0.2 - Unexpected Visitors

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"Here's your baby Miss Lane." My nurse had pointed out a tiny spot that had the look of a baby. My heart soared seeing it again, I never missed the feeling it gave me knowing that I was growing life inside me. 

"Looks to be growing just fine, although I would say you're farther along than twelve weeks. From this angle, it looks like you're just now hitting the fourteenth week. I'm almost certain of the gender."

"Wait, what?" I propped myself up on my elbows, not believing what she said. Was I that far along? "Would you like to know the gender?" She asked, looking over at me.

"Please!" She pressed a couple of buttons on the machine, zooming in closer before smiling wide. "Congratulations, you're having a baby boy. I'll print photos for you if you want to get cleaned up?"

Saying yes to her, she moved away and handed me some large hand towels to clean the gel off with. Standing up and going to the mirror to make sure I got it all, I noticed that the bump I saw at the beginning of the week was now a lot bigger. What could have been mistaken for just break up weight was now definitely a tiny baby bump if it was seen in a tight shirt.

Great, how in the world am I going to hide this? Especially with the big party at the lake that some drivers had organized when the regular season ends, coming up in just a few months. I would surely be showing a lot more by then. Breaking my thoughts up, the nurse speaks up.

"Here's your pictures. The next time you're in, Dr. Wyatt will probably change your due date from the middle of March to late February."

I hadn't even thought of that, I was going to have to think of something if this bump decides it doesn't want to be concealed anymore. And I knew with pregnancy, a baby grows rapidly. I could just tell people I got fat. I'm sure they would believe that.

After walking out the door and back to the front desk to make my next appointment, I heard a familiar voice call my name. Oh no, please be someone else.

"Courtney? What in the world are you doing here?" Brittany had asked as she and Joey were coming through the doors. There was only one reason to be in the ward: you have a newborn or are having a baby. There was no way I could lie my way out of this situation. The sonogram pictures in my hand give everything away.

"Oh my god. You're pregnant, aren't you?" Once the small white and black photo caught her eyesight, her eyes went huge as she looked at the small bump that my tank top accentuated. Grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side she whispered. "Is it Ryan's?" My face flamed hot.

It wasn't the best place to have this conversation, after the words left her lips she relaxed a bit. Joey looked at me with such pity, knowing that I couldn't say one word of this to Ryan. With a nod of my head, I felt the tears coming. I did not want anyone to know that way no one would let it slip and then fuck everything up. Hugging me with a tight grip for comfort, she whispered in a soothing voice. "Hey, it's okay. You have us. We'll talk about it later"

And later did come in fact. 

Right as soon as I got working on laundry to busy my mind, I heard a knock on my door. Breathing a big sigh of relief because I already knew who it was, I set the hamper down and made my way through the living room to the front door. When I opened the door the person standing in front of me was not Brittany.

In all of his five foot nine stature, blue eyes shined with pain as I stopped in my tracks. Ryan stood on my porch with his hands in his pockets, his Harry Gant hat pulled as far down over his face as he could get it. The black shirt he had on was a gift I had given him for Christmas last year. 

My heart rate sped up even more than I thought it could as I thought that I still had on a tank top from earlier. I instantly ran my hand over my shirt to see. It was then that I remembered I had pulled on a shirt that was Ryan's (that I had kept when we broke up.)

"Can I help you?" I asked, crossing my arms for a second and then moving them again. Soreness was still intact throughout my breasts. Thankfully the nausea or vomiting wasn't something that happened much in the beginning. Just the unbearable migraines that only left after the second trimester started.

"I just had to see if you were okay. I heard you fainted at Watkins Glen but I couldn't do anything to find out if you were okay other than ask Joey. He said it was the heat but I wanted to see that you were okay for myself." He pulled his hand out from his pocket to try and brush a stray hair out of my face. Leaning away from it, I remembered why it had to be like this. His hand fell to his side, and he realized I didn't want him to touch me.

"Ryan, you shouldn't be here. You have a girlfriend and I am not getting you fired from your dreams." I told him, not looking him in the eyes. If I did, the floodgates would start again and I had done a good job at busying myself to forget about him.

"But Court-."

"No, Ryan. You need to leave. Leave me alone because after what happened between us I don't think it's any of your business when things happen to me anymore. You have Gianna, so please do me a favor and just forget the two years we had, they didn't mean shit to you." And with that, I shut the door on him and tried to return to what I had been doing. Unfortunately, my hormones picked up again as I didn't even make it two steps away from the door when I broke down. Hearing the roar of an engine, and silence let me know he was gone.

Again I was alone to wallow in the what-ifs.

Other than Brittany, and subsequently Joey, I never kept in touch with the other girlfriends that I had made friends with. Not that any of us didn't hit it off, because they were just as much his friends as they were mine, I just didn't know if because they were around him and Gianna it would make it awkward. So I never reached out and kept to myself. My parents didn't live in the state of North Carolina for me to have them close. My older brother Brandon had tried calling me dozens of times since I told him how Ryan and I were over but I rarely ever picked up as I never wanted him to worry about me.

I felt bad that I had shut him out because we used to be so close but I had to do it for right now. Alone was my haven, I could just sit and go through all the photos and videos, and just cry without having to worry about anyone. Or explain anything.

Without knowing anyone walked in, I had arms wrapping around me in seconds. Looking up through my hair, I saw Brittany sitting beside me. Instinctively, I tried to wipe the streaks off my face but failed miserably. There was no point anyway she had seen me even worse than this before.

Hi!! I'm updating again because I have no idea when I will again.  Got to have a wisdom tooth taken out later so we'll see if I can even think enough to write. Once I can I'll update both of my RB stories again.

- Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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