Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Where are theeeeeeey? I'm hungryyyyyy!" Harry whined, spinning himself on Sydnee's desk chair.

"Be patient little one" Louis teased, patting his head and sitting next to me.

"Oooh" Sydnee sad, sitting up straight.

"What?" I asked curiously.

She held up her magazine, "my horoscope says I'm gonna have good luck and find lots of money this month"

"You mean whore-oscope?" Louis joked.

"HEY! Don't call my girl a whore" Harry said as Sydnee threw her pillow at Louis.

"Wow, nice" I smiled, "what does mine say?"

Sydnee scanned the magazine quickly, "you'll find true love with an old friend... I BET IT'S LUKE!"

"LUKES MY COUSIN!" I laughed, "and I don't believe in this stuff"

"I do" she said as Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"Just cause they're your whore-oscopes" Louis smirked.

"I'm not a whore" she protested, rolling her eyes.

"That's what your mumma said"

"That's it Lou! It's onnnnnn like donkey kong!" she shouted, grabbing a pillow and pounding it into Louis' face.

"You can't beat me" he yelled, pulling her into his spot as he jumped up. He grabbed the pillow off her and started hitting her, switching their places.

I laughed, "stop Lou"

"Never!" he joked, pulling a retarded face as Sydnee squealed.

"WE'RE BACK!" Liam announced over excitedly with a big smile.

"Why so happy tweedle dee?" Louis asked.

"Tweedle dee?" Liam asked, "who's my tweedle dum?"

"Niall" Harry laughed, grabbing the food out of Ashley's arms.

"Eh, fair enough" Liam shrugged.

"So why so happy?" I asked.

Ashley blushed, "oh, it's just..."

"It's just that... LIAM AND ASHLEY ARE DATING!" Zayn shouted as Sydnee and I squealed.

"Aww our little Liam's growing up!" Sydnee said, hugging him.

"I'm older than you, you know" Liam rolled his eyes playfully.

"Congrats" I smiled, hugging Ashley.

She returned the gesture, "thanks"

"So are you gonna tell us how it happened?" Louis asked as we all sat in a circle on the ground.

"Well... It wasn't quite romantic" Liam said guiltily.

Zayn and Niall laughed, shaking their heads, "not romantic at all" they said in sync.

"Shut up" Ashley blushed, hitting Zayn in the arm gently.

"Tell us!" Sydnee ordered.

"Well" Liam started, "we were in the car in the drive through and I was driving while Ashley was beside me in the passenger seat. Niall and Zayn kept teasing us in the back and it was weird cause I like her. So then I kissed her to shut them up... And well, yeah"

"So how did you ask her?" Harry queried.

Ashley blushed deeper, "oh, it just happened"

"No it didn't!" Niall shouted.

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