12. My Partner is an Alpha

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If they had known that Xiao Zhan would not easily give up on Wang Yibo, they would have thought up another way to make someone pay for the crimes but as it stood it was already too late.

Yibo was summoned to face military court, on that day, Xiao Zhan showed up, fully dressed with all his stars, he took a seat right behind Yibo.

Military court in Tarra was run differently. One simply had his crimes read out and the punishment meted out. If he had a way to prove his innocence, he would be listened to.

With their few numbers, they had only 1 level 10 alpha; the army chief, 1 level 9 alpha; the chief commander and 2 level 8 alphas; Xiao Zhan was one of them. This meant Xiao Zhan was qualified to make a decision in military court but from the look of things, he was outnumbered 3 to 1. Also, he was neither informed nor invited which meant that Yibo's fate had already been decided and they intended to get the matter over with in one sitting.

Yibo was accused of conniving with an alpha to rape Yang Li in an attempt to get her away from Xiao Zhan. Yibo refuted all the claims and gave a recount of what happened that day. After listening to him speak, they had a vote on whether he was innocent or not. The other's voted to his guilt but Xiao Zhan voted for his innocence. He also came forward as a witness. They needed a unanimous vote to get punishment meted out and as long as Xiao Zhan continued to stand by him, they would be unable to punish him under the law.

Seeing how much Xiao Zhan was willing to fight for him, the chief commander asked Xiao Zhan to meet for lunch the next day to discuss a way forward. The army chief was also going to be there.

During lunch, the chief commander asked Xiao Zhan to let Yibo take the blame. He would go to prison and be dismissed from the army in order not to taint the Yang family name. If the truth came out, Yang Li would have brought shame to her generations of alphas who fought hard for the planet.

Xiao Zhan refused outrightly, he refused for Yibo or any member of his battalion to take the fall for a spoiled brat who tried to use her pheromones to seduce an alpha. His response infuriated the chief commander then he decided to hit Xiao Zhan where it hurts.

"Why are you clinging so much to an alpha? Don't tell me this is love. Have as much fun as you want with him but your marriage has been arranged, it has been agreed that we've given you enough time and 4 omegas have been assigned to you. They will be sent over to your home here in the capital and you have been granted a 1 month break. Come back here and fulfill your duty to the fatherland and procreate, this is an order".

This was not negotiable, Xiao Zhan had been given an order. They had now seen how much Xiao Zhan cared for this alpha and the first line of attack was to pair him off with omegas, cause a strain in their relationship but his reply left them stunned.

"I have decided not to bond with any omega. I have a partner, my partner is an alpha and I will be with no one else but him", he paused for a while and continued, not giving them the opportunity to bring it up. "Yibo is not going to bond with anyone else either".

This was directly disobeying orders and going against the law, which Xiao Zhan was part of the people who made that law.

"Commander, you know the consequences of disobeying an order. I know you're tough and you don't mind being punished but what of your Yibo? Will he also refuse to take an omega? Will he also disobey orders? If he does, can he withstand the punishment?"

Thinking of Yibo getting punished, Xiao Zhan flinched for a bit.

"You have 24 hours to consider or face military court for insubordination".

Meanwhile, in a different location, Yibo was also given two options. Accept the crime and go to jail or get bonded with an omega. If he refused, he was going to jail. Yibo didn't even flinch when he rejected both offers. He was also given 24 hours to think. In the meantime, he was remanded in custody.

There was no way for both men to communicate, even Xiao Zhan was refused entry into the facility Yibo was been held. He wasn't worried about himself, he was tough but Yibo on the other hand, he didn't know how much Yibo could take.

The easiest way out was to let Yibo go ahead and be bonded with an omega. It was going to be difficult but it was the only way to ensure his safety at the moment. He believed Yibo was going to choose that option. Even though it was best for him, Xiao Zhan couldn't stop his heart from feeling sad.

The next day, Yibo faced the military court for a second time, this time around, Xiao Zhan was absent. He was purposely asked to go to the military headquarters to receive orders. He knew this was an attempt to keep him away from Yibo's court session in an attempt to break him but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Yibo was ordered to bond with an omega, fulfil his duties as an alpha of the planet Tarra but Yibo refused saying he had no interest in omegas. There and then, he was sentenced to jail for refusing orders.

Xiao Zhan was informed that his omegas have been sent over, he just needed to sign the necessary documents saying they were under his protection from then henceforth. Xiao Zhan refused to sign the documents, stating he had no interest in it.

Xiao Zhan had refused a direct order from the president who was also an alpha but his level was never made public. It was quite unfortunate, they were short of man power and out there on the field, Xiao Zhan was the best there was so the president was unwilling to punish him. He was asked to return to his camp and continue his normal duties while he awaited further instructions. As punishment he wasn't allowed to leave camp except he was summoned.

Just like that, Xiao Zhan had been separated from Yibo for one whole month. Yibo was imprisoned but Xiao Zhan had no idea where he was or what his conditions were. Was this what he got for loving him? Xiao Zhan hated that he had caused Yibo hardship. All he wanted to tell Yibo was to accept the omega and be a free man. They could work on themselves after that.

Xiao Zhan thought this was the worst that could happen until he got news that Yang Li had died.

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