Shizu's Students

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Rimuru just stand there smiling while he saw his daughters block yuki attack, while yuki is slightly panicked, rimuru then asked falfa and shalsha to calm down, the twins lower they weapons but still gazing at yuki, rimuru then explain what happen to shizu

After done with explaining, yuki seem excited when rimuru told him about manga and anime that he missed on earth, shalsha seeing this just let out a small grin, 'what an act' shalsha thought in her heart, yuki who sense shalsha behaviour got annoyed, 'she knows.....this is why i hated the same type as me' yuki thought, indeed yuki and shalsha in some aspect is very similar to each other

They're both genius but with different ambition and persona, if yuki persona is 'Greed for power' then shalsha is 'Pride as princess' but regardless of that, they train of thought is the same, 'everything is okay, as long as our ambitions fulfill' for that reason shalsha and yuki can easily read each other next move

After rimuru and yuki done with their conversations, yuki explained to rimuru about the kids lifespans to which just nodded without saying anything, rimuru then go to the kids classes with shalsha and falfa, as soon as rimuru enter the classes a fire magic slash toward him, the twins seeing getting ready to kill the caster but rimuru stop them

Rimuru then asked the kids to sit on their seat and begin introducing himself, "Hello, from today onwards i'm gonna be your teacher replacing miss shizu, i hope we get along well" said rimuru, the kids express a various expression when they hear this, "isn't he look like...shizu-sensei?" Chloe said, "what? No way, it's not same at all" alice replied, "Sensei! Who are those two!" Kenya asked loudly, "ah! These two is my daughters" rimuru replied and asked the twins to introducing themselves

"The name is shalsha tempest, nice to meet you" shalsha said with simple sentence, "My name is falfa tempest! You guys can call me falfa!" Falfa said cheerfully, the kids then begin to introducing themselves too, and just like that rimuru life as a teacher begin

A few month has passed since rimuru leave tempest, azusa who is still in her office is checking tempest current trade route, 'it seems our nation soon will replace falmuth kingdom as trading hub considering tempest strategic location that connected to the various western nations' azusa thought in her heart, this is indeed troublesome since before tempest emerge, the only way for eastern trader to go through western nation is either through Jistav or Dwargon, and Falmuth who is placed near dwargon making falmuth has border to almost every country on western and this make falmuth as a trading hub

"I don't really know how falmuth kingdom operate...but, i hope they send an envoy or something" azusa mutter slowly not knowing what's gonna come, shuna then knock the door, "azusa-sama, i brought a tea" said shuna, azusa just give her permission to enter and continue with her works

In the past few month rimuru teaching the kids, falfa and shalsha has gotten close with them, rimuru is happy since shalsha and falfa rarely had a friends on their age, 'it seems is time to saved them' rimuru thought, rimuru then told the kids that they are going to Ulgrassia, they just nodded and ready to go

Rimuru talked to yuki about it, and since yuki agree rimuru waste no time and teleport all of the kids and the twins in the front of ramiris labyrinth, rimuru summon ranga out in case something unexpected happen, rimuru and the kids then enter the labyrinth

The same as in the past, ramiris is trying to scare them but nothing actually happen, until ramiris brought them into a room with pink robot and red shady eye, ranga enlarge his body attempting to protect the kids, the kids except the twins run behind ranga while the twins has sparkling star in their eyes seeing a robot

Rimuru just sigh, and destroy the robot in an instant, "i know you are there, show up will you?" Rimuru asked, ramiris who is in clear panic immediately show herself, after rimuru confirm that nothing is happening anymore rimuru began to ready their picnic lunch, the kids is busy playing with the spirits while ranga is following them, the twins is just sat beside while crying when they saw ramiris again

"H-hey! Rimuru! These two is spirit kings right? Why are they crying!? Do they feel that touch meeting with me" ramiris who is clearly flustered begin to comforting the twins, rimuru begin to explain about why is he here and such, ramiris just nodded and agree to help rimuru save the kids in exchange for a new golem

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