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Rimuru who is facing off againts michael just stare at him with a tired eyes.

'This entire charade is starting to feel boring. In the first place, what azusa intended to see when she came back to the past is how Tempest grow in terms of politic, relation, and culture. Not these crook villains.'

<<Shall i decimate them all?>>

'i wonder...'

Hearing ciel's ridiculous remark, rimuru ponder about it quite seriously.

"It's over for you slime. I've already gather 3 out of 4 dragons factors, this little game with you indeed enjoyable, but now i'll end this."

Michael suddenly said as he casually cast [Suspended World].

This immediately cause all that in the battlefield to freeze in place, of course except for guy and velzard who is fighting normally.

"You are not seriously think that a mere [Suspended World] could hold me?"

Rimuru said as he ready to attack michael, but then, michael suddenly point his finger toward a certain direction.

"Of course you were able to move in this world as well. But holding you is not what i'm aiming for. Look there..."

Rimuru then turn his gaze toward where michael was pointing at. It was toward shalsha who fighting vega.

"That is my daughter."

"Yes, i know. But that girl is dangerous, not just for me, but for entire world. Slime, i suggest you eradicate that child before it was too late."

Rimuru who heard this neither was angry nor upset. As he himself know very well about shalsha.

"And, why should i believe you?"

"I'm JUSTICE, so to sense the opposite force is easy. Both of your so called daughters are creatures that has been tainted by abyss, the evil and the unjustice."

Just as rimuru want to reply michael's words, someone suddenly intervene.

"So you sensed it too, but no worry, they are my daughters, if they do something bad i will just punish them"

Azusa who was unaffected by suspended world said while slowly approaching me

<<It wouldn't be surprise, Azusa is [Cosmic Spirit] after all, her whole body is being constructed by cosmic energy which is has the same properties as information particles>>

Rimuru just nodded in understanding.

"You make it sound so simple. Very well, after i revive veldanava, those two will be banish from this world!"

Michael then de-activated [Suspended World] and began to attack rimuru


Shalsha pov:

What just happen...?! Why did the world stopped for a while? And i couldn't even that an ability to interfere with information particles?


well, i will get to that later, for now let's teach this beast a lesson!

Shalsha then used her new ability, [Organic Domination] to strenghten her body to the max!

Just as vega approach her, shalsha let out a kick so powerful that it broke the sound barrier, immediately shatter vega's head


As vega began to regenerate, shalsha then slowly approach vega who couldn't move

She smile as she slowly put her hand on his chest, she then activated her Ultimate Skill [Genius Mischief King Loki] to the full power!

"Your body, your soul and your skill will be a great use to me, be honor"


Without wasting anytime shalsha immediately plundered the ultimate skill [Evil Dragon King Azi Dahaka] and kill his ego.

"Now, i will use this body to reinforce Zawisza later. Today gain is unexpectedly good~"

Shalsha lick her lips while her eyes glowing with bright color.


Meanwhile, at the ingracia, Feldway's parallel existence seemed to appear to kill masayuki, this cause a mass panic as the great magic being bombarded across the country

"Feldway.......that coward aren't easy to deal with, for now, princess could we leave masayuki-dono in your hand?"

Hearing testarossa words, falfa hesd went blank for a second.

"Why? Hinata is clearly the weakest among us now, shouldn't she be the one to protect masayuki?"

Falfa actually want to join the fun too, she really want to know her result after training with rimuru

"That's right, since hinata-dono is the weakest here, we couldn't trust to protect masayuki-dono"

Hinata who has been hearing this whole conversation frowned in anger, even though she has lost majority of her power, she still outstanding in terms of sword skill, at the very least she wouldn't be a hindrance

"Feldway coming! Ready your weapons!"

Hinata shout as she saw feldway fly toward them

"Now, let's kill this coward shall we?~"

Testarossa reply as he went head on againts feldway

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