1.8 - Official

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I had been surprised by the kisses that Ryan and I had shared but I didn't mind them at all. I reveled in them. They made my heart feel alive again, something it was desperately needing. I had been yearning for Ryan's affection for quite a while, even if it was apparent to my mind yet. My heart knew what it wanted again and now that I had them, I don't think either would let it go again.

The two days of testing went by quickly. I had used up any free time that I had to go to the spa and relax. I had company with Erin for the first day but she was super busy with keeping up with her work so she couldn't stay longer. I had thought to see if Brittany wanted to come over or hang out for Tuesday but I knew that she would be busy with both boys. 

At the end of Tuesday's testing, we managed to leave the hotel early so we could go home and rest before he would have to get ready to go to Texas. I hated that I wasn't able to go with him but the doctor's orders were strict. I would probably only be able to travel to Martinsville if I was lucky.

Heck, I was most likely going to miss the Clash, the Duals, Daytona, and Auto Club at the beginning of the next year. I hated the thought because the atmosphere at the Daytona was always my favorite. It could never beat Talladega and the shenanigans that happened there but it came close.

"I bought a couple of things for our son the other night on Amazon. I know we talked about going shopping together but I couldn't help myself. They popped up as an ad on Twitter and I couldn't pass it up."

Ryan had given me a sheepish look as he spoke, thinking that I might be upset by this. I wasn't a bit saddened to hear it. It was nice to see him jump into this pregnancy the way he has since found out. "I love that. What all did you find?" I squeezed his hand as we pulled onto his road. 

"You'll see it. I think it'll be here the week of Martinsville."

I gave him a look because now I was curious but I couldn't ask anymore since we had finally got back home. Dave's truck sat in the driveway behind my car. Lisa and he were taking care of our furbabies while we were gone, making sure they were fed and taken out several times a day. I knew that I had mentioned staying home to take care of them but Ryan didn't take to well to leave me alone. This would be the first time I was seeing the two since the end of May when we all were at the last Charlotte race. I wasn't nervous to see them because I had heard from Erin about how they were so happy that I was back in Ryan's life. Seems they weren't too thrilled about Gianna either.

"I figured they are gone by now." Ryan had mumbled, as he climbed out of his truck, coming around to my side to help me out. 

"Maybe they wanted to see their favorite kids." I teased him, knowing how well Dave loved Sturgill. He was also a big softie for my babies, Bluey and Whitey. 

One was a Russian Blue, and the other was a fully white Tom Cat; hence their names. They both were strays I had found down the road from Penske's shop. Both cats didn't have tails and were so skinny. I was afraid they wouldn't make it but I had taken them to the vet right after finding them. Since that day they had been my babies. 

"Or they wanted to see you." Hitting his elbow against mine. I felt a bit nerves at that, and the blush that crept up on my cheeks. 


True to my words earlier to Courtney, my parents had wanted to see her. They honestly did love her like another daughter. I guess Erin had mentioned to them about the one appointment that she went to and they were concerned for Courtney and the baby. Thankfully that bad storm had passed and we were back on track. Still was on very light traveling for right now, but I would doubt if her doctor let her travel farther along in her third trimester. 

My mom had even offered to stay around the house when I was away at a race, and I was so thankful. I knew it was hard for Emma to travel with her boys, and Erin was a whirlwind of doing things. I was sure she would be traveling to Texas this weekend with William.

"I have some laundry to do this weekend and I need to clean up a bit around the house. Stop worrying about things. I'll be fine." I heard a voice say from behind me. After my parents left, Courtney went to shower and I was sitting in the living room. I didn't realize that I had been sitting there thinking as long as I had.

"I know honey." The honey part had slipped, as we had fallen back into our rhythm since she moved her stuff in. Wrapping her arms around my neck gingerly, I breathed in her scent of vanilla. Further bringing back so many memories of how things used to be.

Sighing softly, I turned to her. "Then what's wrong? You've been off since your parents left." She came around to sit beside me but I pulled her into my lap. Her belly pressed against my hand, letting me feel the movements.

"I'm disappointed in myself. We could have been together for the last few months, celebrating this new life we made. Happier than ever as we figured out names and a theme for the nursery. I bought a ring to ask you to marry me." I gave her a half-hearted smile. "It's sitting on the bedside table. I was too mad at myself to send it back, and I couldn't dare resell it. I had it custom-made for you, the only finger I wanted to see it on was yours."

Courtney's eyes glossed over with unshed tears as I spoke the truth. When I finished, I hadn't expected her response.

"Ask me to marry you. We can still do everything we had planned to do. I have been in love with you since the moment we went on our first date. I don't need another year or two as your girlfriend, we've already spent too long apart and I'm not doing it again. So go get the ring, ask me and whenever you want, we'll go to the courthouse to make it official."

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