11. An Omega in heat

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One moment, they were totally aroused but in an instant, the mood dissipated. Xiao Zhan was still fully clothed so he stood in front of Yibo and gave a salute. Seeing their condition, the chief commander acknowledged his greeting and excused them so they could get properly dressed.

They hurriedly dressed up. Yibo was trembling all over, Xiao Zhan had to help him put on his clothes. "Are you scared?"

Of course he was scared. They had only just gotten together, they weren't ready to be found out. Everything could go wrong.

As he helped him adjust his shirt, Xiao Zhan tried to calm him down. "I'd do my best to protect you if it comes to that. This isn't anything wrong. The only problem I foresee is being asked to take an omega lover. If it comes to that, I'd stall like I've been doing for years, okay?"

Yibo nodded.

"Wait for me in your dorm. I'd come pick you up when I'm free".


"About what you saw, I apologise for being careless".

It turns out that the chief was around the area and he decided to spend the night in the camp instead of a hotel, it had been long since he was out on the field and he missed the feeling. Also, he wanted to discuss something with Xiao Zhan but after what he just saw, he decided to hold on and talk to the other party involved.

"Ah, it's okay. We're all men and we have needs. Back then I had quite a few beta lovers but I'm not so strong anymore. The person I saw you with, he is a beta, right?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head.

"Oh an alpha, but he looks... never mind. He is handsome, I see why he caught your attention. Commander, you're now 26, how long till you get yourself at least an omega? Your genes are at its optimum between now and when you're 40. Remember it's part of your duty".

Xiao Zhan didn't want to refuse on the spot. "I know sir, I still have that in mind".

"Very well then, it's good you still have your sense of duty intact. I'd be going to bed now. I'd join you for your morning drills and I'd have breakfast at the canteen before leaving. It's been long since I ate something tasteless".

Both men laughed and discussed other matters concerning the army before he took his leave. The commander had an omega niece whom had her eyes on Xiao Zhan. She wanted to be bonded with him and he figured Xiao Zhan was a perfect match for her. She liked him and wanted him to herself. It was a challenge getting Xiao Zhan to pick a few omegas. He felt if he could pick his niece, he would help him in such a way that he wouldn't be asked to take other lovers. It would be a win-win situation for both parties.

He took out a phone and called his niece. "A-Li, I'm sorry but Xiao Zhan already has a partner. Even if he bonds with you, you would just be one of his lovers. I suggest you let him be and pick a less impressive alpha, one that doesn't attract a lot of attention. That way, he would get to be yours alone".

His niece replied with a string of sentences. He just laughed and ended the phone call. She was stubborn but Xiao Zhan was more stubborn. If she insisted on forcing herself on him, she should get ready to bear the consequences that came with it.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo were unable to see each other until the next day during their morning drill. The chief commander personally oversaw the drills and had breakfast with them. Before leaving, he had a short talk with Xiao Zhan.

"I have a niece in my custody, her parents were killed in the massacre, her father was my superior and her omega father was my younger brother, I'm sure you know her; Yang Li. She's an omega, yet to be bonded with an alpha. In all honesty, you're my first option, I want you two to bond. So when you're ready to pick a partner, give me some face and ensure my niece is the first person you consider".

Xiao Zhan nodded in affirmation, this battle was for another day, in the meantime, he wanted to get well acquainted with his lover. Too bad it was impossible to bond with another alpha.

Just like that, 4 months went by. Yibo's relationship with Xiao Zhan blossomed to the point that it was no longer a secret within the camp. They were more than just comrades, they were all they had and no one seemed to have an issue with it, well except Ji Li.

On this particular day, Xiao Zhan was feeling ill. He had gone to the infirmary and received treatment. He was asked to rest so he went over to his room, unable to oversee his duties for that day. Yibo occasionally spent the night in Xiao Zhan's room and he intended to do the same that night so he could look after his lover.

On his way over, he took some food from the canteen as he had not seen Xiao Zhan during their meals. When he got closer to Xiao Zhan's room, he picked a faint smell in the air. He was immune to omega pheromones but he was very sensitive to it, like other alphas. From what he could tell, this omega was in heat. How did an omega get into their camp? They only had alpha and beta soldiers, even the workers were all betas. The movement of omegas into their camp was strictly restricted and they had to come with an alpha guardian. What exactly was going on?

The closer he got to Xiao Zhan's room, the more intense the smell was. There were a few other rooms close by but Xiao Zhan was the only high ranking officer so he was the only resident here. Fearing what might be happening, Yibo lost his composure and kicked the door open.

Xiao Zhan was already overcome by the smell of the pheromone, he could tell from how red his eyes were and  the reaction on his body. Seeing Yibo, Xiao Zhan jumped on him. He was burning hot, he hadn't recovered from his illness before he got influenced by those pheromones. Xiao Zhan could hardly control himself. Since the day their happy time was cut short, they hadn't being intimate again.

"Touch me Bo", he pleaded with Yibo help him relieve himself but Yibo knew this was not the right time, there was still an omega in heat. First, he had to help Xiao Zhan regain his sanity.

Xiao Zhan clung tightly to him so Yibo dragged him along to the bathroom, he opened the cupboard where the medicines were kept and he gave Xiao Zhan a suppressant to swallow. After some seconds, his breathing slowed down and his temperature reduced significantly. Then he turned around to look for omega suppressants.

"Do you have any omega suppressants?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head. They never needed it here. He doubted if he could find any in the infirmary but they decided it was best to go check, they had no other choice. They left the omega who had turned red, twisting and turning on the bed and walked to the infirmary.

"Bo...", Xiao Zhan could tell Yibo was unhappy with the scene he walked into. "...she's the niece of the chief commander". That would explain how she got entrance. Xiao Zhan continued, "Her uncle wants us to be partners. I was resting when she came over, not long after she went into heat and then you walked in".

Yibo did not slow down as Xiao Zhan tried to explain. Right now he was not in a good mood. What if he hadn't come at the exact time that he did, was Xiao Zhan going to bond with her?

"Bo, please, you have to believe me".

He said nothing and they made the rest of their journey in silence. On their way back, they heard a ruckus and decided to go check it out. A security guard was in the process of bonding with an omega. It turned out that Yang Li had gone out of the room and ran into a security guard who coincidentally happened to be in his heat. The security didn't have his guards up as no one expected an omega to be in their camp. They were both under the influence of each other's pheromones and they jumped on each other right there.

Others had to stand guard, to stop people from walking in on them as they were out in the open, just beside the building. Just like that, Yang Li got bonded with a level 3 alpha.

Who was to blame? Definitely not Xiao Zhan as he would have been a victim. Not Yibo as he was trying to help his boyfriend and also help the omega get her estrus under control. It wasn't the fault of the guard, his territory was intruded upon. Not the fault of the chief commander as he never knew what she had planned, she said she was going to visit for a conversation, well, she told a lie.

But when the daughter of a high level military personnel, who died in the service of his nation was 'raped' by a low level alpha, someone had to take the blame and no one was as vulnerable and helpless as Yibo. It was all pushed unto him and he was summoned to the capital. Was Xiao Zhan just going to sit back and watch Yibo being forced to take the blame and face a possible death penalty just for some spoiled brat vent? Hell no!

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