3. The event that led to them being a couple

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"Yibo, why didn't you leave when I asked you to? You disobeyed an order, you should be punished"

Back then, they were on a mission to inspect another planet. Tarra had taken over a few neighboring planets and trying to expand their colony. Xiao Zhan had taken 100 of his men on this mission.

On their way back, their jet encountered a technical issue and was going to crash. They had only 100 escape pods on the jet but there were 101 of them in total. One person was going to be left behind. Xiao Zhan ordered his men to leave and come back to rescue him. They left reluctantly. Just before crashlanding, Xiao Zhan jumped out with a parachute and landed on an open field. He crashed on a minor planet. This planet was not inhabited as the ground was not fertile, food could not be grown there. Also, the weather conditions was not optimum for survival.

He figured he should stay close to the spaceship. If help came in a few days, he was sure to survive, using inside of the craft as a temporary home. Good thing it didn't burn up after landing, the engine just blew up and emitted a lot of smoke but the body of the aircraft remained mostly intact.

Not long after, he heard the sound of a hover craft. It was impossible for his team to have arrived and returned with help. They were still 7 hours away from home and this was barely 20 minutes later, except...

Well, his guess was right. One person had disobeyed orders and stayed behind. The escape pod could only carry one person and the gravity on this planet was too strong, the escape pod was too weak to escape it. This escape pod had become useless, since it entered the atmosphere of this planet, it had been influenced by the gravity, it could no longer escape the gravitational pull, it was too late to leave now.

Seeing that Yibo came back, Xiao Zhan got angry and threatened all forms of punishment when they got back. Now, he not only had to worry about himself and his injured leg, he also had to worry about Yibo.

"I'm sorry sir, I just couldn't leave you here alone. You hate being alone".

He hated being alone but how did Yibo know? Just how much had this youngster been observing him to notice this detail? Seeing his sincerity, Xiao Zhan could not stay upset for long. Besides, Yibo turned out useful to him, this was the event that led to them being a couple.


Xiao Zhan had arrived at a secret base. His men were one among the best, they could hide within the planet without being discovered. All his belongings had been moved over from their previous camp. As he searched through his things, he came across an old handkerchief with blood stains. Those stains belonged to both himself and Yibo.

Back then when they were trapped in that planet, Yibo had cleaned his wounds with this. When they returned home, Yibo was hurt during training and he had also wiped his blood with this same handkerchief. He couldn't bear to dispose of it. He brought it close to his nose and took a sniff... it had been washed but still, he felt comforted being close to an item he had shared with his man.

It was still dark and the stars were twinkling brightly. In this camp, there were only a few tents and Xiao Zhan was given one to himself, the other squeezed in the other tents but some people preferred to sleep out in the open.

That night was his first night outside in a long time so Xiao Zhan decided to sleep under the stars. He noticed one particular star shinning brighter than the others, almost like the brightness in Yibo's eyes. He missed his man, he missed him very much. Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, imagining Yibo's face, his voice and his smell.

The last time he set his eyes on him, Yibo was being tortured but he refused to cry or beg for help just because he didn't want to make things difficult for Xiao Zhan. Oh the pain he must have gone through when a hot rod was placed on his chest. Xiao Zhan could never forget the sizzling sound he heard followed by the smell of roasted meat. Xiao Zhan wanted to die but he was held up in chains, his situation wasn't any better. He was crying uncontrollably seeing his loved one like that but Yibo didn't bat an eyelid, his eyes fixed on Xiao Zhan at all times as if trying to tell him 'I'm okay, don't cry'.

Xiao Zhan couldn't bear those thoughts, he turned his head to the side, away from his men and wept silently.


Meanwhile, from where Yibo was, that same star was visible in the sky and it reminded him of Xiao Zhan's eyes. That day, Xiao Zhan had been tortured and tied up but still he refused to bulge. He didn't cry until Yibo was brought in and tied to a chair. He saw the light go dim in Xiao Zhan's eyes. If he cried, Xiao Zhan would be even more distressed so he decided to suffer his pain in silence. He didn't know how long he was tortured for until he passed out. When he opened his eyes, he was being transported to this place.

He had heard no word from outside since then. He was assigned as a guard, to guard this prison. He felt it was only going to be for some time but now it didn't seem that way anymore. He had no idea where he was, he only knew he worked as a guard, taking shifts to guard a prison. There was no salary and they had to eat in a canteen. The situation of the guards were no different from the prisoners. A few people had attempted to escape but there was not a single aircraft so there was no escaping.

The only way to communicate with the outside world was via phone. There was only one phone in the entire planet and it was in the boss' office. Rumors had it that the phone could not make outgoing calls, it could only receive calls. Basically, the boss could only wait to be contacted. Yibo had finally realized this must be the legendary zerg.

But...how was Xiao Zhan doing? Was he still alive? Was he well? He had accepted his fate, he was willing to remain here, he only wanted one thing in return, he wanted to know Xiao Zhan was safe but that was just wishful thinking. There was no way to find out. Yibo sighed deeply and averted his gaze from the star, he didn't know when he started to shed tears.

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