The Great Danger

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As the world began to breakdown due to veldora and velgrynd fight, he know that he can't keep fighting as the world might be destroyed

Veldora then purposely let his guard down, and velgrynd who noticed this doesn't waste any chance and quickly imprisoned veldora with her skill

Right after that felt a bullet penetrating his scales,and a strong force of domination assault him

Veldora does not resist and fall into slumber

Velgrynd felt relieve as this is just her [parallel existence] so the injury she received from her battle will not affect her that much

'but still....this kid has grown far stronger than before' velgrynd mutter in his heart

Decided not to think about it anymore velgrynd fly toward rudra air ship

"Good work" rudra said

"Thank you.." velgrynd replied while blushing

But at that moment, all the peoples that on the air ship including rudra and velgrynd felt an incredible bloodlust to the point they stiffen up not moving a muscle

Velgrynd quickly glance at the sky and saw the shattered reality began to fix itself

But a lineup of peoples can be seen peeking through the reality and staring right on them

'is that....demon lord rimuru and his mens?' velgrynd mutter while shudder in fear after making an eye contact with rimuru

Soon after the reality finished fix itself and rimuru and the others has dissapear

'Terrible..truly a terrible existence' velgrynd quietly said in her heart


"are you sure about doing this shalsha? Even master can be dominated! We need a plan to attack them.." falfa said frantically at her sister

Both of them now is currently on falfa's dimension and observing the air ship

"That's right, most of our force is still haven't awaken from their evolutionary yet...let's retreat for now" with that falfa and shalsha return to control room

'hang on you two' a sudden telepathy voice came to them, it is ramiris

'go help geld and kumara at the front door of labyrinth, they are facing some tough enemies'

Hearing this the twins just nodded and swiftly move


"Now that's settle dino, when are you gonna make you move?" Ramiris said as she facing dino who is already put most of the peoples in control in sleep

"....listen here ramiris, i don't want to hurt you, i just need you to follow me" dino said his true thought

"So it seems that you are serious huh? Do you know who are messing with right now? Rimuru will not take this matter lightly" ramiris in cold tone

"I know...then, i just need to quickly take you with me, even if it's mean using force" dino said as he ready to attack

Beretta immediately stand in front of ramiris to protect her, but ramiris told him to help treyni and charys who is fighting at the top floor

Beretta reluctant for a while, but decided to trust ramiris, with that beretta quickly move toward the upper floor

"Ho? With your current state do you really think you stand a chance againts me?" Dino said as he saw beretta left

To this, ramiris just smile

Immediately after, she turned into her adult form and her upgraded armor quickly enveloped her body

This technology that inspired from comic called nano-technology is indeed useful for her

As her whole body cover in an advance armor that paint with black and gold and two horns protruding from it's head, ramiris now is basically grown far stronger

"Do you think you can beat me with your toys?" Dino said and without waiting for ramiris replied, dino attack her with his sword called 'crumbling fang'


But ramiris just easily block it with one hand


"How's that you like it? This is my masterpiece, It is called Elysium Sentinel" ramiris announced as she return a punch toward dino

Seeing dino flew quite far just by a single punch, ramiris began to feel excited with her creation

'elysia, optimize the suit and switch into the combat mode' ramiris gave an order

{Confirm, the suit has being optimized. Analysis in process.....confirm. Entering combat mode (CQC) successfully. Unique skill [Fist Saint] is currently activated}

"Good, now time to kick your lazy ass dino!" Ramiris shout as she spring into action

Ramiris actually able to do all this is thanks to her Ultimate Skill [Life God Phanes]. The essence of this ultimate skill is to create, restore and fixing 'life'. Combined with her genius level intellect in magi-tech department, she can create an artificial intelligence that born with unique skill

Ramiris suit right now. Elysium Sentinel is basically a unique skill in physical form.

"Tch. You are just ramiris! Don't get cocky yet!" Dino shout as he ready to attack her again

And the clash between demon lord happened

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