Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I slowly zipped up my suitcase, shaking as I did so. My phone vibrated from text messages from my mother as Sydnee sat in the corner of her bed, watching as tears rolled down her cheeks. Ashley sat quietly on my desk chair, face buried into her hands. I lifted my forearm and wiped it across my face, drying away the tears.

My mum wouldn't believe me. She said the only way she would, was if there was visual evidence. I begged the shop owners to show me the security tape from the camera, but they didn't have one. Last night was a constant fight between my mum and I. I told her she had no right over me, but she didn't care. It doesn't matter what I say, she will have me there one way or another. Everything always goes her way, no matter how unfair it may be.

I hate my mum, I hate her so much. There wasn't anything else I hated more than her right now. Finally, the odds came together and things fell into place, forming the most perfect life I could ask for and she decides to knock everything down. I have ever been so broken and angry at the same time. She can't do this to me, but she is...

"S-so there's nothing you can do?" Sydnee stuttered as I sat on the floor, digging my face into my knees.

I shook my head, running my fingers through my knotty light brown hair as my tears trailed down my leg.

The room was quiet, not one sound emitted from us. We probably stayed like that for a good ten minutes before my phone vibrated again, breaking the silence.

I lifted my phone up, unlocking it as the brightness fogged up in my eyes from the tears. I read the messages from my mother, telling me the details for the flight and where to meet her. I looked up to the top left of the screen, signaling that there was another message. I opened it up as more tears followed.


I hadn't told him yet, in fact, I haven't told any of the boys. I had no clue on how to and I can't even say the words. Sydnee and Ashley haven't spoken to the boys either as we had a restless night.

I know I should tell Niall as soon as possible, but I don't know how to. I love this boy so much, but if my mum found out I was with him again, she would be furious. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. She really doesn't care whether I'm happy or not. She thinks that when I've got good education is when I'm happy, but it's not. She never listens to me no matter what I say, it's just useless.

Niall deserves so much more and right now, I can't deliver. I don't want to leave him, not now, not in a life time. I love him, I love him so much. I don't want to do this, but I have to and I don't know how to tell him. As much as I want this to work, it's not. Maybe he isn't the right one, maybe it's god's way of saying it's not meant to be. Either way, my mum always gets her way and its a stupid thing, but it's true. I'm not ready to face any of it, but I have to.

"I still haven't told him..." I mumbled as I hung my arms out in front of me and my face buried deeper into my sweatpants.

"You should" Ashley spoke quietly.

"I know" I sighed, "but how?"

"It'll come out Tab, you'll find a way" Sydnee said, getting up and sitting beside me as so did Ashley. "Just know that at the end, whatever's meant to be will fall into place"

Ashley nodded, "it may not be what you expected, but it will fall into place if its supposed to"

I looked up and forced them each a smile.

"Thanks" I whispered unconvincingly before they both sandwiched me into a hug.

"We'll always be here for you Tab" Sydnee spoke, a sad tinge to it was more tears escaped my eyes.

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