0.5 - Missing Out On

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I had wanted to smack Brett upside the head when he invited Courtney to lunch with us. Not because I didn't want her around but because it would be so hard to not talk to her. Flying on a plane was tough enough, now to sit through lunch with her around. Groaning inwardly, I kept my pace with Gianna. She had wrapped her fingers in with mine, trying to hold tight to me. Sometimes I feel like she's just a watchdog for Roger to make sure I don't fuck up this new contract. Wouldn't surprise me if he did, honestly. She was always so clingy when we were out in public and I hated it.

Hearing a laugh from behind us brought me back from my thoughts, I fought the urge to look; already know where that light laugh came from. I had heard it thousands of times and remembered the way Courtney's blue eyes would shine after hearing me tell her a joke. Guilt hit my heart hard. Not being able to do much about it, I just hung my head more. Gianna tried talking with me but I barely paid any mind to her. I'm not in the mood to entertain whatever she's asking about.

When we got to the food trucks, I noticed that everyone seemly spread out amongst themselves to get what they liked. I picked the only one that looked simple enough and ordered a burger with everything and fries. I didn't want to be specific with my likes of condiments so I just figured whatever I didn't like I could take off.  Stepping to the side to wait as the people in line behind me put in their orders. It wasn't until Courtney said hers that my ears perked up.

"I'll have a cheeseburger with extra pickles and ketchup, a large fry, and Dr. Pepper to drink." To say I was a bit perplexed about it was an understatement. I know my ex-girlfriend and pickles always made her gag. She hated the smell of them so hearing her say she wanted extra was a little odd. Add in ketchup, which was her least favorite condiment and I was giving her a questioning look.

"Maybe she should have a salad instead," Gianna said as if it was nothing. Nobody paid attention to her, thankfully. I glared at her, hating the way she made comments about Courtney's weight. I knew she was always self-conscious about things like her weight and eating right, and I couldn't help but notice earlier that she had put on some weight but I never thought anything bad of it. Hearing her food choice now had me questioning why she was changing. Was it because of me? She knew I loved pickles and ketchup, was she changing her ways to be more likable to me?

The next day after the meet and greet with fans, I went looking for Chase in the driver's bus lot, knowing his stuff wasn't until later in the day.  Yesterday had been the first time we had talked in a while and I wanted to see if I could get some information out of him. He had spent most of the day hanging with Courtney and as much as I hated to say it, jealousy was happening.

Chase had his phone out and was tapping away on it when I came closer to him. "Who's got you typing fast?" I asked, putting my sunglasses on top of my hat. Looking up at me, he shoved his phone in his back pocket. A slight panic in his movements. He hesitated at first to answer me and I knew right away who it was. Now I wish I hadn't asked. "Courtney, we've been catching up a lot since yesterday."

"Oh." Looking away from him, I didn't know what else to say. Not really the best conversation topic, ex-girlfriend and best friend. I'd rather hear the paint dry.

"It's not like that man. I swear she's nothing more than a best friend." He threw his hands up in surrender. I blew out a breath and shook my head. I was being ridiculous. He had every right to talk with her, even more, if he wanted to honestly.

"No, it's okay. I broke up with her, she's allowed to date others." Even the words tasted bitter in my mouth as I said them. Chase chuckled at me, obviously finding my words funny.

"It's called the bro code, man.  Besides from what I have heard, she's still very much in love with you." This was the first time my heart had lifted from the broken pieces it was in. Feelings of hope filled me, not lasting nearly as long as I had wished they would. With my next thoughts, those feelings were gone.

Even though she thought I cheated on her, even if I had been a huge asshole that day, she still loves me. God, I'm such a dumbass forever giving up a woman like her. "I doubt that. I was a dick to her. Left her without even a goodbye. She'll move on from me quick." It was his turn to laugh at my words now. I gave him a look, not liking being laughed at. It was the truth though. 

To be honest, Courtney was hot. She had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen, especially when she had decided to dye her hair a dark brunette. Her figure was just a bonus to her personality. She had killer curves, and nice mounds in the right places. Any guy would be crazy to not try and get with her.

"Any person that was around you two in the last couple of years knows you'd never cheat. Gianna is just some ploy to gain attention. It's always been Courtney with you, no one could even compare." His voice was light for that but took a more serious turn with what he said next. I shook my thoughts away and listened to him.

"I don't know what's happening behind the scenes with that fake girlfriend, but you're making a big mistake continuing with the charade. There's a lot that you are missing out on too." This caught me off guard. Chase was usually one to just leave a relationship alone. He liked Courtney and me together but never gave his opinion on how we went about in life. That's why it surprised me that he was talking about this with me.

Asking him what he meant by that, he shook his head. "If I could say anything more, I would but I was sworn to secrecy. Just please open those eyes of yours and look around. It's not that hard to see what you're missing out on."

Because I just wrote two new chapters, I figured I'd update again. :) That's honestly all I get done right now is writing but damn do I miss work so much. Hoping your week is going well. Couldn't find a photo of the two that I liked without their fire suits on so that one will have to work.

- Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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