11111 - Confession

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She couldn't remember ever noticing the golden sparkles in his dark irises when they were exposed to the sun, or how his artificial pupils could dilate when emotion took hold of him. The light shaped his face, like a sculptor's hand, hollowing out his cheek to highlight the cheekbone, illuminating his long, straight nose, accentuating the slight dimple in his chin, creating a play of shadows that made him particularly attractive.

But what held her attention the most were his lips, their sensual outline, their perfect modeling made for kisses.  How long had she been staring at them longingly?  How long had she been looking at him in full, from his hair flowing over the unyielding nape of his neck to his athletic legs?  He was so handsome that she was almost dazzled by him, as if she had looked too much at the sun.

A pleasant sensation warmed her from within, a diffuse feeling that she had difficulty identifying.  Was it relief? Happiness?  She would think about it later.  Right now she just wanted to savor the moment that seemed to stretch into time forever.  Just him and her.

When she finally felt his lips on hers, she felt the world was shattering.  Everything became more intense, the feel of his body against hers, his enveloping warmth, even the light glowing around them.  Their tongues began a sensual dance, making her feel a thousand arrows of desire in the pit of her stomach, making her moans ecstatically. The world around them no longer existed, even time was no longer running in this space of bliss just for them, created by the magic of a kiss exchanged.

But when she pulled back to look at him again, her eyes widened in horror, her mouth opened with a silent cry.  It was no longer the beautiful face in front of her but a shapeless cluster of electronic circuits in vaguely human form.  Red LEDs flickered furiously beside thin pipes dripping with hypnotizing blue thirium.

Plink plonk

Brown eyes with golden sparkles suddenly opened amid the tangled electronic wires, staring at her terrified.

Plink plonk

The thirium was dripping onto the floor.  The shapeless mass shifted imperceptibly, slowly melting, revealing a dark hole beneath the eyes that were still staring at her.

Plink, plonk, plink, plonk

The sound of the blood flowing was louder and louder. The atmosphere was growing stifling, the sunlight had changed to long tongues of burning fire surrounding them more closely.

- Help me !  Moaned the dark mouth.  Help me !


She clapped her hands against her ears to stop hearing the cries that upset her and made her nauseous.  The sound of the drops of thirium on the floor was still becoming deafening, invading the whole space.

She woke up with a start, her heart pounding.  Eyes wide open on the ceiling of her living room where she had fallen asleep while watching a movie, she still felt desire mixed with fear.  She straightened up, panting, when she thought she heard the drops of blood again.  For a moment she thought she had gone mad, then she heard it again.  This time her fully awakened mind located the noise in the kitchen.

- Shit!  The sink faucet!  She exclaimed, standing up hastily.

The last shreds of her dream vanished as she called a plumber who could quickly come and fix the leak.


She hadn't been back to Hank's for a week.  She needed to clear her mind by taking a step back.  And then she dreaded finding herself in front of Connor, she didn't know how to react with him, especially since Bryan had given her back her "freedom".

(Not) Alive - Machine | Detroit Become Human [finished]Where stories live. Discover now