Crisis Emergence

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'it's close. So close, or else hinata would have lost his head by now..'

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing shalsha put down her katana.

Of course, hinata and chloe too is very much shocked about this matter since they wouldn't expect to get attacked in my home.

"You insolent knight, do you have no shame trying to destroyed someone marriage? Not to mention it's my father.."

The sharp words that shalsha is saying currently making both of them went silent without being able to say anything

"Moreover trying to seduce a king of-"

"Stop shalsha, don't you supposed to be at walpurgis? What's the reason for coming back so early?"

Seeing hinata's expression, i couldn't let shalsha say anything more since it would be more troublesome later

"Papa, leon's castle is under attack by feldway and a few others of his henchmens, Guy, Leon, and mama is heading there right now. But the problem is velzard is also there, with guy busy handling velzard and mama need to protect leon, i think we need your help to keep feldway at bay"

Oh seriously? This happen way faster than in the past. It's a good thing though, but if feldway is at leon's castle by now. That mean ingracia also should have under attack

"Alright since diablo is already there, i will inform benimaru and the other. Do you want to come too?"

"Of course papa! With so many strong opponents gather there, i would put my ultimate skill into a really good use"

Seeing shalsha reaction, i immediately contact my mens to get ready to go into the battle. Testa and falfa apparently is at ingracia currently, so i don't think i need to worry about them

But just in case..

"I'm sorry hinata, but i would to talk about this in another time. For now, i need you to go to ingracia as fast as you can"

"Y-yeah, s-sure"

"And chloe, go back into the labyrinth"


Good all things is set up nicely now, without wasting anytime i immediately teleport to leon's castle with my subordinates.


"Ah damn it! Leon! Come back to your sense!"

Azusa said frustratingly while fighting leon who already got control as soon as they arrived


"Yeah sure, you are a jerk even after being controlled"

As azusa mutter, she summon her golden scythe while coating it with cosmic energy and began to counter attack

The trait of cosmic energy is that it's transcend space and time making it virtually impossible to block the attack that made out of cosmic energy

It is an energy that in the same realm as information particles that can even move in suspended world.

In another words, it wouldn't be a stretched to say that this is an power that even the gods fear

"It would've been a lot easier to kill you, you know?"

Even though she said that, her magicules almost depleted in half even after a few minutes of using cosmic energy

'i try to launch my attack toward that feldway guy, but it seems the barrier he got is made out of almost the same thing as my cosmic energy..'

She just testing the water, but after seeing feldway unharmed, azusa know that she couldn't take on feldway right now.


"Everybody, go scan the battlefield and act according what you see fit. Souei, stay low and collect as much information you can get from our enemies. Go!"

"""As you wish!!"""

Shalsha, ranga, souei and kumara immediately spread out and heading toward each enemies

While i'm just chilling in the sky beside feldway and observing the battle

"Don't wanna run?"

"I'm not like michael-sama, just because you are here don't think you could do anything you want"

I just smile lightly toward his remark and immediately pierce his soul with my katana


He seemed surprised to see thag i could effortlessly damaged him

"Don't bother. [Castle Guard] not even that tough once you know it's basic principles. So what now? Still doesn't wanna run away?"


Shalsha who got order from rimuru immediately went to the enemies that she confident she could take on

"Gwahahaha!! Dog and a little girl?! More meals for me!!"

The voice is belong to vega, the owner of the [Evil Dragon King Azi Dahaka].

"Look now, who could've guess that a piece of shit could talk? What an fascinating world we live in"

Hearing shalsha's obvious taunting, vega's who got drunk on his newly acquired power couldn't helo but rush toward him

As he has reinforce his body with [Organic Domination] vega is confident to kill this little girl with a single punch

As vega becoming closer, shalsha just stay still while smiling without having any intention to block or evade it


Ranga shout as he saw vega punched shalsha's head with an incredible strength

"That's what you get for not respecting me brat!! Gwahahaha!!"

But surpringly, as the dust began to clear away. Shalsha just standing there without having a single bruise on her face

"What do you said about respect again?"

Vega is definitely surprised by this, with his existence points that exceed 10 million combining with his ultimate skill.

Nobody ever survived that punch from him.

But it doesn't matter, as vega ready to attack shalsha again but this time, far more stronger.


"Oh, you just realized? Took you long enough"

Vega couldn't comprehend what just happen, since he couldn't use his skill anymore. No, it's like he never has that skill in the first place. It's ceased to exist


a loud cry---no, roar.

Yet, shalsha just let out a hearty laugh.

This sending a slight shiver toward ranga and all the other present

"Hahahaha!! How amusing! [Organic Domination], such a powerful ability, yet it fall at the hand of a fool like you? What a pity, Let me show you how to properly use it."


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