18. Visitors on Zerg

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Zerg hardly had visitors. Even if they did, the man in charge would be informed and it was usually to drop off a prisoner or someone they wanted to disappear. This was the main reason why they were surprised when they got unexpected visitors.

Yibo was roused from his sleep by the sound of a bell. This was the summoning bell used to gather all the guards to an assembly point on Zerg. Yibo's mind was still slightly dazed from the blow he gave himself. He had a slight headache and barely managed to keep himself upright.

He believed this bell was for him. He had offended the person in charge and knocked him out.. even though his hormones had calmed, Yibo was sure he wasn't going to let him off.

On Zerg, there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. There was nothing he could do. The moment he knocked that man out, he was sure it was over for him. If he allowed that man to get a hold of him, he was going to be turned into a boytoy. If he was lucky, he was going to be killed directly.

Xiao Zhan's face flashed across Yibo's mind. He was not afraid of death, he was afraid of not seeing Xiao Zhan again. How would Xiao Zhan feel if he found out he was truly dead.

There was nothing he could do. He believed Xiao Zhan would be proud of him for choosing death than allowing another man have carnal knowledge of him. He took a deep breath and walked out of his dorm room, towards the assembly point.

When he arrived, he stood at the back of the line, trying to hide from the gaze of the person in charge. He was surprised to find out that things had turned out differently. He wasn't the reason for this assembly. He had been so keen on hiding that he didn't notice an aircraft at first, people had come from the home planet.

Since Yibo got here, no one had come over. He asked other guards and he was told that having guests wasn't a thing to be happy about as none of them ever left. Instead, their arrival meant a new person was been sent over.


He heard a voice give an order but he could tell that order was not directed towards them. He watched with surprise as the person in charge fell to his knees and he was kicked to the ground, falling face first. The person who gave the order took step forward, armed with a machine gun and placed a foot on the head of the person in charge.

"I have 2 reasons for coming here today but I'm going to start with the most important. Has anyone seen my comrade in arms? His name is Wang Yibo".


Comrade in arms? Who was this person? No wonder the voice sounded really familiar. He didn't have a proper look so he didn't realize that this was none other than Yu Bin at first. He almost jumped with joy but his legs felt heavy, he stood rooted to the spot.

Yu Bin was how he remembered but he looked a lot fiercer than before. Also, the came with 15 of his other platoon mates including Ji Li, each of them had changed, looking fiercer. Some even had scars on their faces.

Yibo soon notice the space in front of him empty. Since he didn't come out the people who was standing in front of him gave way as soon as they noticed Yibo was standing behind them.

The first person to make a move was Ji Li. He dropped that 'fierce' façade and ran right to Yibo. He was a lot shorter than Yibo so it was easy for him to jump on Yibo.

"Yibo! You're really here! Commander is going to be very happy". Soon the others encircled him, all of the trying to talk at the same time. The only person who kept his composure was Yu Bin, he had his foot on the head of the leader of zerg. When his eyes met with Yibo's, he gave him a smile and a nod.

"My second reason for coming here is also very important. We are well aware that some of you here are innocent and have been sent here due to a personal grudge. For those that are guilty, we would let the state decide your punishment and for the rest of you, you'd be given an option. Join our army, under the leadership of none other than commander Zhan. Your second option is to return to the planet and fend for yourselves. We would find a way to get you across but from then, you're on your own".

There was a murmur amongst those present. Whatever they chose was a good option. Most of them had no families to return to. Some of them were looking forward to reuniting with their loved ones. Both options were good, very good. Their murmurs soon turned into cheers.

It took a while to sort things out. In the meantime, Ji Li briefed Yibo about all that happened since he left. He was happy to know that Xiao Zhan was alive and well. He couldn't wait to be reunited with his lover. Also, Xiao Zhan was looking forward to meeting him again. The reason Xiao Zhan didn't come on this trip was because he had to oversee things back at home. Yu Bin was absent, he had to stay behind.

The chief commander and the army chief felt they had everything under control. Due to the disappearance of the president, both parties swore their innocence to each other but deep down they didn't trust each other and were secretly investigating each other.

The army chief had his own ambitions but the chief commander was even more ambitious so the plan was to cause chaos between them and allow their trust in each other be reduced to nothing. Xiao Zhan's men that were secretly planted on each side swung into action.

The army chief and the chief commander had both increased the security among them since the president went missing but the army chief was still easier to infiltrate.

That day, he was sitting in his office when his door was pushed open and a junior officer walked in. He recognized this person as one of the new recruits.

"Why are you here?"

He didn't suspect a thing so he didn't expect this person to immediately point a gun at him.

Things have been going out of control since the president was kidnapped. He suspected the chief commander to be behind this. This person in front of him was a weak alpha, he could easily take him down but not when the weaker one was armed with a gun. He decided to talk to him instead.

"Who sent you?"

The new recruit appeared to be trembling all over. "The chief commander... he asked me to kill you".

Seeing the way he trembled, the army chief knew this person had never taken a life and knew it would be easy to coax him.

"What did he promise you in return for doing this?"

"Money and power. He promised to groom me to take over his position while he took over yours".

The army chief chuckled. "And you believe him? Why haven't you shot at me"

"No I don't believe him sir. He threatened to send me away if I disobey him. He promised to make me disappear from the face of this planet. He has my omega in custody".

The army chief got up and walked towards the young officer, he pushed the gun down until it was no longer pointed towards him. The young officer looked down, unable to look him in the eyes, still trembling.

The army chief planned to kill him on the spot but on a second thought, he felt this person was quite pitiful, he did what he did because he didn't have a choice and decided to pardon him. Of course, he knew making a person disappear meant sending them to Zerg so he didn't doubt this person.

"I'd let you go for pointing a gun towards me but you have to tell me all you know. I would help you set your omega free".

His head was still down so the army chief did not notice when a smirk formed at the corner of his lips.

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