8. How can you compete with yourself

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When he arrived, it was already lights out and as expected, the dorm lights were turned off. The good thing about soldiers was that they were heavily regimented. Without needing reminders, they went to bed when they were meant to and woke up when they had to.

He went to his room and lay on the bed. He tried to sleep, he would see Yibo the next day but sleep was far from him. Thankfully, he had a scented candle, with orange aroma. He lit the candle and placed it next to his bed but...it only made him feel a lot emptier. He wanted none other than Yibo's pheromones.

Why? Why was he feeling this way towards another alpha? This was wrong, for the both of them. They had a duty as alphas, they were one of the few that were left, they had a duty to repopulate, to bond with an omega.

Unlike omegas, they were given the easy way out. They could have a lot of partners, this meant even if he had an omega he could still be with Yibo but the thought of being with someone other than Yibo disgusted him. The thought of Yibo being with others annoyed him even more.

But...Yibo already liked an alpha. Was that alpha better than him? More handsome than him? stronger than him? Even the other alpha in the same level as himself could not compare to him. He was a low level 8 while Xiao Zhan was a high level 8.

He was unable to sleep and decided to take a stroll. Before he realized it, he was in the dorm room. As soon as he turned on the light, all the soldiers jumped down from their bed and stood in front of their bunk. The total time it took them to assemble was less than 10 seconds. They were used to midnight drills and if Xiao Zhan gave the order, they would be fully dressed and out on the field in only 60 seconds.

"At ease everyone. Sorry to disturb your rest. Wang Yibo, come with me". After saying that, he walked away, embarrassed. Just because he could not hold back himself, he disturbed an entire dorm room, so much for being a leader.

As he walked, Yibo followed closely behind, none saying a word. They walked around for a few minutes until they got to the practice field when Xiao Zhan finally stooped.

Yibo was not paying attention so he directly bumped into him.

"Sorry sir, I..."

"Who is the alpha you like?", Xiao Zhan's question stopped his apology half way. Yibo had no idea why he was being questioned. Was he in trouble for saying he liked an alpha? Was he going to be given an omega to bond with?

While Yibo's mind kept on wandering, Xiao Zhan saw his refusal to speak as him protecting his lover's identity. He felt his heart go sour. For a moment, he clenched his fist in anger but when he saw Yibo's helpless look, he released his hands and continued to walk.

He went back to his room and Yibo followed. As soon as they got inside, Yibo could smell the orange fragrance and he felt his heart skip a bit. He knew this was some sort of scented air fresher but why did the commander choose orange? Why did he bring him here this late? Why did he ask about who he liked and why did he get angry when he refused to answer?

The answer should be glaring but there was no way Yibo would believe that this man may like him too.

"Lie down".

Yibo heard those words from Xiao Zhan. What did he intend to do? He had heard that some top military men did this sort of thing to their subordinates but he knew Xiao Zhan wasn't that kind of person, why was he asking him to lie down? Yibo's mind was in a mess but he took a deep breath and did as he was told.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zhan joined him in bed, lay behind him and held him across the waist.

"It's quite shocking. In just 2 nights, I'm already unable to sleep without you beside me. Even the scented candles could not replace your pheromones".


"I know you like an alpha, I won't stop you but it seems like I've already fallen for you. All I ask is for a chance to compete fairly for your heart. Is that okay?"

Yibo could not believe what he was hearing, he didn't know how to react.

"Now tell me, is he more handsome than I am?"

Yibo shook his head.

"Is he more outstanding than myself?"

Again, Yibo shook his head.

"Bo...", Yibo noticed he had gone from officer Yibo, Wang Yibo or simply Yibo to 'Bo'. His heart was all sorts of happy at the moment.

"...you have to say something, tell me, give me an idea of who I'm up against so I can know how much effort I can put into making you like me instead. Can you do that?"

After a brief silence, Yibo finally voiced out. "There is no need trying, how can you compete with yourself ah?"

After saying that, Yibo intertwined his fingers with Xiao Zhan's that was across his waist.

This was it, all his fears and worries just faded away like that. The person whom he thought he could never attain had fallen for him just like that. He didn't care about the future, when the time came, they would sort things out. Right now, he was excited, they were both excited as could be heard from the way their heart were beating erratically in their chests.

Xiao Zhan sighed in relief, he wanted to laugh and he wanted to cry. He liked a person for the first time and the person didn't reject him even though they were both alphas. He swore that no matter what, he would not let them force an omega on Yibo, even if it meant hiding him. He himself already had some sort of immunity, he would drag out for a very long time until they eventually gave up on him.

He had a well laid out plan, well all of that was only possible as long as their relationship was not leaked out.

In the meantime, he pulled Yibo closer, turned him around and placed his lips on his neck. Yibo tilted his head slightly to the side, giving Xiao Zhan access to his glands. Xiao Zhan caressed it with his tongue and before long, the sweet smell of orange filled the room.

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