Extra 1

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Yibo woke up that morning feeling a bit weak. He had been back home for a few days and Xiao Zhan had never let him leave the house. Xiao Zhan had doctors come check him every day, checking his health, treating his minor injuries and carrying out a load of tests to see that his man was fine.

All the results had come back okay. Apart from fatigue and a little bit of malnutrition, Yibo was fine, he only needed to rest. Xiao Zhan banned him from attending drills and trainings, all he had to do was stay in bed and order the commander around. It seemed like the illness Xiao Zhan was looking for in him had finally decided to show up.

Since the Chief commander was taken into custody, Xiao Zhan was appointed as the chief commander and he had taken over his office. Apart from his battalion that he personally oversaw, he was now also in charge of the other battalion that was made up of only alphas.

Yu Bin wasn't back yet, Yu Bin was going to be appointed as commander to take Xiao Zhan's place but until then, Xiao Zhan had to do the work.

They had moved from the make shift camp where they had gone into hiding to a fully functional camp located in the capital. Xiao Zhan no longer spent the nights there, he stayed in his home in the capital. He spent the day looking after his men and spent the nights looking after his 'man'.

The situation of a shortage of alphas had more or less been resolved. Every week, a group of the people in zerg will be sent over, evaluated and integrated into the society. Those who indicated interest in joining the army were also evaluated. This was one of the reasons Yu Bin stayed behind. Alphas were no longer forced to bond with omegas but they were encouraged to do so.

That morning, Yibo woke up early as usual but he remained in bed till Xiao Zhan left. The compound was quite large and even if he couldn't go out to train, he could jog around a few times. That morning, he didn't feel like getting out of bed, he just wanted to remain there as he felt slightly lightheaded. His temperature was slightly increased. He had caught a fever.

He took a slice of bread and a cup of hot chocolate, after which he took some medicine for fever. The medicine made him drowsy but before he slept, he sent Xiao Zhan a message telling him how he felt and what he had taken.

Xiao Zhan didn't finish the drills for the day until noon and he didn't check his receiver until then. He saw that Yibo was feeling ill so he quickly rounded up with what he was doing and took the rest of the day off to accompany his boyfriend.

Because of his status, he now had a few guards looking over the house at all times. He was surprised to find them all standing outside the premises. What could have happened?

"Sir", they saluted but didn't say anything further.

They were 6 in number and of the 6, two were alphas and 4 were betas. He noticed the alphas among them were physically distressed. "What happened?"

They all turned to exchange glances. None of them could explain what had happened. They had a close relationship with their boss so they could speak freely.

"Sir... Yibo... you should go in and see for yourself".

Yibo... Yibo was ill. What the hell had happened? He didn't wait for them to finish talking when he ran off towards the front door.

The closer he got, the more he smelled something in the air, a familiar citrus smell. This was the smell of Yibo's pheromones but why? Why was it so intense? Why was it so widespread? Could it be that Yibo had gone into heat?

Yibo suffered from a pheromone abnormality which meant he couldn't go into his heat naturally except something had induced it. Also, he had still not differentiated into an alpha even though it was proven that he was an alpha.

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