0.1 -The Beginning of Everything

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That whole incident had been two months ago and to say that my world turned upside down after walking out of Roger's office would have been the understatement of the year. After the ghosting of my ex-boyfriend, I lost my will to want to do anything. I stopped talking to my friends, and my family, and I went radio silent on all of my social media. The only thing I put myself into was my job. I wanted to make sure I steered clear of Ryan at all times. Even going through and deleting him from everything. That seemingly didn't go unnoticed by the super fans.

A month after the whole break up and job switch, I walked into the my doctor's office as I had not been feeling the greatest. I had a headache that I couldn't get rid of. It would not leave from the left front of my temple, and was the worst migraine I have had in a long while. Everything had been going just fine as the nurse took my temperature and blood pressure, giving me the speech about how they'd give me some fluids to help and if that didn't work a shot would be needed since I did have a history of migraines, but it wasn't until the question of when my last period happened that my mind blanked. I had meant to reschedule my birth control shot at least three months ago.

With a full-on panic attack happening in the middle of the small room, not helping my pounding head, I tried to think things through. I knew I had been intimate with Ryan then and there was a great chance that I had gotten pregnant. After doing a test and it confirmed that I knew I was completely fucked. I had been doing so good with being Joey's PR that I knew the moment I would even say one peep of this I would be fired.

We had no contact with each other or were terminated, and I couldn't do that to him. NASCAR was his dream and he loved the team he was at. I wasn't fucking that up for Ryan.

But life is funny like that and even having my ex's baby still wasn't the thing that turned my world upside down.

Brett had stopped me before a race at the beginning of the month letting me know before anyone else that there was going to be a press release about Ryan and his new girlfriend Gianna the following day. It was going to go on to say that there was nothing between us and that Ryan and she had been together for months, per Roger's decision. 

That's when I was knocked to the floor. Quite literally too. I had fainted when he told me, call it a mix of shock and the heat getting to me. Imagine waking up in the infield care center to a bunch of people looking over you and an IV in your arm. Thankfully, I had not been injured and no one had found out about the baby. And even if any of the personnel did, they were legally not able to say anything.

Joey and Brittany had been worried about me since the day they talked to me after I told them about the relationship ending. They were so supportive of Ryan and I's relationship and had us over to their house for anything and everything more times than I can count. We had even been dubbed aunt and uncle to Hudson and Jameson.

I had been pretty open with how Ryan had acted during the meeting and even when I had been in the room with him. Neither of them understood the whole mess or why Ryan won't fess up on why he went through with the breakup. They both had tried relentlessly to figure out the sudden cold shoulder I was getting.

When I met the pair on pit road later that day after being released, Brittany flocked like a mother hen to make sure I was alright. Even telling me that I shouldn't worry about working at the moment. I told her it was okay, knowing I had to do my job since I wasn't in the best terms with my boss. 

Right behind us, I noticed the concern filled eyes of my ex-boyfriend, and realized that he had caught Brittany's words but he couldn't do anything as his new misses was beside him. I tried to keep my gaze away from the two but failed miserably. I had caught him staring at me a couple more times, causing my heart to beat faster. Ten minutes before pre race ceremonies started, Ryan pulled Joey aside to talk with him. I knew it wasn't race related either as both of them kept glancing my way. 

Brittany and I had talked about this while the race had gone on in front of us. I one hundred percent believe that that's why he didn't have a good race. His mind was elsewhere. It had made my heart soar a bit but I knew I couldn't let it do it often. We were over and done.

It was the middle of August now and I was still putting all my energy into working the best that I could, even if that energy was at a very low level. Indy had went good for Ryan, coming in second but it didn't fair well for Joey. He had an accident that took him out of the race, ending his day in thirty-fourth.

 With all that behind us, we were focusing on the next few weeks. Joey had a Planet Fitness grand opening in Florida the week after this that he was attending before the Daytona race so I was finalizing everything with that before I had to get ready to go to a doctor's appointment. It would be the first one where they get to see the baby on an ultrasound machine and I was excited. I hadn't meant to rush through all my work, but I was anxious to see my baby. As soon as I was exiting my office I noticed a couple of familiar people standing at the end of the hall. If I knew I would be having this encounter, I would have went at a snails pace to avoid it.

Of course, it would be Ryan and Gianna. Souring my mood the moment I saw them. Unfortunately, the only way out was to go by them so I mentally prepared myself for the complete cold shoulder.

Pulling out my keys to look away from them and distract myself I tried moving to the elevator with no contact. Lucky for me, fate was never on my side as Gianna put her back foot out acting like she was going to move. That's when my foot caught hers causing me to drop my keys as I caught myself on the wall. Couldn't be putting my baby in danger with a nasty fall.

"You should watch where you're going." She said, a smirk on her face because she did that on purpose. I caught Ryan's gaze but he never said a word. Thanks a lot, Ryan.

"Duly noted." I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I bent down to pick up my keys. I didn't have time for them. I wanted to see my child and not deal with foolish girls with jealous tendencies. Without looking back, I finally made it to the elevator and then went out to my car. All the while,  trying to forget the way Ryan's gaze lingered over me.

Before I start please know that Gianna is  Ryan's girlfriend IRL BUTTT she is absolutely perfection and I am not hating on her what so ever in this story. Other than her face claim and stuff that's it for Gianna. Literally the Insta post of Ryan's My queen photo the other week had me all happy for him. They're adorable and I'm not hating on them at all.

So I hope you like this. Just finished another chapter so I figured I'd post chapter one for you guys. Chapters are smaller than my other stories because I want this to be a shorter story.

-Stay Beautiful

Courtney S 💞

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