13. Bring him in

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Warning: This chapter and the next contains description of torture.

Yang Li, as expected, got pregnant after her encounter with the alpha and she secretly tried to get rid of the pregnancy. It should be known that abortion was a crime punishable by death for obvious reasons so no legitimate medical practitioner was willing to take the risk especially as her case was one that had attracted a lot of attention.

Yang Li decided to take matters into her own hands and terminate the pregnancy using methods that she got from the web. At first, she started to bleed so she thought it was a good thing and it could pass as a miscarriage. She refused to speak up as she was afraid the baby would be saved if she got medical help in time.

By the time she realized it was serious, she had lost so much blood and was unable to walk. She called for help and was taken to the hospital. When asked what happened, she was informed that the only way her life could be saved was to tell the truth so she reluctantly told the doctor what happened.

The fetus was evacuated from her womb but the bleeding could not be contained, she died a few hours later from excessive hemorrhage.

When the news got to her uncle, he was heartbroken. She was the only blood related family he had left. Irrespective of who was responsible for her pregnancy, he was happy that his brother would leave behind his offspring but she not only ended her life, she also ended the life of the unborn child.

He was unable to pour his anger on her corpse, he was unable to bully Xiao Zhan but the same could not be said for the helpless Wang Yibo. He was hurt so he wanted Yibo hurt in return. Not just Yibo, he also wanted Xiao Zhan hurt for refusing his niece. What better way to get to him than through Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan was summoned to the capital.

"Commander, it has been a month since omegas were assigned to you. Why have you refused to fulfil your obligations?"

Xiao Zhan hated to repeat himself, he had said the same words over and over. Besides he knew right now that the chief commander wanted to bring him down. It was a good thing, Yibo had been held for too long, something had to happen.

"I'm not interested in taking any omegas".

"Very well then, I see you've refused to serve the planet even after taking an oath". He ordered for Xiao Zhan to be blindfolded and taken away. Xiao Zhan didn't struggle. If they took him to the same place where Yibo was kept, it would be better for him.

After sometime, he was taken into a room and made to stand on a platform. His legs and hands were tied. Only then did he realize he had been taken to a torture chamber. As a solider, their punishment were very severe so this was not unexpected but...was Yibo also tortured? Thinking that Yibo might have gone through his also, Xiao Zhan could not take it, he tried to break free from the chain only to feel himself spinning. He had been turned upside down.

His blindfolds were finally taken off and he saw the inside of a torture room for the first time. He had watched a few tortures take place from behind the glass but this was the first time he was inside in person.

Even as a high level alpha, he felt chills run down his spine when the equipment were being arranged in front of him. A weaker person need not be tortured, they would speak by merely setting their eyes on the torture devices.

"What do you want?"

Xiao Zhan knew the chief commander was not far away so this question was directed to him.

"In all honesty, I simply want to vent. This could have easily been settled but you've decided to be stubborn because of your obsession for that alpha. You have both pushed my niece to death. As your direct superior, I have the right to mete out punishment".

He gave a signal and one by one, Xiao Zhan's toes were broken with a torture boot. As high as his pain tolerance, Xiao Zhan could not hold back and gave out a muffled scream.

"I have only just started and you're already in pain? I honestly thought you were stronger than that. Come on commander, you're nearly a level 9 alpha. What would happen by the time a get to this?"

He pointed towards a pointy object and the far end of the table and Xiao Zhan had seen that one being used. It would be heated until red hot and inserted in the opening of a man's penis. The only person whom it had been used on died a few days later.

He shivered at the thought of that thing going into his body. Come to think of it, was this what they did to his Yibo?

"You fucker...", Xiao Zhan had lost all his courtesy. "...why not come at me like a man since you want to... aaaaaaaaaaah".

His knee caps were hit with an instrument but they didn't shatter just yet instead he felt them go completely weak, almost like from his knees down were no longer a part of his body. He knew he would be unable to walk for a long time.

"I hate talking, I'm just going to use each and every one of these items on you then I'd send you to your home here in the capital. You won't be able to move so you would be at the mercy of those omegas who are so eager to eat you up. We could help you spice things up and have your Yibo watch you whimper and whine under the influence of an omega's pheromones. That should put him in his place".

Xiao Zhan started to struggle. If he had known things would end up like this, he would not have allowed them lead him to the slaughter while he followed meekly. He would have put up a fight. He was ready to take anything but they weren't allowed to touch Yibo.

"I'd do it, I'd do what you want, just let Yibo go".

"Ha-ha, where's the fun in that? It's too late. Of course, you would do what I want but you'd do so because you cannot resist. You'd do so because you're too broken to put up a fight. I can imagine what would happen when word gets out that a level 8 alpha was ravished by a group of omegas. Hahaha, really pathetic".

The chief commander's eyes were full of laughter one minute and in the split of a second, his eyes turned grave. He placed an item on Xiao Zhan's body and he felt himself begin to convulse, there was no way to control it. His insides felt like they were on fire. Was this what it felt like to have electricity pass through one's body?

By the time the electric stopped, Xiao Zhan continued to convulse, his spit dropping out uncontrollably, his face had a mixture of snot and tears. In his heart, he hoped and prayed that Yibo was not made to go through even one of what he had gone through.

As if that was not enough, he was slowly lowered into a barrel of water. This was no ordinary water because in a few seconds, his eyes started to burn, coupled with the fact that he couldn't breathe.

After some seconds, he was raised up again. His eyes had become swollen and his face had gone red. He still couldn't feel anything from his knees downwards.

"Beg", the chief commander spoke in a mocking tone. "Beg and I just might go easy on you".

Xiao Zhan was still upside down, unable to open his eyes and he hurt all over. His skin was itchy, his insides felt like they were burning and with all the strength he could summon, he forced out three words, "FUCK YOU...SIR".


The chief commander's face held an indescribable anger. He took a club and hit Xiao Zhan several times on his stomach until he coughed out blood. Then he started to pant. It seemed he wasn't getting the reaction he hoped for. In cursed his hushed tones. Soon his face that had contorted into an ugly form due to anger slowly evened out then a smile formed on his face. He dropped the item in his grip, wiped his hand with a cloth, smoothed out his clothes and sat on a chair in the corner.

He spoke to one of the guards standing inside the room, one of the people who led Xiao Zhan here. "Bring him in".

Xiao Zhan for the first time, felt fear.

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