9. Induced heat

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They both slept off, taking in the smell of each other. Yibo woke up just in time for their morning drills and wanted to leave but Xiao Zhan dragged him back to bed.

"Just a little longer please..."

Yibo knew if he stayed any longer, he would get punished. He didn't want to hide under Xiao Zhan's wings and receive protection, he was an alpha, a soldier.

"I'd come back later. I'd come back tonight...that's if you want".

Xiao Zhan smiled and nodded, he watched Yibo from behind as he walked away towards the direction of the dorm.

Yibo felt Xiao Zhan would go back to sleep but by the time he was fully dress and he got to the training field, Xiao Zhan was already there. Seeing him arrive, Xiao Zhan smiled slightly and Yibo couldn't help himself from blushing. What sort of situation was this now? How could he train when Xiao Zhan was within his sight?

Training went on as usual, first they had to run a whole kilometer while chanting then they underwent certain drills after which they broke up into smaller groups each headed by a group leader. Yibo was already part of the group headed by Xiao Zhan, it was already so convenient.

After spending the night together, one would think they would both be relaxed with each other but the reverse was the case. Yibo was constantly tense and the task which usually took 20 minutes to complete took double the time.

There was also a beta; Ji Li in their group. Xiao Zhan was his idol but his actions sometimes exceeded that of one seeing their idol, almost like he had a crush on Xiao Zhan. In the past, these actions had no effect on Yibo but after last night, Yibo would cringe anytime Ji Li would touch Xiao Zhan on purpose because he knew the kind of things he said behind his back.

'I don't mind being commander's beta partner. He can keep as many omegas as he likes, all he has to do is look my way twice a month and I would happily give myself to him'

'When we were training today, my body mistakenly rub over the commanders jb. Actually it was supposed to be light but I pretended to fall just to press closer to him'

Every day, he had something to say and now Yibo could not help monitoring his every movement. Seeing Ji Li's eyes glued to Xiao Zhan, Yibo turned to look and soon he understood why.

They had been working out and Xiao Zhan took off his outer jacket, tying it on his waist. His inner sleeveless shirt clung to his body, accentuating his perfect figure. The shirt tied across his waist displayed how tiny his waist was, perfectly proportioned to his body. His sweat was dripping down his exposed body and it carried a whiff of his pheromones. Actually, there were a lot of pheromones mixed up in the air but Yibo could single out the one that belonged to Xiao Zhan.

Seeing him like this, he felt his body getting warm, he felt like wrapping him in a towel, he wanted to be the only one to see him this way, he wanted to be the only one smelling his pheromones.

Without even realizing, a sweet orange smell filled the air, making Xiao Zhan lose focus on what he was doing, causing him to be overpowered by Yubin, a level 6 alpha. When he turned to look at the source of the smell, he noticed Yibo's face had gone red but this time, it wasn't because he was blushing. Was he angry? Aroused?

"Yibo, are you in heat? Your pheromones are all over the place. Do you have an omega? By the way, why the hell do you smell so sweet?"

This question was asked by several people in a row. Yibo had never released pheromones this strong, it had always been negligible. An alpha's pheromones wouldn't move other alphas, betas were completely immune to it but Yibo was different, he was one of the few alphas who smelled almost like omegas, of course, the alphas in the area were slightly moved.

Xiao Zhan was affected the most but he held his calm. Yu Bin was the only other alpha close to him and he could see a tent forming on his trousers. Xiao Zhan punched him in his belly and that took care of him for a while, giving him enough time to walk over to Yibo.

"Are you in heat?"


"Do you have any suppressants on you?"

When alphas or omegas so into heat and cannot be with their partners, they took suppressants to keep themselves under control and also not to affect others nearby. Everybody carried one.

"I do but I think it's in my bag in the dorm room. I've only ever leaked out this much pheromones when I get stimulated during my visit to the doctors".

He remembered, even though he was an alpha, he hadn't differentiated formally, meaning he had never experienced his heat period. Looking at him, he didn't look like he was in his natural heat, more like he was triggered by something.

"Go back to my room, in the cupboard, you'd find suppressants there. Take a single capsule".

Yibo nodded and ran off immediately. By the time he got to the room, it had Xiao Zhan's smell all over. If he wasted any more time, he might lose control. He quickly found the suppressants and took one. In just a few seconds, he began to regain his calm and his pheromones faded gradually.

He felt a little weak so he lay down to rest for a few minutes. Who knew that when he woke up, half a day would have gone by, he missed his theory lessons.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan had taken permission on his behalf. He was their leader so he had to lead by example. He could have simply given him a verbal excuse but he didn't want to use his influence, he didn't want the attention of other's on Yibo.

When Yibo returned to their dorm that afternoon, Yu Bin walked up to him.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm fine... sorry I was absent today..."

"That's fine, the commander already put in a word for you."

Xiao Zhan didn't notice but his reaction that day was strong. Coupled with the fact that he took Yibo away the previous night and he didn't return till morning, a few people had already started to suspect. Yu Bin used this opportunity to tease.

"So tell me Yibo, are you going to become our commander's wife?"

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