Chapter 38

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Over time the thunder got louder and louder. Zoe was slowly falling asleep in Elizabeth's arms, everyone was sat in the living room talking and waiting out the storm. Zoe slowly lifted her head up and looked around at everyone with sleepy eyes,

"Hi sweetie, are you feeling better?" Sebastian asked, Zoe nodded her head and rubbed her eyes, Sebastian chuckled and got off the couch and took Zoe in his own arms,

"Daddy my foot hurts"
"How bad?"

"Like a 7"

"A 7? I don't think it should be hurting that much still," Sebastian looked around the room hoping someone knew what was happening, "I'll call the doctor after the storm, okay sweetie?"

"Okay Daddy" Sebastian sat down with Zoe on his lap,

"Do you want to do some drawing?" Paul asked,

"No" Zoe said,

"Do you want to read?" Chris (Hemsworth) asked,


"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Tom (Hiddlston) asked,


"Would you like to do anything?" Chris (Evans) asked,

"I just don't want to be in pain anymore" Zoe said in a soft voice,

"I'm sorry honey, if I could take your pain I would, I'm sorry"

"How about we watch a movie" Scarlet offered,

"Sure" Zoe said, everyone cracked small smiles, they were happy that Zoe was agreeing to something,

"What should we watch?" Sebastian asked,

"I don't know" Zoe said,

"How about Percy Jackson" Paul said,

"Okay" Zoe said with a bit of enthusiasm. Everyone smiled and Antony turned on the TV. After a while Zoe had moved to sitting on Mark's lap. The storm was starting to subside and they were nearing the end of the second Percy Jackson movie. When it was about to finish Sebastian got up to make a phone call.

"Hello, this is the New York doctor's office, how can I help you?" The lady on the other end asked,

"Hi, yes, I am Sebastian Stan, I am calling about my daughter Zoe Stan. She broke her foot recently and is still complaining about the pain, I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong"

"It is totally normal for Zoe to feel slight discomfort, have you had her rate her pain yet?"

"Yes, she told me it was a seven"
"Okay and you said this was resent"

"Just to be safe you can bring her in Tomorrow and we will take a look"

"Thank you so much"

"No problem, have a good day"

"You too." Sebastian hung up the phone and walked back into the living room to find the movie had finished and Chris (evans) was rocking Zoe back and forth,

"Shh, shh, shh" Chris would say in a calming tone. Zoe was suppressing sobs and holding on to Chris like she would fall if she let go. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Sebastian asked,

"She woke up and saw that you weren't here and thought you left" Chris said,

"Oh Zoe, I will never do that again"

"B-but you might" Zoe stuttered
"Do you want me to hold you?" Sebastian asked. Zoe shook her head no, "do you want Chris to keep holding you?" Zoe nodded her head yes, "are you alright with that Chris?"

"Of course, Zoe's like my kid" After a while Chris finally got Zoe to calm down. Then a few minutes later she fell asleep. Chris continued to rock her and lightly hum while everyone else reassured Sebastian that he wasn't a bad father. Almost an hour later Zoe woke up and lifted her head off of Chris's shoulder.

"Good afternoon sunshine" Chris said softly,


"Do you feel better?"

"Yes, where is Dad?"

"He's right there"

"He didn't leave?"
"I'm sorry sweetie, I left to go call the doctor so they could look at your foot" Sebastian said



"Can we go home?"

"Absolutely" Zoe stretched out her arms indicating that she wanted Sebastian to take her. Sebastian stood up and took Zoe from Chris. "We are going to go now, see you all later" Everyone said bye, Sebastian grabbed the bag he brought in and walked out to the car with Zoe half awake in his arms.

*New cover!*

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