15. You'd never set eyes on him again

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Yibo had liked Xiao Zhan from the first time he set his eyes on him. He always had an upright disposition and he always held his head high no matter the situation. To see him in this condition, Yibo lost all of his nerve. If Xiao Zhan could be broken to this extent, who was he? He was going to die.

Yibo had not shown any reaction until now. Xiao Zhan was suspended upside down, his face covered with all sorts of fluids. He couldn't tell exactly where the blood was coming from but the floor beneath him was stained with a considerable amount of blood.

He was naked from head to toe and from the marks on his body, Yibo could tell he was not only tortures, he was humiliated. Yibo could no longer hold back his tears which he had fought so had to hold back all this while.

He had been sitting upright but he could not continue to do so. His back slouched as he put his head down and wept. He couldn't bear seeing his man this way.

No wonder Xiao Zhan agreed to take omegas. He was battered to this level, he should have agreed sooner. Seeing that they were both in tears, both broken, the chief commander felt some sort of gratification.

"Let him down", he asked for Xiao Zhan to be released. He was turned to an upright position and released but his knees had already been hit and could not bear the weight of his body so he fell to the ground.

"Wang Yibo", the commander spoke. "Are you ready to fulfil your duty as an alpha of this planet and take in at least one omega for the purpose of procreation?"

Yibo was silent for a while. He continued to sob. He knew what they wanted to hear but if he said yes, how was it going to turn out. He would be forced to take an omega and things would only get messier from there. He wasn't willing, he would not do that.

Saying yes was the easier way out but that also meant his whole life was ruined. "No sir, I am unwilling".

"Yibo!", Xiao Zhan screamed at him. "Yibo, don't do that... look at me Yibo".

Wang Yibo could not bear to look at Xiao Zhan. He just could not because he was sure he would lose his nerve.

"I'm talking to you Bo, listen to me. Do what they want..."

"I won't. I cannot and you know it. I'd rather die".

Seeing him this way, Xiao Zhan was both proud and disappointed. This person was actively seeking death. Didn't he know that he was doing this to save him? If he stayed alive, there was hope for them but if he died, it was all over.

"Bo, listen...", Xiao Zhan could not walk, he could not crawl with his knees either so he did the only thing he could do at the moment, he crawled towards Yibo with his tummy and elbows.

Seeing his movements, Yibo could not take it any longer. He started to scream and trash around. All the pent up pain and anger was released all at once. The veins on his face bulged, Xiao Zhan was afraid, afraid that they were going to rupture.

"Bo, please calm down for my sake..."

Yibo was past the stage of listening. He wanted to break free and damage the legs of everyone in the room. He wanted them to pay, to pay for hurting his man, for making him this way. He hated them, he wanted revenge and he had no patience to wait for karma. Even if he couldn't take everyone down with him, he could at least take one.

The chief commander seemed like he had seen enough for one day and he mentioned to one of the guards "Put him out".

The person walked behind Wang Yibo and before Xiao Zhan could alert him, he was stabbed in the neck with a needle attached to a syringe and the contents emptied into his body.

Yibo froze immediately and just as the needle was removed from his neck, his neck slumped and his head fell forwards. He stopped moving.


Thinking he had been killed, Xiao Zhan had no idea where he gathered the courage from and leaped towards the chief commander. His movements were so fast that they couldn't guard against him. He held the chief commander's neck and strangled him, with the intention of killing him.

He had lost consciousness of his surroundings when he felt something heavy and hard land on his head. He staggered backwards and fell to the floor, his vision blurry, he felt like he was going to die.

He saw a blurry figure walk towards him, "I'd make it easy for you. Yibo isn't dead but I will see to it that you never set eyes on him again.

He saw the figure raise his hands up and strike him again in the head, that was the last thing he remembered as he lost consciousness, he fell into a coma that would last 2 whole months.

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