14. Let him see his lover

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Wang Yibo had been locked up for a month but nothing else had happened since then. He was fed and allowed to train within the grounds of the holding facility. His bonding was no longer mentioned. He was neither tortured nor maltreated. This should have been a good sign but Yibo could tell, they were keeping him so they could use him against Xiao Zhan. This made his every second spent in custody almost unbearable because he could feel a storm coming.

He just took a nutrition pack as he hardly had any appetite when the door of his cell was opened. A warden came to him and asked him to turn around. He was blindfolded and handcuffed. Yibo knew Xiao Zhan was in some sort of trouble and his heart trembled in fear.

He was led to a certain location. He walked for a bit then they got into an elevator. After exiting, they walked a little and he heard doors made of steel being opened.

As soon as the room opened, a sudden cold rushed towards him and he could feel all the hair on his body stand. He could smell a mixture of blood, sweat and cigarettes in the air. Where exactly was this.

"Hummph humph", he heard someone's muffled voice. The person was trying to speak, more like plead but his mouth was obviously shut. Yibo had no idea why he was here. He could not see anything in front of him but he knew this was not good. Was that Xiao Zhan? Impossible. His lover was a high ranking military officer, he could never be reduced to this.

He was made to sit on a chair made of iron. Through his layers of clothes, he could feel the cold seep through and come in contact with his skin. In the blink of an eye, his legs and arms were strapped and he was strapped across the waist, firmly tied to the chair. He knew this was bad.

Before he could think, he felt electricity run through his body. He wasn't prepared, he never knew he was made to sit on an electric chair. His body shook uncontrollably and his teeth clanked against each other. He heard those muffled sounds again, as if the person was protesting, pleading, begging with all of his might.

After a few seconds, the electricity was cut off, then he heard a voice which he recognized as that of the chief commander.

"Since torture has no effect on you, I wanted to see how you'd react when your boyfriend was being tortured. If I had known this was the only way to break you, I would not have wasted my time torturing you, I should have done that to him from the start".

His fears had indeed come to pass. He was being used to get at Xiao Zhan but how did it become like this? Why was Xiao Zhan here? A highly decorated officer, the backbone of the entire planet, no matter what, he shouldn't be treated like this.

Since they chose this method, he had to show his man that he could rely on him. Even if it meant his death, he was willing to die rather than show any weakness. This was the first time, and he swore it would be the last time he would be used to get to his lover. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

Soon he felt his hands being held tightly and an object placed close to his finger nails. Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a sharp excruciating pain as his finger nails were being pulled off one after the other. He gritted his teeth as he shook all over in pain. He refused to let out a single sound but that same muffled voice continued to plead.

"Hmmmmph hmmmph huuuum".

After a short time, it seemed they took away the object tying his mouth and he was able to speak.

"Please, I beg of you, let him go. You can do anything you want to me. Just let him go. He is innocent and I dragged him into all of this"

The commander didn't listen. He just laughed and spoke to the guard in charge of the torture, "continue".

Yibo didn't know what was coming, he tried his hardest not to struggle but from the way Xiao Zhan screamed and pleaded, he could tell it was nothing good.

"Stop, please stop. I'd do it, I promise. I'd bond with whomever you want, just let him go".

Yibo felt like he had been struck with lightening. He was ready to die if it came to that, how could Xiao Zhan give up so easily? Was this the love they promised each other?

At the moment, he let his emotions take over his good judgement but he had no ideas the difficulties Xiao Zhan was going through.

"Commander, I already told you. You'd do whatever I want but it's not going to be on your terms anymore. I'd make it so that you cannot resist. I'd reduce you to nothing that even the omegas would ride over you".

Yibo wanted to hold his hands in a fist but the pain was unbearable, he could not move.

"I would have considered you but my niece is gone now, I have nothing to lose so..."

His niece died? Yibo had no idea. Was Xiao Zhan blamed? How did she die? He had a lot on his mind when he heard the commander give an order asking them to continue.

First, it was his fingers, now his toe nails were pulled off one by one. The pain was more than when he fingers were pulled. He tried to hold his screams but he was panting heavily and sweating profusely while Xiao Zhan screamed and begged continuously.

The moment his toes nails were taken off, his feet were placed in a bowl of a certain liquid and he could feel the pain seeping into the places where there were sores. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but he couldn't let Xiao Zhan down.

"I see you're so tough. I didn't expect you to last this long, kudos to you", the chief commander spoke to him this time around.

As he said that, Yibo felt something hot placed on his skin. The pain made him tremble slightly as he felt his skin being burned. Xiao Zhan kept screaming and pleading but all his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Seeing that Yibo wasn't the way he wanted, he decided to take things up a notch.

"Take off his blindfolds, let him see his lover and let's see how much longer he can put up with this act".

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