Chapter 51

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"Alright, let the game begin." The Russo brothers stood together near the entrance of the room.
"The first question is for team Blue." Joe said. "Name three members of the Supreme Court."
"I know this one." Jeremy said. "John Roberts JR, Clarence Thomas, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg."
"That is incorrect." Antoine (Russo) said.
"What?" Jeremy asked.
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away and is not a member of the Supreme Court."
"The next question is for the Red team." Antoine said. "What percentage of the earth is covered by water?"
"I don't know" Chris (Evans) said.
"Really? It's easy." Zoe said.
"Than what is the answer?" Antoine asked.
"The percentage of the earth covered by water is 71% and the oceans hold about 96.5 % of all water on earth."
"That's correct." Joe said. Everyone on the red team gave Zoe high fives and patted her on the back. "Since you got that right the next question will go to your team."
"What sorts of signals does the brain use to communicate sensations, thoughts and actions?"
"Who knows that?" Antoine (Makie) complained.
"I do." Zoe said. "The single cells in the brain communicate through electrical and chemical signals."
"Correct." Joe said.
"How do you know that?" Josh asked.
"I read it in a book." Zoe said simply.
"Let's see if the Red team can get three correct answers in a row." Antoine said.
"What is Darwin's theory of origin of species?" Joe asked. This time Zoe stayed quiet.
"Zoe do you not know?" Scarlett asked.
"No I do. I'm just waiting to see if anyone else knows."
"No one knows this stuff." Tom (Hiddleston) said.
"In that case. Darwin's theory of species origination says that natural selection chooses organisms that possess variable and heritable traits and that are best suited for their environments."
"You got that word for word." Antoine said in astonishment.
"We are going to finish the game up with some in the air question. This is for both teams." Joe said.
"2x+4(2x+7)=3(2x+4). What does X equal?"
"You have five minutes. Go." In a few seconds Zoe put her pencil down and leaned back into Chris's chest."
"Zoe are you alright?" Antoine (Russo) asked. Everyone looked up from their paper and directly at Zoe.
"I'm okay. I'm just board."
"Do you want to stop the composition?" Joe asked.
"No, I'm just board of all the easy questions."
"What do you mean easy?"
"I mean, I've been solving these types of problems since I was seven. Do you have any more advanced questions?"
"Well first what's the answer to the problem?" Antoine asked.
"X= -4" Zoe said.
"That's correct." Antoine said.
"Great. So any harder questions?" Zoe asked with a hopeful smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Alright, if 3x-y=12, what is the value of 8x over 2y?" Zoe thought for a minute before Antoine (Russo) Spoke up.
"Do you need multiple choice answers?"
"No, the answer is 64 or 8 squared."
"Fantastic!" Joe exclaimed.
"This is fun, do you have any English questions?"
"We do. What is the synonym of envisage?"
"Conceive, envision, fancy, imagine, realize, and think."
"We only needed one answer but those are all correct."
"One more please."
"You got it kid. What is the famous line in Pride and Prejudice?"
"Oh I love that book. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
"And bonus question, what is the meaning?"
"It shows how the English society was manifesting in the nineteenth-century showing the gender roles of a man who must be in wanting of a wife and a woman who should be desperate to have a husband. Completely sexists if you ask me."
"Holy shit. You are a genius."

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