2.2 - Proud

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Four hours was how long it took before my water broke while dealing with the pain. I almost wasn't sure it had because of the pressure that accompanied it almost felt like another contraction but the rush of even more liquid running across my legs as I showered seemed like a clear indicator. Thankfully I hadn't been in the bath since it was an easy way to get an infection. The time never got closer between contractions up until about an hour ago when they were down to six minutes apart. That's when we realized it wasn't just Braxton Hicks playing tricks on us.

Amanda and I both had tried to get ahold of anyone we could to get word to Ryan when the labor started but it was useless. He must have already been on his way back by that time and I wasn't sure if he had turned his phone off or his plane didn't have access to the internet.  So he'd have a lot of missed calls and messages when he was able to check his phone.

When the water turned cold, I sighed and got out. Dressing in some sweats of Ryan's. I remembered that some of the post-pregnancy pads were under the sink, waiting for this moment and what was to follow.

"I called your and Ryan's parents to let them know what was going on. Lisa said she would be meeting us at the hospital. Your mom is leaving when she can." She slipped her phone into her back pocket, came over to the bed, and helped me put on my socks and shoes before handing me a large hoodie with some sponsor on the front of it.

"Baby bag is by the door leading to the garage," I told her once done. She nodded her head, asking if I was okay for the moment so she could go grab it. When I said I'd be fine, she rushed out of the room and down the stairs. Taking what little alone time I had right now, I let myself feel the nerves. I was scared beyond belief and to top it off I didn't even have Ryan with me. Seems as though God was telling me you didn't have him when you found out so you don't get him around when you are having the baby either.

Hearing the sounds of footsteps approaching, I pulled the hoodie over my head; stopping after getting my head through to breathe through another shot of pain. Warm hands found my back and applied gentle pressure to counteract the tension that was happening.

"Thank you," I whispered out since my breathing had yet to recover. With a soft smile, she shook her head. "Don't thank me, I am just glad I was here to help. Now, let's get you to the hospital so Baby Blaney can make his appearance."


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I was going to miss it. My first child's birth and I was missing everything. My phone had almost combusted with the amount of spam I was getting when I turned it back on after getting to Charlotte. 

"Dammit!" I saw the last message from Courtney, letting me know that she was admitted and had only gotten to four centimeters and that was about an hour ago. The groan that accompanied the pissed-off look I had made anybody within arms reach look at me with worried eyes. Except for one person.

"My truck sitting in the lot, let's go."  I hadn't mentioned anything out loud to Chase but he seemed to already know what was happening. Without even asking, he had pulled his phone into view letting me know that his phone had been spammed as well. With a nod, we both grabbed our stuff and all but ran out into the cold weather.

I'm glad it was Chase driving and not me because I did not have the patience for the drivers who were taking their time because of the snow. Not their fault, I chided myself as we made it onto the main highway. 

"Seems fitting for our luck, I missed the beginning of Court's pregnancy so why not miss the ending as well." The look I got was enough to stop my rant after that.

"Ain't no fucking way I'm letting you miss anything else." His voice was more of a growl that had me not wanting to say anything more about being late. 

Switching the subject, I told him which hospital she was acting in and watched as he accelerated the gas. His gaze shifted to following the exits he was taking. When he saw the front of the building, he pulled right up the front, telling me that he'd take my stuff to his house and be back later. I looked at him and then the time on the dash, noticing that it was nearing almost midnight. Telling him to sleep and I call with any news. No point in him sitting in a waiting room for who knows how long. Opening the door, I looked at Chase as he spoke. "Send my love to Court. She's strong, labor will be nothing to her." Before I could shut the door, he smiled. "And congratulations, Ryan." His voice was thick something I had only heard a few other times. Giving a nod and smile, I closed the door and slowed down a little when I walked through the sliding doors.

To my right stood the front desk but that's not what caught my attention. I was sitting in a seat in the waiting room, looking at his phone. I hadn't even thought to answer any of the messages back, and now I wish I had taken a second to send Courtney, or even my mom, something to let them know I was on my way to the.

The noise from my shoes squeaking against the dry floor caused the man who raised me to look up. His facial features seemed to relax when he saw it was me, if only for a second. My legs took me over to him, my arms wounding around him. 

"Ready to become a dad?" He asked, pulling away. The question had been asked to me the last couple of days by many people but none of them held a candle to the nerves I felt when my dad asked me that. The way he looked so proud even at the thought was something I didn't think I'd ever see outside of racing. That's just the way we were but here and now, he was the most excited I had ever seen him. I was sure that no amount of wins or championships would get the same reaction.

For the sake of my child, I was about to become his father and could only hope I was as great as mine was for me.

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