe not bu-" he started but was cut off by a massive splash next to us.

Louis' head emerged from the water with a big smirk, "sorry kids"

"LOUIS!" Harry yelled, jumping into the water beside him.

"WATCH IT STYLES!" I snapped, wiping the water away that blurred my vision.

"INCOME!" I heard Liam shouted as water went everywhere, again.

"I swear to god-" I started but was cut off by a hand that pushed my head under water. "HEY!"

"Yes?" Niall asked casually.


"I'm a mean leprechaun"

I laughed, "you sure are"

"Louis! Look what I got!" I heard Sydnee say. I turned around to look at her.

"SYDNEE! GIVE ME THAT!" Louis shouted, trying to run in the water, making him look like a complete idiot. I bursted into laughter as I saw what she was holding, Louis' power ranger's underwear. I watched as Louis tried to jump out of the pool but was dragged back by Liam and Harry. Louis finally escaped the pool, running after Sydnee as Harry and Liam followed them.

I turned around to face Niall again as he sounded his adorable laugh. "We have the strangest friends" I stated.

"You're strangest out of all of us" he flicked water in my face.

"Pfftt, no! You are!" I joked.

"Leprechauns are normal"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really" he chuckled, splashing more water at me, which started a massive water fight between us.

His arms grabbed my waist as I tried to swim away. I laughed as he pulled me into his body, his toned chest against my back. His blonde hair dripping water on my face. I admit, I have a very attractive best friend.

"That was interesting" Sydnee laughed as we entered our room, towels wrapped around our heads from the cool shower we took minutes before.

"I recon" I smiled.

"When are the boys coming over?"

"Who knows, but I do know that there will be food"

"Oh my gosh! I love food!"

"Who doesn't"

"Niall" she joked as I broke into a laughing fit.

"Oh my god! That's the funniest thing, I'm sorry"

"You're so stupid"

"I'M HERE BITCHES!" Louis declared, coming through the door.

"Oh look, the king's here" Sydnee joked. Harry smacked Louis' butt as he walked past him to Sydnee and kissed her on the cheek.

"Lou, how's your power ranger undies?" I teased as Niall jumped onto my bed.

"Very well thank you" Louis replied.

"How am I friends with you?" Liam laughed.

"Cause I'm awesome, duh"

"Sure you are" I shuffled his hair.

Louis smirked, "you're jealous cause I'm sexy"

"You ain't sexy" Niall stated.

"Yes I am"




"JEALOUS LEPRECHAUN!" Louis shouted as we all started laughing.

"What's wrong with my friends?" Harry asked as Sydnee playfully hit his chest.

"What's wrong with the male population" she joked.

"I recon" I laughed.

"Pfftt, women these days" Louis stuck his tongue out as he got out the chocolate.

"GIMME CHOCOLATE!" Sydnee shouted.

"Be a good girl and I will"

"No, give it to me NOW!"

"Looks like someone's not getting chocolate, now say sorry to daddy" Louis waved the bar.

'MINE NOW!" Niall shouted, grabbing the chocolate from Louis' grasp.

Sydnee walked slowly over to Niall, "hand it over and no one gets hurt"

"NO!" Niall snapped.

"GIVE IT!" she shouted, jumping onto him.

"I GOT TWO BARS!" Liam yelled.

"Yay" Sydnee smiled, grabbing the second bar from Liam.

"Wow, ok" I laughed as Niall sat beside me.

He smiled, "I go through extreme extents for chocolate"

"I can see that"

"Yeah, I know" he opened the wrapping, "want some?"

Louis gasped, "Niall Horan sharing his food? Dear lord that's impossible"

"Shut up, I'm being nice"

"What so you're being mean when we ask for food?" Harry laughed.

"Yes, because you're all mean"

"FINE THEN HORAN!" Louis pretended to cry into Liam's arm.

Niall handed a piece to me, "here"

"Thanks" I smiled.

"SHUT UP LOU! HERE!" Sydnee said, handing him a piece of her chocolate.

"YAY!" Louis cheered, taking the chocolate. "At least someone's willing to share unlike OTHERS!"

"Whatever" Niall chuckled, as he continued eating.

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