0.3 - Truth

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Boy did I fuck up my life. I don't think I could ever get Courtney back. Yes, I messed up in the meeting but I knew that Courtney loved her job, and she was the best PR rep that I have ever had. No matter what, she always put her job before anything. If we were fighting she was still professional with everything and then in private we'd work things out. It's why it had been kept a secret for so long. I don't even know how someone else found out about it. We were both very private people.

That's why I fell in love with her as I had. She never cared for any spotlight. I never had to worry about her just being in it for the money or the fame. She was here for the Ryan and not the famous Blaney part.

Not even a couple of seconds after I got back in my truck did someone else pull into her driveway. Looking up, I was a little shocked to see Joey and Brittany. Brittany had gotten out of the truck and started up the walkway to the door. Only turning to give Joey a slight wave before slipping in through the door after knocking. I hadn't thought anything of her cold shoulder, knowing that this probably had to have been a bit awkward for them. They were still best friends with both of us.

A knock on my window had me snapped out of my internal babble and looking for the cause of it.

"What are you doing here?" Joey asked after I had rolled the window down, confusion written all over his face.

"I just had to make sure she was okay." He seemed to give me a look that I knew was very disapproving and that's what I hated. I knew I was lying to one of my best friends. He didn't know anything about what happened.

"Ryan, you broke it off. You have a girlfriend now, you can't be concerned about her anymore." He said, his voice as stern as he could get without being hateful. I rubbed my hands on my face, annoyance slipping through.

"But I didn't want to let her go." My voice cracked, feeling the pain in my chest start again.

 "I was going to ask her to marry me, you know that. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to just let her go willingly? If I could I'd run in there right now and get my girl back." The way it came out was more snappy than I intended but I was over the words of I broke up with her. If anybody actually knew what happened it would make sense for why I'm acting this way.

"Then why did you? I helped you pick out the ring, I knew you had it all planned out and then it was over. I had a call from Brett saying she was switching spots with him effective immediately. What happened?"

"It's a long story," I said, looking at the time and seeing where I still was. "Why don't you follow me home and we'll have some guy time. Brittany was staying for a while anyway." 

And I did. 

I drove behind him as he went the twenty minutes back to his house. Parking behind his truck, I got out and helped him with Jameson as he grabbed Hudson. Hudson was going on about what he had done at his grandparent's house while they both were gone.

"Hey, buddy. What do you have?" I asked, seeing his little toy in his hand. He put it out, wanting me to take it. Jameson was my little buddy, he always loved when I would play with him. Courtney had always been Hudson's favorite. When she and I were around, Hudson was always wanting her attention and she would happily play right along with him. I knew she would be a great mother with the way she was around the boys.

Reminiscing about the many nights we both spent here had me feeling guilty again. I'd been so close to having this very same life with Courtney and now it's gone.

Going inside their house, Joey let Hudson down to play. My buddy didn't want to leave my side just yet so he stayed on my hip with his sippy cup.

"Okay what happened and why can't you do anything about it?" He asked, pulling out a couple of bottles of water for us.

Not wasting any time is he? I couldn't blame him because this was big. I also wasn't supposed to say anything but I wanted someone on my side. Chase, Bubba, and even my own family had been so pissed at me, even going as far as not talking to me. Chase and Bubba didn't want to hear anything more about it. They had been great friends with Courtney.

"This is going to sound fuc- messed up." Switching my choice of words remembering that I had children around me. "But I had to break up with her. Roger was going to fire her because of the breached contract but if I broke it off he'd keep her. If I'm to even talk to her again and he finds out we're both fired."

"That's messed up indeed. But did you think about how she felt? Maybe she'd give it up for you?"

Jameson took this time to want down. I set him on the floor and watched as he crawled around by my feet.

"I thought of it right away. I'm sure she'd quit in a heartbeat and if that meant keeping her, I'd be that selfish but before the meeting I was instructed to leave her because Roger had a fake girlfriend lined up for me anyway." That's where Gianna came into play. 

Roger was doing that as a favor to a friend. She's his friend's daughter and was trying to get into modeling. I was supposed to be the guy she used to make it happen. I hated it too because she was a bitch too. This morning in the hallway she knew what she was doing by tripping Courtney. If I had said anything, I'd be done. She'd have ratted me out within the hour. After Court left, the only thing Gianna could do was bash her. Laughing about how she looked like she had gained weight and needed to diet again. Keeping my mouth shut was the hardest thing I had ever done.

"Man, I had no idea." He blew out a breath. I nodded my head slowly, knowing the exact feeling he had. This situation was fucked up. "What are you going to do?" He asked, at this point I was at a total loss. I loved my team, but I loved Courtney more.

"I know you didn't. She doesn't know everything's fake either. To her, I'm probably a major asshole who was cheating on her. Which is not true. If never in my life do that to someone." My mom would have my ass if I ever did that, not even mentioning my sisters would disown me for it.

Both kids were out of earshot but I still had my voice low when I talked to him. If I knew Joey, he'd kick my ass if either of them copied those words.

"Don't worry, everything will work out. I'll be dammed if my best friend's relationship ends like that."

And we have Ryan's POV on everything. I hope you like it. Had a change of plans this weekend. So I'm going to ask if you can, could y'all just send good vibes my way for my parents and grandad?  Prayers, good vibes, thoughts, whatever works for you. They're appreciated. Hope you have a good weekend.

- Stay Beautiful

Courtney S

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