Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"How was lecture?" Zayn's soft voice asked as we sat at the café table.

"It was alright, just boring as usual" I smiled.


"Yeah, so how was yours?"

"It was good I guess" he replied, leaving a kiss on my cheek. I saw Niall frown in the corner of my eye. I still don't get it, he's never like this when I get a boyfriend. We've been best friends for like ten years, he knows he can just talk to me...

"So, what's happening tonight?" Louis asked, receiving multiple shrugs in return.

"We could go late night swimming" Harry suggested.

"That sounds fun" Liam added.

"Skinny dipping?" Sydnee winked as we laughed.

"No Syd you horny girl" Harry chuckled as she left kisses on his cheek.

"So late night swims with no skinny dipping then?" Ashley asked.

Zayn nodded, "yes"

"Then late night swim it is" Louis confirmed, raising his ice coffee in the air.

I smiled, taking another sip of my iced chocolate. Zayn held my hand, rubbing circles in the back. His gentle touches are soothing but I feel so out of place. I like giving people chances but I hate hurting their feelings. I don't know what to do! He's so kind and caring. Why is this so hard?

I squeezed Zayn's hand before retrieving it and putting it on the table. He bit his lip and looked down at his fingers sadly. Sending guilt through out my body.

"WATCH OUT!" Louis shouted as he bombed into the pool. I wiped the water off my face as Sydnee and Harry attacked the psycho maniac.

"The sky's so beautiful at night" Zayn said as I looked up to the stars above us. I nodded in agreement, brushing my wet hair back.

"But not as beautiful as you" I heard a silent whisper from behind me. I turned around, meeting Niall's gaze. He looked down at the water that came up to his stomach. He looked up to the summer sky, deep in thought. He sighed before merging below the water, disappearing from sight. I don't understand... Why is he acting this way?

The warm air tickled my cheek as little tear droplets trailed down. I miss my best friend so much, why can't he just tell me what's going on?

Arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I looked up and was met by sparkling brown orbs. He's so attractive but somehow I'm not attracted to him. I shifted in his arms, turning to face him. "I'm gonna go to the spa, wanna join?" he asked, brushing my hair back.

"Nah, go without me" I smiled as he nodded. His arms fell from my waist, giving me one last hug. He walked off through the water, towards the spa that was occupied by Ashley and Liam.

I looked around, admiring the glimmer on the surface of the water as the pool lights shone on it. I watched in amusement as Sydnee and Louis chased after Harry on the lawn, making me giggle. I drew in a deep breath, looking up to the stars. They are so beautiful, accompanying the moon on darks nights. One star shone brighter than the rest. It reminded me of certain blue orbs. I sighed, tugging my hair behind my shoulders. I sinked myself to the bottom of the pool, thoughts bombarding my mind. I closed my eyes as I sat comfortably on the ground. My light brown hair moved swiftly in the water. I opened my eyes, beautiful blue orbs staring at me. He held a hand out for me as he blew air bubbles. I took his offer, guiding me back to the surface. I struggled for air as I emerged from the water. I didn't realize how long I was down there for. It was relaxing, silent and comfortable there.

"What were you doing?" the soft Irish accent asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know" I admitted, resting my chin on his comfortable shoulder.

"Don't drown yourself" he whispered, placing a hand on the back of my head, brushing his fingers softly through my hair.

"I won't" I answered. It feels so good to talk to him again. I miss being with him, he's my best friend.

A teardrop left my eye. Niall brushed his fingers over my cheek, catching the droplet in his hand. He looked me deep in the eyes. He looked hurt, sad, unloved, lonely. I sighed, hugging him tighter.

"Talk to me" I whispered. He bit his lip hard as he shook his head. I looked at him in confusion. He looked to the right, staring off into the distance. I can tell he wants to tell me but can't. His eyes returned to mine as he slowly decreased the distances between our lips. His nose brushed against mine. Butterflies exploded inside my stomach as his hot breath hitched against my neck. This feels so right, I've never felt this way before. Our foreheads rested together, our lips dangerously close.

"I can't" I said, pulling away. Niall's expression saddened. He looked down at the sparkling water, wiping away a small teardrop.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. Before I could reply he was gone beneath the water.

"Don't be sorry... I wanted to..." I whispered, though he could not hear me.

I hate cheaters. Although I may not feel strongly for Zayn, I would never cheat. I wanted to feel Niall's lips on mine. I don't know how I feel... I feel like I'm slowly falling for Niall. But the only thing is that I've never felt this way before. We've been best friends for ten years and I've never liked Niall this way before. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me. As if I'm falling for Niall, he's like my brother. But I still can't describe the feeling I had, being so close to him...

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