20. A young man who smelled like citrus

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It was almost midnight but Xiao Zhan stood in the landing port waiting for the spaceship to arrive, Yibo was arriving today and judging by the time they left zerg, he should be arriving within an hour.

Xiao Zhan had a lot on his mind. He hadn't seen Yibo in a long time, he definitely had undergone some mental changes and he was worried if Yibo would still accept him. After all, he was the reason Yibo had to suffer.

The night breeze was chilling, Xiao Zhan had only a single layer of dress on but he was oblivious of the cold around him. He kept thinking, what if Yibo no longer felt the same way? It had been a long time and that was enough for his feelings to change. What if Yibo was mad at him? He had to suffer all by himself on that nearly abandoned planet. He was supposed to be the one protecting Yibo but in the end, he failed.

The thought of Yibo not accepting him made him worried, for the first time in a long while, he felt afraid.

Meanwhile, Yibo wanted to stay behind to help Yu Bin and the others take care of things over there. When he heard that Xiao Zhan had specifically asked for him to be sent over, he was in a bit of panic.

Months and months of toiling and hard work without any proper care had taken a toll on him. He had lost a tangible amount of weight and his skin had gotten a lot darker. Also, he now had multiple scars on his body from the harsh treatment gotten over in Zerg.

Back then, his skin was flawless and he was confident in his good looks but right now, the case was not the same. He felt he could spend some time here, try his best to regain a little of his usual looks before heading back. Who knew he was going to get sent for in no time.

He had mixed feelings hearing he had to go back. For one, Xiao Zhan was looking forward to seeing him, it meant he still had feelings for him but what if Zhan didn't like what he saw? Afterall, it was normal for alphas to be attracted to tender looking and beautiful omegas. He felt that was his greatest point, he was an alpha but he was one of the few with omega-like qualities but right now, those qualities were almost gone.

He was starting to regret. He should have given an excuse, surely Yu Bin would have covered for him but of happiness, he had jumped on the ship the moment it was time to leave. He wished he could turn back time.

The closer they got to their home planet, the faster he felt his heart racing. Soon, he could see their planet from afar. In a few minutes, they would be home. He checked himself from head to toe, he had tried his hardest to look good. He even trimmed his hair and shaved everything that could be shaved but still, he felt it wasn't enough.

"Don't worry. The commander didn't talk much about you but everyone could tell you're the only reason he put up a fight. Don't think too much, you'd be just fine".

The comrade who spoke was Yuan Yang. He was in charge of flying this aircraft, he had a copilot with him but at the moment, they were on cruise mode so the ship flew itself and he could take out some time to talk to Wang Yibo.

"I'm not worried, I just feel a little... you know it's been a long time and... really I'm not worried".

"Hahaha, not worried indeed. I've been watching you all through the flight. You've applied that cologne so many times. You've brushed your hair over and over, arranged your clothes again and again. You've looked at the scars on your hands so many times. Yibo, you're a soldier and none of us are without scars. A lot of things happened while you were away. We lost a lot of comrades and those of us that survived didn't do so without visible scars, not even the commander".

Yibo remembered the way he saw Xiao Zhan the last time he saw him, that was back in the torture chambers. Yibo could tell some of those scars would remain for the rest of his life. Yibo had seen him at his lowest, covered in tears and snot, unable to walk that he had to crawl and all of that was because of him, because Xiao Zhan was begging for him to be spared.

He knew that as a soldier, Xiao Zhan valued his integrity and pride more than his life and in such a situation, he would rather die than beg but on that day, Xiao Zhan had cried and begged until his voice became hoarse.

"Ah, what have I said that is making you cry?", Yuan Yang could not read his thoughts so he had no idea what his words had just provoked.

"Yibo was trying back to hold back his sobs but the moment Yuan Yang spoke, the flood gates were open and he wept uncontrollably. The last time he cried was when he saw Xiao Zhan on the floor. He could not hold back his tears but he was not allowed to cry his pain away before he was knocked out. He hadn't cried since then, he had all of his pain and anger pent up but at this moment he could not hold it any longer.

After a few minutes, he finally calmed down, Yuan Yang looked worried as he spoke. "Please, wipe your tears, clean your face properly. The commander might get upset and punish me if he sees you like this".

Of course, Yibo knew Xiao Zhan wasn't that vain but he didn't refute Yuan Yang.

"Don't worry, we're still far from home, I'd put my emotions in place before we get there".

"Far?", Yuan Yang scratched his head. The tears might have blinded this man. "We're about to land, look outside the window".


Yibo was unaware of the time they entered the planet's atmosphere as he wasn't paying attention. True to his words, he could see that they were just about to land. A wave of happiness and fear of the unknown surged through him. He had relived this moment many times in his mind but facing it right now, he didn't know how to react.

Then he saw it, he saw him. The person whom he had dreamt of every single day, the one whom owned his heart, the one who had let go of his pride, disobeyed orders and lost everything because of him. He was out there, way past midnight waiting.

Yibo knew in his heart that the love he had for this person and the love this person had for him was one that had not changed and would never change. All his worries, thinking about whether this person would accept him or not faded with the wind. He took a deep breath as the ship landed, came to a stop and the doors opened up.

The pilot exited the ship, followed by the copilot. He watched as they saluted and paid their respects to their commander but Xiao Zhan's eyes was not on them. His eyes were on the blurry figure inside the aircraft who found himself unable to move as if he was stuck to his seat.

It looked like he had no intention to come out so Xiao Zhan did the only thing he could do at the moment, he went inside to meet him and for the first time in a long time, their eyes fell on each other and before Xiao Zhan could react, a young man, who smelled like citrus ran straight into his arms.

Authors note

Thank you for reading. The main story is over but there are two extra chapters. One talks a bit about Yibo and Xiao Zhan's life after they got back together. A very important event took place so stick with me. I'd post that chapter tomorrow, I just want to edit it a little.

The second extra will focus on the Chief commander. I didn't want to go into details but it seems some people are interested in seeing him suffer so I'd do one extra chapter just to talk about his misery and punishment. I'd upload it before the end of the week, please be patient with me.

Thank you so much.

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