Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

*20 years later*

I lifted the heavy cardboard box from the corner of the attic and handed to Niall. He gripped onto it and took it to the lounge room where the rest of the boxes sat as I followed behind him. I plopped myself tirelessly on the couch and sighed.

I looked around; walls bare, furniture packed and boxes scattered. I moved my gaze towards my husband, who stood in between the boxes, fingers running through his scruffy blonde hair before sitting down beside me and wrapping me in his arms. I shifted into a comfortable position as we both examined the house around us.

"We're finally moving" he whispered, barely audible.
I nodded, nuzzling my face deeper into his shoulder, "all those years spent here..."
"The memories..."
"The fun..."
He smiled, "like the first time we brought Alley home"
"Seventeen years ago" I added.
"I can't believe our little princess will be off to college in a few months"
The room fell silent for a few seconds before I spoke again, "we did a good job"
"indeed we did" he kissed my cheek, "time goes fast, doesn't it?"
"Very fast"
"In no time we'll be all wrinkly and old" he chuckled as I did too.
I reached up and planted my lips on his as his fingers softly twisted my hair. I gently pulled away, our eyes locking as we smiled.

After so many years, his crystal blue orbs have continued to take my breath away with every glance. His features were still perfect and not one thing had changed about him. Ok, I lied, he has gotten a few wrinkles, but who doesn't get wrinkles? Haha.

I stood up, walking over to an unfamiliar box sitting in the dining room. I looked to Niall and he shrugged. I cut the tape and opened the box, revealing sheets of printed paper and a stack of magazines next to it inside.
"Oh..." Niall sighed quietly, his eyes dropping to his feet.
"What are these?" I asked but there was no response.
I pulled out the stack of magazines, each one recognizable. They were the magazines I wrote for. I glanced over to Niall, but he wasn't looking, his eyes still stuck to the ground, tears threatening to escape. I carefully lifted the sheets of paper that were sealed in several plastic covers. I read through the sheets, remembering exactly what each one were.
"These are the articles I wrote" I spoke, surprised but barely audible, "back when I was in New York..."
He replied with a simple nod, his eyes forbidding to meet mine.

I stood up, my arms wrapping around his waist as I laid my cheek on his chest, listening to his fastened heart beat.
"I love you Niall" I whispered as his hand gently held my back. I looked up, my fingers tracing down his face as he connected our lips one more time before the door bell sounded. My hand tightly squeezed his before I made my way towards the door.
"Oh, hello Nathan" I smiled as I opened the door, "you look lovely"
"Thanks Mrs Horan" he smiled widely as he stood in his tuxedo.

Nathan is Sydnee's son. He comes over quite a lot, some times with Sydnee, sometimes without. Him and Alley grew up together and are really close. They remind me a lot of Niall and I when we were younger, but every time I say that, Alley just blushes and protests that my idea was weird. But I'm fairly certain they have a thing for each other.

Today was prom and since they both couldn't find a date, they agreed to go together.

"Alley! Nathan's here! Are you ready?" I called up the stairs.
"Yeah!" she answered, "one second!"
I turned back to Nathan, his smile still written across his face.
"Hi Nathan" Niall said, standing next to me before wrapping his arms around me.
"Hi Mr Horan" he returned.
Nathan's smile turned into a gasp as Alley made her way down the stairs, her long blue dress flowing behind her.
She smiled, stopping in front of me, "do I look alright?" she asked nervously.
"You look gorgeous honey" I said, brushing a strand of her loose hair back.
She smiled at Niall for reassurance as he wiped a tear off his face.
"You look absolutely beautiful" he weakly smiled, giving her a long hug.
"I love you daddy" she whispered as she pulled away and gave me a hug.
"You look so beautiful" Nathan spoke, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.
She giggled, "thank you and may I say the same to you"
He chuckled, "shall we?"
"We shall" she smiled, stepping out the door.
Nathan looked at me for approval and I smiled in return.
"Have fun" I called as they walked down the drive way.
"We will" Alley waves as she got into the limo before driving away, leaving Niall and I staring out the door at the empty road.
"Well, congratulations" I smiled as he gave me a questioning look, "our baby girl is now a woman"
"Not so yet" he raised an eye brow, "she's still my little princess no matter how old she is"
"I know I know" I smiled.
He leant down and gently kissed my cheek, "and you'll always be my queen"
"And you, will always be my king" I laughed, hugging him tightly.
"Congrats!" Sydnee's voice shouted as she stepped through the door, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Ashley, Louis, Zayn's wife Angela and Breana, Louis's wife.
Sydnee hugged me before everyone else joined in as a group hug.
"WE DID IT!" Harry cheered as we laughed.
"Not all of us you douche!" Louis poked his tongue out, "I still have a thirteen and fifteen year old to look after"
"You'll miss it when it ends" I said.
"That is true" Harry agreed.
"Do you not understand how annoying seven year olds can be?" Angela laughed.
"Yes yes yes!" Breana nodded.
"I feel you" Sydnee clapped.
"We're both great and terrible parents" Liam joked as everyone laughed.
"Well, a toast to being the best parents in the world" Ashley smiled, handing us each a glass of champagne.
"A toast, to being the best parents we can be and for sticking together after so many years" I said, raising my glass.
"WOOH!" Zayn cheered as everyone clinked glasses.

That was it, the end of another chapter of our lives and the beginning of the rest. Niall and I have finally managed to make our love work and started a beautiful family with Alley and not one thing was regretted. The time Niall and I had apart helped us both realized how strong our love really was and no matter what happened we remembered how much it hurt to lose the other.

If anyone asked me to imagine my life twenty five years ago, I would've never thought of this; marrying my best friend, having a beautiful daughter, great friends that have never left my side and the happiest life I could ever ask for. Everything is perfect and it really shows that the least expected things could happen and be the most perfect life.

I smiled, looking up at Niall as he sounded his soft chuckle, the sides of his eyes crinkled as he did so. He turned and faced me, his eyes locking with mine. The sides of my lips lifted into a smile as so did his. His fingers entwined with mine as our lips softly connected.

"I love you Tab" he whispered, tucking a strand of my light brown hair behind my ear.
"I love you too" I replied, our lips reaching for each other's "and to think thirty years ago, I never thought it would be you"


hey (: I am so so so sorry it took me so long to update! I'm in Tokyo right now (I'm not Japanese by the way, aha) and its really hard to find wifi, but I finally did, aha. I was planning to update before I left, but I had way too many assignments due and I had camp so I couldn't. I'm so sorry but I hope the ending meets your expectations and yeah, thank you so so so so much for reading and supporting me throughout this story, it really meant a lot (: x

So, some of you may know that I started a new Zayn fan fiction called "Deep Down (Zayn Malik Fanfic)" and it would mean a lot if you could check it out (:

I'm trying to hunt down some Internet friends, ahaha and was wondering if any of you want to be one? I know it sounds stupid but yeah, it would be nice to talk to new people (:

kik: @daymi_dum
twitter: @Daymi5SOS
Instagram: @daymi_dum
vine: Daymi Lei
keek: @daymi_dum

it would be really cool if you did and don't worry, I'm a nice person...I think and hope, aha (:

A few of you wanted to know about my old crush so I thought I might as well give you guys an update, aha. Well first off, he got expelled for stealing $4000 (Australian dollars) worth of stuff from other students and he's starting at my best friend's school on Friday, ahahahaha. He's a little dip shit, but I don't like him anymore so it's all goods. Unfortunately, I like the guy I used to like again and life sucks cause he's a douche now but he's just so perfect in every way. He's cute, funny, nice, generous, smart, plays piano, plays guitar, sings and plays sports, HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE HIM. Well, I like the old him anyway. He used to be a huge directioner, we would like fan girl over the songs and stuff and he used to be so so so much nicer but now he's all 'popular' or some fucking shit and is the rudest person I swear to god. but yeah, life sucks and I'll probably die alone, ahahaha. but yeah, how are all your crushes? (:

That's all I guess, my second fanfic finished (: I hope you liked it and continue reading my other ones. but yeah, thank you guys so much and hope you all have a great life, aha. x

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