1.0 - Hired Help Problems

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That little wench. My mind was all over the place with these thoughts. I could seriously kick her ass for what she did. After not getting an answer from anyone on my phone that lived close by, I went ahead and drove myself to the hospital. Turns out, the heightened adrenaline from my spat with the hired help threw me into early labor. They had to give me medicine to slow the labor down until it stopped completely. I still had more than fourteen weeks to let him cook in there. He wasn't coming out anytime soon.

But that whole fiasco wasn't even the best part of my night. I'm being put off work for my last trimester and told to just take it easier. No strenuous situations or working too hard. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had a great amount of money saved from my paychecks but that would only last so long, and I still needed to get everything for my boy. Even thinking of all the stuff I had to buy was throwing me for a loop. It was all I could think about when I was laying in bed late that night.

The next morning I had to turn in the papers from the doctor letting them know that I was put off work. That should go over well, I'm sure that he would figure out who the father was by the number of weeks on the paper. Getting out of my car, I noticed some people staring and whispering in the front of the building. I thought we all got that out of our systems yesterday.  Yes, there's a baby bump people. Walking past the front desk, the receptionist Elena looked at me with wide eyes. Seriously what in the hell is everyone's problem?

"Miss Lane, Roger is wanting to speak with you immediately." She stood up from her desk, looking through all of the papers to find the one that she must have written down the message on.

"That's where I was headed anyway. Where is he at?" I asked, not knowing if he was in his office or not. He's always running around with Tim going over everything. I never knew sometimes if he was coming or going.

"He's in the shop talking with Joey and Paul." She went back to her computer typing away on her keys. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the hallway and took the first door on the door to my left, to the shop. I hated it in there. The smell that was emitted from the power tools and men just made me sick, even before I was pregnant; now it's even worse.

When the door opened everyone in the room stopped and looked to see who was coming in. I felt a bit out of sorts having all eyes still looming at me. Joey's eyes were the first that I met and I wished I could explain the gut feeling I had when he narrowed his eyes, almost as if warning me of something. Beside Roger stood two men in black shirts who I knew as the security guards that usually roam around the inside of the building and the parking lot, making sure everything was going okay.

"Miss Lane, a word." Roger and the guards moved away from Joey and Paul. Willing my feet to move, I stood to the side with them. The way the two men followed let me know something was going on, and it wasn't good.

"I understand that you are pregnant, but it has come to my attention that you have been seen on the grounds with drugs." My eyes had almost fallen out of the sockets with how shocked I was by that. His voice held so much accusation that I was sure he believed every word he was saying.

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief. "I had a worker come into my office this morning and tell me that they saw you smoking some sort of substance in your car after the meeting yesterday. If this is true, then we'll have to ask you to exit the premises. You know that we have no tolerance for drug use."

"Are you crazy? I would never endanger my child's life with drugs. I have never in my life used anything stronger than Ibuprofen. Whoever told you this bogus story is as stupid as the lie they came up with." I knew exactly who this 'worker' was. Yesterday the only person I had spoken with was Gianna, Brad, and Ryan. Of course, that bitch would make up a shitty story like that.

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