4. Smell like oranges

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It had been 2 days since Xiao Zhan's escape but no one had noticed, that only showed he had been abandoned in that place and left for death. In a few days, his water will be due for a refill, then there would be a probability of finding out that Xiao Zhan had escaped. They had to make a move before then, take everyone unawares. Their plan was to hold the leader hostage. As long as he was in their custody, they could easily secure Yibo's release.

The group planned, they didn't want Xiao Zhan to accompany them on this mission as they felt he wasn't in his best capacity, his health had deteriorated since he was locked up.

How could Xiao Zhan not worry? They were his responsibility after all. Besides, all they did was for him and Yibo.


Back then, after the crash, Xiao Zhan found out Yibo stayed behind to keep him company. He had injured his legs but he felt it was nothing to worry about so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

They had no food with them but they had enough nutrition packs to last them for a few months. The only potential problem was water. In that planet, not only was the ground infertile, the water was also acidic. That included rain water.

"The water we have would only last us a few days, that's if we manage it properly. You would have been more of help if you had arrived safely instead of staying here with me".

No matter what, Xiao Zhan had to scold him for being impulsive but Yibo didn't mind. He muttered something under his breath, Xiao Zhan did not hear him clearly, he wasn't in the mood to investigate further.

"So, do you have any plans? Coming here with me, you must have a plan, right?"

Yibo was a soldier and he could not afford to lose face in front of the commander, one who he had been trying to please since he first set foot on camp.

"No I didn't come here with a plan but I have one made up".

Xiao Zhan signaled to him to share what he had in mind.

"We can wander around, look for supplies, move to a more open ground so if there is any rescue, it would be easy to find us".


Xiao Zhan shook his head. Yibo was indeed not cut foe outdoor survival. Come to think of it, the only reason he wasn't kicked out of the army was his zeal to succeed, he wasn't outstanding at anything.

"This is the best place we can be. Tell me, how did you find me".

"I was hovering around and caught sight of our crashed aircraft, I figured you won't be too far from it". As he spoke, his ears turned red. He seemed to have realized the reason he was asked.

"If you could think like this, the rescue team would have the same thought. It would be easier to sight this massive aircraft from afar compared to two tiny figures. Besides, the weather condition here is really harsh, it gets so cold at night. Our aircraft is still intact, it can provide us shelter. Don't wander too far away".

Having said that, Xiao Zhan moved around the aircraft looking for supplies that may be of help. Soldiers usually have a backpack that contained small necessities but it was usually on them at all times when they were on such missions. During an emergency, they had to discard it to lessen their weight before using the escape pods.

There were a lot of backpacks lying around but they mostly contained nutrition pack. The few bottles of water had been gathered and the remaining items were basically useless to them.

After sitting quietly for a few hours, Xiao Zhan noticed Yibo had gotten bored and if he didn't strike up a conversation, there was no way Yibo was going to strike one up. He himself was in no mood to talk so he prepared a space to sleep, it was large enough to contain 2 people. Without saying anything, he went to bed.

Hours later, he was awakened by a piercing cold. The nights here were unbelievably cold. Their aircraft was no longer airtight due to the crash so some cold seeped inside. It was nothing compared to the outside but still, it was almost unbearable for them.

He also noticed Yibo had not come to sleep, instead, he lay down where he had been sitting and slept off. He could see him shivering. He was 5 whole level stronger than Yibo so he could imagine the cold was worse on him.

"Why didn't you come over here to sleep? I made it large enough for the both of us".

Yibo was also unable to sleep due to the freezing cold. How could he climb into his commander's bed?

Seeing that he had no reply, Xiao Zhan asked him to come over and not sleep too close to the window.

Yibo had no choice than to do as he was told. He moved over and lay on his side, with his back towards Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan knew he was tense so he didn't make things difficult for him. After all, the only reason Yibo was here was so that he didn't feel lonely.

Xiao Zhan moved to the edge, lay on his side with his back towards Yibo and slept off.

When he opened his eyes, it was almost dawn, he could tell it was still cold but he felt a certain warmth wrapped around his body. It felt nice and comfortable, it smelled comfortable too.

Soon he realized, Yibo had moved over in his sleep and wrapped his body around him, probably seeking warmth. He knew if Yibo woke up and met himself in this position, he would be almost unable to hold his head high again so he decided to gently free himself from Yibo's grip.

Just as he succeeded in moving away, Yibo sensed his source of warmth had gone and he moved trying to find it. He held on to Xiao Zhan once again, this time, he threw one leg across his body. They were no longer lying back to back but they were now facing each other.

Xiao Zhan wanted to move away again by instinct but he couldn't deny it, this warmth felt pleasant. He could smell Yibo's pheromones lightly and they smelled like oranges. Alpha's usually have a stronger smell but there were quite a few who smelled mildly, almost like a beta or an omega. Just the way there were masculine women and feminine men.

His smell seemed to calm Xiao Zhan down, he had never smelled pheromones so sweet, not even on an omega. How come this alpha calmed him this way?

Without knowing it, he had moved his face closer to Yibo to inhale more of that faint smell. Yibo had a childish handsomeness to him, his looks didn't match his actual age. He was already 20 but he still looked 16, his features were soft and delicate. If not that his medical report showed that he was an alpha and he had personally seen him subdue a few other alphas and betas, Yibo would have easily passed as an omega.

Almost overcome by his pheromones, Xiao Zhan had a sudden urge to probe further. He slightly pushed Yibo's face to the side to have access to his glands. Soon, his eyes fell on Yibo's glands.

Alphas and Omegas have glands located on the same spot on their neck. While alpha's glands were tough, omega's were soft. Upon looking at Yibo glands, he noticed something was wrong with it.

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