Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

*Four years later*

"Thank you for everything" I said to Wendy, my co-worker as I hugged her goodbye.

"No problem honey and same to you" she smiled, hugging me before exiting my office.

I stepped over to the window, watching as car lights shone while they sped past. I admired the city, tall building and people every where, making their way to wherever they need to be. Each person with a purpose and place in the world.

I stepped away and grabbed my grey blazer before walking towards the door. I turned around, facing my empty office as I said my last good byes. I switched the lights off and closed the door behind me, leaving my former life behind.

I spent the last four years in New York writing for a popular teen girls' magazine. I wrote a section about life and what to expect in it. It's a great job, but sadly, the company's shutting down.

It's nice in New York. Busy city, loads of people piling out on the streets. Well, hat's my opinion anyway. I've made quite a few friends, but they're not really the kind of people I would hang out with though, so I spend most of my weekends at home reading or doing my shopping alone. I'm not as 'social' as I used to be, but I don't mine it, the buzz here keeps me entertained I guess.

I haven't made plans for anything, so I decided to move back to the UK, where my family is and hopefully find something there. I haven't been back there since I moved to New York.

For the first year, it was hard. I wasn't allowed to see my friends, I had to work for a company that I didn't like, I had no friends and there were people everywhere, pushing me around, but after a while I got used to it. Now I quite enjoy it.

I pushed opened the glass doors, filing into the crowd of time square. I followed the flow as people made their ways to their destined places, which for me was home to finish off my packing.

I entered the building of my flat and proceeded into the elevators. My phone in my bag vibrated as my friends texted me their 'goodbye' and 'good luck' messages. I entered my flat, throwing my bag onto the couch which was occupied by stacks of boxes. I turned the lights on and began packing again, getting ready for my flight tomorrow.

I haven't talked to any of my friends since I quit college, except for Sydnee. We talked for the first few months, but like always, friendships drift away. By now, they would've graduated and started their first year of work.

I wonder about them a lot. I wonder how they're doing and what's new, but I never get the courage to start a conversation with them on Facebook. I always open up the chat tab when they're on and write a message, but I never end up pressing the send button. I don't know why, I just get anxious and don't feel comfortable.

I haven't spoken to Niall since and just like the rest, I wonder about him. I wonder if he's got a new girlfriend, started a new life, made more friends and became a happier person. I miss him, I miss him a lot. I lie in bed every night still wishing he was beside me. At times, I stop and stare at nothing, just thinking about him, wondering how things are. I haven't found any way to contact him since he deactivated his account.

I do wish I told Niall everything before I left, instead of barging to his door and telling him I'm leaving. It was a horrible thing to do and I still get heart aches from thinking about how he might've felt. But sometimes, it's kind of a good thing. If I told him the truth, he would protest against my mum and it would've made everything worse. I guess the way I left made it easier for him to find someone new. If I did say the truth, he would've felt guilty if he was with another girl.

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