Where It All Started

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It's been 2 years since azusa final fight with freya, during these years the void is in absolute mess since the octagram has been hunting down all of the High-Tier Gods, and now the High-Tier gods can be said in the verge of extinction, luckily the octagram has long since stop hunting down the remaining god and back to their boring life

Rimuru right now is relaxing at his home while reading the newspaper, 'hm...i'm super bored right now...i wish the high-tier god could just randomly respawn' rimuru let out a long sigh, "danna-sama! I'm home!" Said the familiar voice who just came back from the office

"Ah! Azusa, welcome back" said rimuru, azusa then walk to rimuru and kiss him in the cheek as usual, "good work for today" said rimuru, "yeah...sometimes i wonder how can danna-sama endure doing the same works for all these years" said azusa clearly with tired expression, rimuru then slowly walking to azusa and hug her from behind

"Danna-sama?..at least let me take a bath first.."azusa whisper slowly, "hm..my lovely wife is tired, i just thinking we should do something together~" said rimuru seductively

"Oh really? Then.." azusa turn around and immediately closing her face to rimuru's, rimuru right now can clearly hear azusa breathing, 'ho? does she want to do it here?' thought rimuru with surprise face, "how about we go on vacation?" Said azusa as walk pass by rimuru as if nothing happened

"Yeah...of course..of course it is a vacation" mutter rimuru slowly with dissapointed face, "so..where do you want to go?" Ask rimuru who has regain her calm, azusa while taking off her cloth replied, "like you promised me two years ago...the past" azusa said as she has completely removed all of her cloth and wrap her body with towel, "ouh!! That might be interesting!! I will go tell all the executive now, we set out tomorrow" said rimuru, "that's nice..by the way are the bath ready?" Ask azusa, "nope.." rimuru replied

"Ha...i got it" said azusa as she enter the bathroom preparing to fill the bath with hot water, "it will complete if i join you!" Said rimuru as he rushing to the bathroom

After a few hours, rimuru has already informed all of his subordinate that he is going out for a while, meanwhile azusa is heading to the labyrinth to ask shalsha and falfa to come back, 'ah..azusa, can you ask veldora too? We going to take him with us' rimuru send a message to azusa, azusa just nodded

The a few hours later, all the tempest family is already group up at rimuru house, "kuahahaha!! You such a generous person rimuru!! To think you ask me to go along with your vacation, as expected from my best friend!!" Veldora said as he is too excited

"Yeah yeah, you are part of family too you know?" Said rimuru as he is making a new spell with ciel that can send all of them to the past, "papa! If it like that shouldn't we ask milim nee-san to come with us too?" said falfa, "kuahahahaha, my disciple, milim has her own nation to take care of, so she is busy" said veldora

"All right! I already completed it" said rimuru, "you guys ready?"asked azusa to her daughters, "un! Let's go!" Said falfa, "i'm ready" said shalsha looking excited, "then please ciel" rimuru mutter slowly

<Confirmed, sending the 'Tempest Family' to the past, creating an identical world.....successful, creating a new time line....successful, transporting 'Tempest Family' to the designated destination>

The magic circle suddenly appear and enveloping all of us, then we all starting to dissapear alongside the magic circle, i asked ciel to create a whole new world with the exact same like in this world and make it a timeline where i step out of the veldora cave, so we basically not going back in time but creating a whole new world identical to it but with different time line

And we are here but...


"Mama..." Said shalsha slowly while hugging azusa


"..danna-sama, you're horrible" azusa said to me with painful stare

You want to know what happen? Yes we come at correct destination..no doubt, but we're currently ten thousand feet above the ground!!!

"I'm sorry ..i don't know this!!" Rimuru said as he let out his wings and catch azusa while veldora is holding the twins we slowly descend to the ground, no slime, dragon or a spirits injured at this scene

We now is in the middle of the great jura forest, veldora and me at this timeline immediately got absorbed by current me, you wanna know how? Because i created this world!

Well, the citizens in this world still believe that veldanava is the one who created it, and the true dragons is here too...so basically nothing change, the veldanava power or whatsoever ciel has done it with perfection

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