0.9 - Threat

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Have I ever mentioned that I hate mornings? They suck, and trying to get around with a belly this size wasn't easy. That's why Mondays were the worst day of the week. Other than the uncomfortable plane ride from the track back home, and getting zero sleep, Mondays also suck.

Add in that I was also running late, and everything was just peachy. 

When I arrived, I rushed to park and get inside. Three minutes wasn't too bad, or so I thought. Everyone was sitting at a table and staring when I entered the large room. Rushing over to Joey's table where he sat with Paul, I took notice that everyone was still staring at me. I knew what they were looking at and I wasn't in the mood to care about them seeing my bump. I had decided to just stop caring anymore who saw it, so it was on full display underneath my white flowy top.

Glaring at them, they all looked away. Thankfully Roger was running behind so I didn't get into trouble with the boss man. Ryan sat at the table beside us with Brett and his crew chief Todd on the other side. I didn't even spare him a glance as I sat down and got to work talking with Joey about upcoming events he was scheduled for. He had other plans.

"You do know that everyone is staring at you and Ryan right?" I fought hard to not roll my eyes. No, I didn't know and I don't care.

"And? He knows but it doesn't change anything. I'm still a single mom doing this on my own. He's got Gianna and that's it. He's happy with his life and I'm fine with continuing this as it is." I told him, keeping my eyes on the papers in front of me.

"She's a hired girlfriend." He blurted out quietly, Paul looked at him like he was crazy and I could see how much out of the loop he was. Sighing, I laid my pen down and looked up at him. "I know that. She's just a favor Roger needs to owe. I told him about his son and the only thing he cared about was meeting up with her as fast as he could once she called so no, I don't give two shits who sees my bump because as far as I'm concerned this is my child and only mine."

I'm sure if it was possible, there would be steam coming out from my ears. He backed away quickly, giving Ryan a very pitiful look. Yes Joey, he fucked up big time and no I don't feel bad about it.

Walking back out to my car, I felt someone walking very close behind me. Spinning on my heels to see who it was, I found Gianna just a couple of feet away giving me a very fake smile. This time I did roll my eyes. It's Monday but everything doesn't have to be a total disaster today, God. Can we stop with all this now? Turning back away from her, I prayed she was just going to her car parked beside me or something.

"Courtney, hi!" Her voice was overly sweet as she gave me a wave once she got closer. "Hi, Gianna. What can I do for you?" I sat my bag in the back seat and shut the door as I spoke. Gianna dropped the smile and came within inches of me. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me with disgust.

"Here I just thought you were fat, turns out you've been keeping a little secret. So Ryan has a son?" I was shocked and very pissed that Ryan even dared to tell her.

"No, he's my son and mine alone. Besides, why does it matter to you? Aren't you just hired help? Must be nice to know that the only reason you're getting famous is because you're hired." 

She looked furious and on the inside, I was cheering myself for that comeback.

"It matters to me because one word of that baby to the wrong people and I'm just another ex-girlfriend with nothing to show for it. You're ruining everything! I want you and that ill-timed child out of Ryan's life for good." Her voice went up a few octaves to where she was yelling at the end of her sentence. I could hear feet shuffling through the lot to find out where the commotion was coming from.

"I'm not going anywhere, Gianna. This is my job and until I'm drug out of here, you can't change that." Brad and Ryan came rushing around the back of a truck to my right. Seeing them had me breathe a sigh of relief. I didn't let her see that she had affected me this way but I had wobbly knees.

"Ryan, please control your girlfriend before I have to press charges for her threatening me and my son," I told him as he pulled her away. He ripped his hand away from her as I said the words.

Don't look so surprised Ryan, she's been an absolute bitch to me for months; no point in caring now. Gianna looked between us and huffed as she sulked away. Her heels clacked harshly against the concrete. Before Ryan could follow her I spoke. "I'm not kidding Ryan. If she so much as comes in spitting distance of me, I will go with legal action."

Not saying another word but giving me a nod, he walked away.

Brad just gave me a look of pure shock. Feeling the effects of adrenaline wear off quickly, my arms quickly reached out to the car door to steady myself. "You okay? That was quite a lot for someone with a baby on the way to handle."

"I'm good now, just going to head home and take it easy. Thanks for caring so much." I told him, knowing that before all this happened, I was great friends with him and Paige. Again not keeping up with them after the fact.

"Anytime you need it, honestly. Mine nor Paige's number has changed. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. And congratulations, we can't wait to see this little boy of yours."

I told him I would and gave him thanks and goodbye, wanting to get home and back into comfortable clothes as soon as possible. Starting my car and heading out was when I felt the first pain in my side. It felt like I was having period cramps but much worse, and it had me worrying big time. By the time I even got home and upstairs to my room, I had had it happen six more times. 

Maybe a nice warm bath would help. I probably just stressed myself out too much and someone didn't like it. Setting everything up, I waited for the tub to fill before climbing in. Unfortunately for me, it didn't as twenty minutes went by and I was still dealing with the pain. Deciding that I needed an expert on this matter, I dialed Brittany's number and waited for her to pick me up.

When she didn't, I started to freak out even more because the pain had gone up a couple more levels. Breath Courtney, everything's fine.

Oh, but it wasn't.

Because of another win for Mr. Blaney, I decided to update. I don't know when I will get to post again as things with my grandad have gone for the worst so I might just take a couple of days to myself and get back into everything. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Who do you think will win Darlington? I know it's not one of Ryan's best tracks but I always have high hopes for him.

- Stay Beautiful 

Courtney S

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