0.4 - Half of It

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The plane ride to Indianapolis was the worst one yet. Roger had the great idea for drivers, guests, and close media personnel to all take a plane down. I had not been looking forward to it. Brad, Joey, and Ryan had all been sitting in a circle going through what the game plan for Sunday was to be. We knew that we didn't want anything like Daytona where neither car that was contending for a win, actually won. I couldn't blame him, this was something that they needed to work on.

Paige, Brittany, and I had been playing with the kids as Gianna sat by herself on her phone, she tried talking to us in the beginning but everyone gave her the cold shoulder. None of us liked her, and I think both of the wives had caught on to the fact that she was a total bitch to me. Making remarks about my weight. I saw Brittany glow red every time she said something because we had figured out that we were close to the due dates. She was due on the fourteenth of February and I was on the twenty-second. So she had taken offense to the fat remarks because we were quite equal in size. It was crazy because even though it was my first pregnancy, I was growing a belly faster than I thought I would.

Thankfully Gianna just thought I was fat and not pregnant.

Paige was clueless about everything with the reason Brittany was so mad. I wasn't comfortable telling her just yet, the fewer people who know the better chance that Ryan doesn't find out.

"Courtney, what time is the grand opening in Daytona in a couple of weeks?" Joey asked when the group disbanded for the time being. Grabbing some papers from behind me, I scanned through them to find the answer.

"Uh, it's at two with a Penske signing at the track following right behind that at three-thirty," I said, seeing the team signing and internally groaning. I had forgotten about that and I wished I could skip it. Joey said thank you to me before talking with Brittany. Paige and the girls walked back to where Brad had sat with Ryan, Brett, and Gianna, leaving me with the boys.

Once we got off the plane I was ushered to a bus I was sharing with Brett and Markus, who was Brad's PR. The boys both dropped their bags off before heading back out the door. We had the rest of the day off before working bright and early in the morning. Myself however, I was going to shower and find something to do around the bus.

Grabbing a pair of jean shorts out of my bag, I walked into the small bathroom and began undressing. Doing a quick wash-off, I was out of the shower in no time. I put my black tank top back on with new shorts. As I walked out, the door opened to the bus, and in walked Brett and Ryan. With a jolt of fear running through me, I ran into the room to grab another shirt to put on; throwing on an old, oversized Pantera tee shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't realize anyone would be back so soon," I said when I walked back out to the two men. That is after I made sure the shirt was good and loose.

"Don't be, I just needed to grab a few papers for Ryan." I nodded my head. Grabbing my phone off the counter, I checked it to see another message from my brother asking how I was doing. Deciding to leave his message, I locked it again.

"We're going to head out for some lunch, want to join?" Brett's voice caused me to look up at the two. Ryan looked uncomfortable with his question.

Biting my lip, I hadn't had many cravings up until right now because the only thing I could think about after he said lunch was a nice cheeseburger with lots of pickles. Doesn't sound too crazy of a craving except I hate pickles.

"Sure, let me grab my wallet real quick."

Going back to my bag, I grabbed my black wallet out of it and slipped on the pair of flip-flops I brought so I wouldn't be wearing uncomfortable shoes all weekend. The weather wasn't bad but I wasn't about to change into a different shirt because this one was the loosest one that I had packed. I would sweat my ass off in a black shirt before I ever changed into one of the white, more fitting ones, that I had packed.

Brett and Ryan had waited outside the bus for me but then I noticed everyone else standing with them. Gianna was right on Ryan's arm as he was trying to have a conversation with Chase. I hated clingy girls, and I knew Ryan did as well.

 I never cared if Ryan was hanging out with friends and he was always cool when I would hang out with anybody. That was one of the things that we loved. We both loved each other but were never clingy around friends like that.

When Gianna saw me walk out, she rolled her eyes. I had no idea why she acted the way that she did. If I had to talk with her, I was always professional. I never wanted anyone to say one ill word to Roger about my work ethic. I took a lot of pride in my job and I worked hard to be where I'm at now.

Falling behind the group as we walked, I took out my phone to not feel so alone. Clicking on Brandon's message, with a quick reply that I was doing okay, just putting myself to work. Looking up for a brief moment as I heard them talking about where we should eat, it was too late I had already run in the back of someone. With a snide comment from Gianna about watching where I was going, I quickly apologized to Chase.

"Don't worry about it, just wondering if you're okay?" I had a thought for a second, knowing that my stomach had hit his back a bit but I didn't feel bad. "We're all fine here." After I said it, I realized that I spoke in plural terms. Flushing red, I hoped no one noticed. 

When I met Ryan's eyes, it seemed like he had been confused about why I put it like that but then seemed to shrug his shoulders. Ignoring his reaction, I started talking with Chase as if he had fallen back with me after noticing that I was walking alone. He had always been a close friend to me and I was grateful for it. "How are you doing? I know things have to be awkward between you two now." We had fallen far enough behind that the others hadn't noticed our absence. 

"I don't even know. Life has been a mess lately, and no one even knows the half of it."

I updated my other Ryan Blaney story so I figured this one should be updated too. I hope you enjoy this and no there won't be any love triangles with Ryan and William Clyde. Just Chase being a great friend. :D Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think will happen or how you feel about the races yesterday and Saturday.

-Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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