1.5 - Visitor

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Lord, why is my heart racing this much? Was I nervous about my son or talking about my feelings? Both, no doubt. But I had thought pretty long and hard about what I was wanting to say concerning our son and I'm not sure how she will take it. The Darlington part is just an add-on to the other.

"I know we have a lot of shit going on right now with my work but your health and his come first. I know it's probably not ideal for you but I was thinking that maybe for the rest of your pregnancy, you move some stuff here so you don't have to worry about things."

I could tell by the way she crinkled her nose that she wasn't too enthused with the idea.

"Think about it. Erin and William are just down the street. My parents are closer to my house than yours and they have already said if you or I need anything to not hesitate and call them. Plus work is only a ten-minute drive from my house whereas yours takes almost double that without the hassle of traffic." I was pleading now but I didn't care. I would not rest until I knew she was resting and taking it easy.

"Okay, I'll move a bit of my things over only on one condition." Without even letting me nod my head because whatever she was going to say I would agree with, she continued. "We have to figure this whole parenting thing out. You're going to need a room for him here too. I had planned on starting his room at my house this past week because February will be here before we know it and we both still have a lot to do and learn."

Agreeing with that because it was true. Even if we didn't get things worked out, I would still need a baby room.

"I have a couple of things to do in the morning but after we can go over to your house and get a few things. I'm sure Sturgill will love having his best buddies over." I gave her a grin, earning a snort of laughter back.

Sturgill was not a fan of her cats, especially whenever I would take him over to her house on nights when I stayed with her. He always snubbed his nose at them or left the room if they tried to get near him, even though they are the most friendly animals. Lazy was more like it, Sturgill just did not like them

"Poor Sturgill." She said, rubbing the not-so-small head off his. His ears perked up but not by much. He wasn't too enthralled with this new arrangement already.


I was not happy about having to stay home for the weekend races but I had to, we were still in relaxation mode as we had been for a couple of weeks. At the end of Richmond Ryan ended tenth and then finishing the first round with a fourth place at Bristol sailed us into the Round of Twelve with ease. The first two races of the next round went by without much change to where Ryan sat on the leaderboard. Everyone on the team was content with sitting so high in points. I was excited too, but not for the playoffs.

During my next baby appointment, we got the great news that everything was growing right like it should but no hard traveling anymore. Despite that news, I was happy because it was the first appointment that Ryan was able to attend in person. He was so amazed to see everything for himself and not through his phone or pictures. Only took a couple of months but I'm glad it finally happened. On other good news, Ryan and I's relationship had almost fallen back into the rhythm it once was.

Except for the actual being in a relationship part.

We did everything we used to do. Most of our friends would come over for dinner or just when we would have a small get-together. I would spend most of my nights at his house but on the occasion that I just wanted to be home, I would go back to my house for a couple of days. It wasn't the same though. Most of my important stuff had been moved into his house, with the help of his family and my parents. My mom had brought a lot of my baby stuff to hand down to me and it was all sitting in the middle of a room that I had yet to start to put together.

"Hey Court, do you know where my socks are?" Ryan came into the bedroom he had converted into the baby room for his house, where I was putting away some of the stuff his mom had brought over. It was only in a couple of totes as we had planned to go shopping for some things. He had already offered to get whatever we needed for both houses. I hadn't said anything because I wasn't wanting him to think that he had to buy my place too. It was crazy that he was already ahead of me in that aspect. Going back to his question, I thought for a second longer before answering.

"Should be just about dry. Your shoes are in the cabinet by the back door." I said, knowing he asked where they were next. Ryan was getting his bag ready for the Charlotte Roval and I had some of his stuff still going in the washer and dryer.

"Have you got everything for yourself?" He asked, coming in and sitting beside me on the floor. Nodding my head, I sat the cute blue onesie on my lap. "I think I do. I know I won't need extra clothes since we're not staying anywhere. But I'll bring a small bag in case I get uncomfortable or it rains."

Knowing that my back had been hurting lately to the point that even the wraps weren't helping any bit, I was sure that I would end up in the hauler laying on the couch. Not like I would be on his pit box anyway, can't ruin the façade of the cute relationship between Ryan and Gianna. Although she hasn't been mentioned by anyone in the last couple of weeks. I think the disdain that Ryan has sent to her and Roger has finally gotten through to them because she's not been around the shop or to the last couple of races with Ryan. 

Despite the hiccups going on, I've noticed a real smile appear back on his face.

 I also think Roger has been having a lot of problems with Joey's new PR guy, Terri. According to Ryan and Joey, he's not very professional and is always messing up meetings and important dates, either getting the times wrong or completely scheduling them on the wrong days.

Serves Roger right for the way he treated me. Although it was a shitty end of the stick for Joey.

"You will need clothes, babe. We're renting a hotel room in town so we don't have to come back and forth. It also has a nice spa that I figured you could treat yourself to since you've been uncomfortable for a while." Ryan said, pulling my attention back to him.

Oh damn, I forgot about that. Grumbling a bit, I knew I had to get up to get more things. Giving Ryan a slight glare because I thought I was done getting things for tomorrow. I'll get it later, I wasn't quite sure I would be able to get up right at the moment and I hated to leave a mess before going to do something else. 

Knowing me and how I was, Ryan grabbed a couple of items of clothing from the pile and started folding them to help me. My heart swelled, seeing that he remembered that fact. We sat in a comfortable silence other than when he would chuckle when we would grab the same shirt or onesie. He would let me have it, going after something else in the pile.

When we were almost done whenever we both were startled by the doorbell followed by a loud knock on the front door. "Who could that be?" Ryan asked, looking at the time on his Apple watch and seeing that it was past ten at night. Walking behind Ryan, more like waddling, as we walked down the steps and to the front door. He looked through the peephole, a perplexed look crossing his features. To say I was just as shocked to see who was at the door as Ryan was would have to be an understatement.

The offseason is the worst. I'm ready for February. How's your week going? Also, who do we think is at the door? I'll dedicate the next chapter to the first person to get it right. Will update again soon, I hope.

- Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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