Chosen Hero

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Rimuru who is sitting at the parlour of the colosseum with louis and ligeia by each of his sit just look at the match with noticeable boredom in his eye, but then souka introduce the final challenger it is none other than 'shining hero' masayuki

The crowds began to cheer for masayuki loudly

"Is masayuki-sama finally decided to purge the demon lord?!"

"You idiot! How can masayuki-sama waste his time to mere demon lord!!"


Rimuru hearing this just let out a grin when he saw masayuki clearly tired with all those cheering

'i somehow can't hate this guy.....but i guess it's just me huh..' rimuru thought while glance at his two troublesome children standing behind her

"Lowly insect dare...."

"Kufufufu, how i wish i could torment him with my own hands..."

Shion and diablo mutter while giving off leaking off their magicules that fuse with their bloodlust

Ligeia's guards seem uncomfortable by this and ready to attack diablo and shion at any moment, while hinata is staring at diablo and shion with cold glare as if telling them to stop, but of course both of them directly ignore her

Luminous who is standing behind louis and beside hinata then send message to rimuru

'so how are you gonna handle this rimuru? That masayuki guy is clearly weak'

'well... I just leave it to gobta'

'ho? That little goblin? Don't you underestimating shining hero a little bit too far'

'no i don't, it is the opposite, the whole audiences in this colosseum is the one who underestimating my boy gobta'

' expected, you are interesting newbie'

Luminous then end her message there and watch the battle with interest

'show us gobta...the result of your hellish training' rimuru mutter in his heart while secretly cheering for gobta in his heart


Meanwhile at the colosseum stage, gobta and masayuki is having a face off againts each other

Gobta who once lost his friend gobzo in gruesome way decided to become stronger to prevent the tragedy from repeating again, gobta then asked hakurou for high-intensity training

Even when all of his friends lying on the ground he is still continue with high spirit, his lord, rimuru then would come regularly to visit him while chatting with each other

Gobta and rimuru can be consider close even when rimuru and his family arrive at the goblin village, rimuru in gobta eyes is charismatic leader and benevolent ruler

And that's why, he will show the result of his training, he want to impress rimuru!

Souka who saw gobta unusual serious expression just smile excitedly and start the match

"I'm sorry but i will go all out from now~ssu"

Gobta then summon ranga from his shadow and immediately fuse into one

's-scary!!!' masayuki thought, and before he could surrender gobta appear in front of his eye

"This will be hurt~ssu" gobta mutter and give an all out punch toward masayuki


When the dust is slowly settle down, the crowds who saw the battle is silent without words, the scene at the stage is too shocking for them

"Eh...?" Gobta mutter confusely while looking at masayuki who half of his upper body splattered everywhere

Only his waist and legs is still standing while his guts,brains, eye balls and heart splattered across the colosseum

Rimuru who saw this finally let out a hearty laugh

"Hahahaha!! As expected from gobta!" Rimuru said while wiping his tears from laughing so hard

"That fellow maybe rude but he got skills" shion said while smiling satisfied by the result

"Kufufu, what a pleasant sight to behold" diablo mutter while having a high-five with shion

Ligeia just smiling lightly when she saw this while louis, luminous and hinata is frowning at the sight

"....are you kidding me rimuru?" Hinata said while glaring at rimuru

Rimuru heard this gradually calm down from his laughing and look at hinata

"What do you mean?" Rimuru asked casually

" just laugh when you saw this? Aren't you a former human?!" Hinata said aggressively

"So what? You are human yet you killed people right? And don't be mistaken hinata.." rimuru pause a while

Hinata then noticed that diablo, shion and rimuru is staring at her with predator eyes

"W-what?" Hinata gather her courage and asked

"We ARE monsters." Rimuru finish his line and turn his eye from hinata signalling that this is the end of conversation

After a while, souka finally announce gobta as a winner and masayuki who is supposed to be dead magically respawn at the corner of the stage with confuse expression

Souka then reveal that this is possible because masayuki is wearing a ressurection bracelet, why it effective outside of the labyrinth you asked? Well because this one is one-time special item that allow the user revive outside of the dungeon, this one time marketing bracelet is using rimuru's power instead of ramiris

Yeah, this is just for promoting the ressurection bracelet to the public

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