Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"How was last night?" Sydnee asked as she brushed her fingers through her hair.

I stretched, yawning, "same old, same old"

"What kind of same old?" she asked, turning to face me from her bed. I pulled my blanket up to my face, covering it. I get embarrassed when it comes to this stuff, I don't know why, I just start blushing and smiling like an idiot, "spill retard" she said, leaning forward.

"Well... It happened again"

"You serious?"

I nodded under the covers, "yes"

"Do you like him?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Do I? No, no I don't. Wait, yes you do. No. Yes. No. Yes. Arghh.

"I dunno" I replied.

"Does he like you?"

What, is she like my love councillor now?

"Pfftt, no"

"You sure?" she asked again, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, we're best friends, right?"

"Yeah, but you don't know if you like him... Which means you're kinda unsure right now, also meaning you're not just friends in your eyes"

"Shut up!" I blushed, throwing a pillow at her.

She's always doing this to me. She gets her answers and starts up a scenario, which annoys me cause most of the time she's right and I'm too scared to admit it. Not that I'm too scared to admit I like Niall, cause like, I don't like Niall in that way, I love him as a brother.

"You so like him" Sydnee smirked, walking over to my bed and sitting on the side.

"I don't?" I said unsure.

"Were you trying to tell me or ask me?"

"Tell you!" I said, blushing. I always blush when on the subject of the guy I like, not that I like Niall...

"You sure?"

"Stop asking if I'm sure, yes I'm sure" I laughed, slightly annoyed.

"Alright, alright" she said amused, getting off my bed and jumping back into hers.

Today's Sunday which means no classes or lectures, which is amazing! I'm sorry, but I love Sundays! The only day without lessons. Saturdays we have one morning session but still, Sunday's a full day of no lectures or classes!

It's Autumn now and it's starting to get chilly. I love winter, not that I hate summer but I just love winter. I enjoy the breeze, soft warm pajamas and the occasional blankets, movies and hot chocolates. It's just laid back and nice.

I slid down the wall, lying back on the bed again. I nuzzled my face into the embracing softness of my pillow, closing my eyes, enjoying the comfort. I slowly started drifting back to sleep, before loud knocks interrupted.

"Let us in sluts!" the sound of Louis' voice echoed from the other side of the door.

"It's fucking 8:30 on a Sunday morning!" I yelled back, pissed, eyes still shut.

"Open up!" Harry said, banging on the door again, "I'll give you cuddles Syd"

"Later, it's too early" Sydnee replied, lifting her blanket over her head.

"Please, just let us in" Liam said.

"Please" Zayn pleaded.

"Go away!" I called, digging my head deeper into my pillow.

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