19. Send Yibo over

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The chief commander was in his office when he heard hurried footsteps walking towards him. The door of his office swung open and two rows of soldiers marched in, surrounding the inside of his office.

At the end of the line, the army chief walked in. The chief commander more or less understood that the army chief had gone against him. He was prepared for such an occurrence so he wasn't panicked.

He stood up and gave a customary salute, enquiring why his office was barged into.

The army chief read out a row of charges including conspiring to kidnap the president, conniving with officers to murder his superior, embezzling funds, using military equipment and property for his personal use and attempting a coup.

The chief commander smiled. Apart from kidnapping the president and conspiring to kill his superior, everything else was true but the funny thing was that the army chief was his partner in crime. If he went down, they both would go down together.

"No need to send you to military court, the president has given me the authorization to carry out judgement. Do you have anything to absolve yourself of your crimes?".

After the army chief was turned against the chief commander, a lot of things happened. The president contacted the army chief and he agreed to leak the secrets he had with the chief commander in exchange for an easy way out. To cut the long story short, the chief commander was guilty of treason which was a crime punishable by death.

Also, the chief commander's personal records were hacked and a lot of the information in there was changed. Everything tying him to the army chief was changed and he was made to take all of the blame alone. When the army chief came to his office, his first instinct was to bring out incriminating evidence but no matter how hard he searched, he found none.

He checked his personal computer for the offline copies he kept but those were also changed. He had no printed out copies and now all the evidence which he kept as his leverage in case of situations like this had been erased.

He looked at the army chief and the smile on his face showed that he was well aware of what was going on. Seeing that he had nothing to defend himself with, he gave an order "take him away".

While he was being moved out of his office to the holding facility, he passed by Xiao Zhan in the passage and paused in his steps. He could see clearly now. Xiao Zhan was behind all of it. He had somehow joined hands with the army chief to get him arrested. At the moment, he was powerless. His first instinct was to struggle but he knew struggling wasn't going to do him any good.

His only way out was the planet Zerg. He planned to escape there and build an army out of the prisoners if the need ever arose. He decided to keep calm and think of a way to escape. If he was ever able to leave custody, he would find a way to escape to zerg.

After he was taken away, Xiao Zhan walked into his office and met the army chief.

"I've kept my end of the bargain, the chief commander is yours to deal with as you deem fit. Remember your promise".

Xiao Zhan and the president had agreed to let him go but he was to retire on his own with immediate effect and to live as an ordinary citizen from then henceforth. There would always be an eye on him in case he attempted to do anything funny and if he dared, he would be killed on the spot.

Xiao Zhan was left alone in the office and following directions given by the army chief, he pressed a button and it revealed a keypad. He entered a string of numbers and a door opened up. Inside that room was only a chair, a table and a telephone that had dust settled on it. He took a deep breath, picked up the phone and pressed speed dial two.


It took Yu Bin and his crew 8 days to move from Tarra to Zerg. It has been 2 weeks since their arrival. It took a lot of time to go through all the prisoners held here. Some were guilty and some were not. It was left for the president to decide what to do with the guilty ones. Meanwhile, he had taken over the office of the person in charge, waiting daily for the phone to ring.

That afternoon, he was flipping through a magazine over 12 years old when the phone suddenly rang. He rushed to answer.

"Yu Bin, everything here is going according to plan. The army chief and the chief commander fell out with each other, the army chief told us all he knew and the chief commander is under arrest. The army chief had agreed to retire once everything is over. How are things over there?"

Yu Bin talked for a long time but carefully avoided the topic of Yibo. He knew Xiao Zhan was aching to hear about him, whether he was there or not.

After taking for so long, he kept quiet and didn't say anything else.

Xiao Zhan had been listening patiently. Hearing the silence, he wished he was there to smack that person. Of course he knew Yu Bin wanted him to ask.

"And... Yibo... Is he there?"

Yu Bin smiled. "Yes, he is here and he is doing fine. He wasn't arrested here, instead he was made to work as a guard".

Being a prisoner and a guard on zerg, there wasn't much of a difference.

Yu Bin also gave an account of the number of people here. There were more alphas in Zerg than alphas in Tarra. If they were to move back home, there wouldn't be any need for the law to force an alpha to take many omegas. This was a good thing, besides most of them were innocent or their crimes were minor.

"How much longer do you need to be there for?"

After a rough calculation, Yu Bin figured it would take at least 3 months to settle things there and move everyone back to Tarra. He gave Xiao Zhan a list of supplies they would be needing.

"I'd send over the supplies tomorrow, it would take 8 days to arrive. Take your time and settle the matters over there. I'd send a few more men to assist you".

The men coming back from zerg needed to be settled back into the population and because of their numbers, they had to return in batches. Also, Yu Bin and his men needed at least one space ship on standby incase of any emergency so they could make a clean escape.

Because of this, Yibo could not leave Zerg immediately nd Xiao Zhan couldn't wait much longer.

"Meanwhile", he continued to speak. As soon as your supplies arrive, send Yibo over to me. Make sure you waste no time Yu Bin, this is an order".

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