Chapter 19

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"Okay Zoe you ready for the run?" Antoine asked,
"Yes, how far are we going?"
"Today we are doing 6 miles" he replied,
"Great," they all left the gym and took a drink of water,
"You are doing amazing so far" Antoine said to Zoe,
"Thanks" they finished up their water break and walked over to their starting point,
"Are you sure you want to do this with us?" Sebastian asked Zoe,
"Alright, if you need a break just let us know"
"Don't need one"
"Alright, 3,2,1 go" they took off down the road, starting at a fast pace jog, they went on like this for 2.5 miles,
"You holding up alright kid?" Chris asked
"Still doing good" Zoe said with a thumbs up,
"Your doing great, half way done" Antoine said, they ran the rest in silence trying not to use up unnecessary energy, they finished up and stopped at the car,
"You did amazing sweetie" Sebastian said giving Zoe a double high-five,
"Thanks Seb"
"Well that is enough for today, we'll see you both at set" Chris said walking away with Antonie, Sebastian turned to Zoe and gave her a huge smile,
"So you want to come and do this with us again tomorrow?"
"Of course" Sebastian picked Zoe up and put her on her shoulders,
"Let's go home and shower" they went home showered and went to set, the day continued like any other, and the next dat like the one before the day before Zoe's tryout she worked harder in the gym than she had the previous two days, then came the day of the tryout, she got out of bed and ran downstairs and walked into the he kitchen with a huge smile on her face,
"Someone is happy today, could it be because of their big tryout?" Sebastian teased, Zoe smiled and walked over to him giving him a hug,
"Good morning, and yes I am excited for today"
"Well eat up, we have to leave soon" Zoe released Sebastian and ate her breakfast, she ran up stairs and put on her leotard and walked back downstairs to find Chris (Hemsworth), Scarlet, and Tom (Holland) sitting and talking with Sebastian,
"I'm ready" Zoe said, "good morning everyone"
"Good morning Zoe, we are very excited to see you do your thing" Chris said,
"Oh you guys are coming"
"Did Seb not tell you?" Scarlet asked,
"He did not"
"Seb! You have to tell her these things"
"Sorry, I'm still adjusting to this father thing, now if you don't want to be late I suggest we go"
"Your right let's go" Tom said, they all piled into Sebastian's car and drove to the gym, they parked, got out and walked inside, "you ready?" Tom asked,
"Ya, a bit nervous but excited nonetheless" Tom smiled at her, Tom, Chris, Scarlet, and Sebastian walked into the waiting room, in front of them was a big glass wall so they could see Zoe practice, Zoe walked into the room and began stretching with the others, a few minutes later the coach came in,

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