0.6 - Youngest Blaney

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I swear I'm the worst at keeping secrets. First Brittany and now Chase. Good lord, I should just get a sign on the back of my car that says 'with child' at this rate. Granted I never actually said anything to either of them. Brittany's encounter was happenstance but Chase found out because the baby wanted pickles but momma couldn't keep them down and he just happened to have a front-row seat to it. I hadn't been able to completely make it to the bathroom, unfortunately getting sick all over myself. I had definitely ruined it, and before I could even think about the bump, I had discarded the soiled shirt in the trash, leaving me in the tank top I had on. That's when Chase made the connection. His eyes had turned wide with surprise. When he had started to say something was when I had made him swear to secrecy. 

After that, we talked about everything. He knew just a bit more than Brittany did, but I felt like it was easier to talk to him about Ryan than she is. He had been pretty close with him up until the break-up. He wasn't a fan of Gianna and didn't want to be around her at all if he didn't have to be.

Michigan had gone by without me, I took a few days off, and I had been a bit sad because that just so happened to be the race that Ryan would win. When I saw him beat William Byron, I couldn't contain myself. I cried because it brought up all of the memories that I had when he won his other races. I was also so proud of him because it was his first year with multiple wins and it was a big deal for any Ford team to win there. That trophy would be one of Ryan's favorites.

 When the happy feeling turned to sad because he now had Gianna to spend his victory lane time with, I turned off the television and my phone. I did not want to see or hear from anyone. I would rather be a ball of emotions by myself.

Spending the week alone, I did most of my work from my bed. Tuesday I went for my next check-up. Everything went fine but I was feeling extremely worn out, and achy. My back had been sore for the latter part of the week. I was quite literally showing a prominent bump so it was the reason I was home; so I didn't have to be around anyone. 

On race weekends I took my way to the tracks and literally never left the bus unless necessary, and even then I hid behind people to not be seen. It had been working too. No one seemed to notice my presence or even question the bigger tops. Throughout the time after that, both Chase and Joey tried to convince me that I needed to talk to Ryan. Even going as far as saying they would plan the meeting so no one would find out. I had clammed up on all occasions, knowing that I could very well be risking his career by talking to him.

It wasn't until Joey was talking to me on the bus Friday morning while we were in Daytona that he made sense. I was depriving Ryan of the knowledge and chance of seeing his child like this. I had already taken the finding out, hearing the heartbeat, and finding out the gender from him. Was I going to be that heartless to keep more from him?

Talk about a real gut-punch feeling.

"I can set it up for him to come over to my bus later. Gianna's not with him this weekend so you could talk. No one other than us three would have to know." He said later in the day. We were coming back from the media center after he had to do interviews. He had just won the pole and got done doing his photos and was now on his way to change clothes before going to the fan events in the in field. I forget who was playing a concert but Joey was excited to see it.

"Want to come with me? Everyone will be too busy with the artist and drivers around to notice you or your little man there." He asked, putting his phone and wallet into his back pockets. I knew that Brittany had stayed home this weekend since Hudson had caught a cold so Joey was hanging out with me to keep himself company. Brad had been on his own a lot since he announced he was leaving next year and Austin had been on many of the group hangouts more now.

Remembering his words, I looked down at my outfit knowing that the flowing of the dress's material helped hide a lot and didn't accentuate my belly. Plus, most of the people out now were going to be drunk anyway, so I didn't worry much. Daytona always put me in the mind of Talladega with how much partying goes on during the nights.

"Sure, why not?"

Leading me through the driver's lot over into the in-field fan areas, I noticed just how many people were around. Fans and drivers were everywhere. I had saw Chase and William Byron a little ways above where we were and I knew I wanted to steer clear of that way. Especially if Erin was with William.

Erin and I had become close during the time I was dating her brother. We would hang out all the time at the tracks and at one point she had been a roommate of mine until moving in with William. I hadn't talked to her since before the breakup and I was avoiding the calls and messages she sent my way over the last couple weeks. Spotting Ryan off to my left, in a full conversation with Bubba, I turned right to get away from them.

Joey had been lost in the shuffle of people around me causing me to panic slightly because I hated being in big crowds with no one I know around. That was until I noticed a couple of picnic tables on the outskirts so people could enjoy their food while sitting. I could get away from these people there. Thinking that I probably should have stayed at the bus, I tried making my way to them. I say try because right as soon as I started walking, I ran smack into a short blonde. Or well, she was trying to get to me before I was out of her sight. She hugged me as she spoke.

"Where ha-." That was all she got out as her arms felt what I was covering up. The world swallow me up right now because I don't know if I can take another person knowing.

"Courtney Marie Lane, are you pregnant?" I had to all but slap my hand over her mouth. Nodding my head, I confessed to her. There's no point in lying now, a damn happenstance again. "I am. Just hit the twenty-two-week mark." With a smile that probably looked like a grimace. I watched as she did the math in her head. When she finally realized it was indeed a baby by her brother she gasped. "Don't you go anywhere, we are going to go talk." Rushing away from me, I could see her running up to William and giving him a quick rundown of what she was doing. Both he and Chase met my gaze and I had to look away. I didn't like the way everyone had a sudden interest in my presence but I was a little bit surprised that Chase hadn't accidentally mentioned it to William, but that made me trust him more. As Erin walked her way back, Chase kept his eyes on me. I gave him a small smile to let him know everything was okay.

I guess it was time to tell the youngest Blaney.

I've had the worst week possible and I'm just writing up a storm so I don't have to worry and overthink. I just got done with chapter 10 so we're making progress. :) Also, I imagine her bump to be a little bit smaller than this at this point in the story but I couldn't find the right size that I imagined. Like, it's there, but if you have some big shirts would cover it. Hope you like this. Don't worry Ryan's POV is next. 

- Stay Beautiful

Courtney S 

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