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Testarossa who has received the order from her liege is now began to approach the mecha legion

Geist the commander of mecha legion and the holder of unique skill [player] that able to hear all things within his surrounding

"The air has changed.." geist mutter as he thought demon lord rimuru has prepare an ambush

'heh, what a lousy mistake..' geist thought as he suddenly saw a beast with two horns quietly approaching them

'what an immense aura....if i'm not wrong that is a beast called ranga that is being teased as demon lord pet...but to come here alone? It seems that slime has no intention to fight..' geist thought as a smile form on his face

But then, geist realized that there are two other person on top of that beast, geist completely ignored the other person as his eyes is locked on a inhumanely beautiful woman with white hair

'this is wrong.....her heartbeat..i can't hear it! And..the blood flows, fast! Human body will explode at such rate..' the smile on his lips has gone only cold sweat can be seen on his face right now

Testarossa then slowly floating in the sky as she snap her finger making a wall of flames between her and the enemy troops

The flame the quickly dissapear leaving a molten ground that form a crystal perfectly drawing a line

"From the great being, Demon Lord Rimuru, we bear a message, retreat with your army and we will feign ignorance for this incident, but if you do otherwise we have no choice except to take military action and purge you all!" testarossa gracefully said with an aura that projected a clear arrogance

Geist who heard this immediately has a distorted expression, his pride as the commander of the great nasca empire is being poked by testa

"Hmph! Is that slime is cowering in fear right now? We are not stupid enough to fall for such bluff!" Geist said with completely ridiculed rimuru

And testa definitely not happy about it, her red eyes began to shone brighter, her aura that she has to forcefully suppress it because of her emotion began to distort the space around her, yet she still retain the beautiful smile

"I think i make myself pretty clear, if you want to cross that line be prepared to witness the worst genocide, only forgiveness from the lord will spare you from it" testa said as she get on the top of ranga heading back to the forest

Geist seeing this began to fall in rage, 'don't underestimate the great empire!! You will pay woman!'

"Shoot that arrogant woman through her head. Afterwards the reverse direction, allow the twenty magic tanks to come to the front and fire their shells together. Let the monsters that lurk in the forest see the power of our empire...!" geist shout

The shooter just nodded as he aimed testa head, after a second he pull the trigger releasing the flaming bullet toward testa

But surprisingly, testa turn around as she stopped the bullet with her index finger, testa then let out a smile

A very wicked one at that..

"That's good, i like your answer, i'm not planning to let the one who insult my God get away after all, fufufufu~"

With that creepy snicker, she left


Meanwhile at the ice palace in the northern continent..

"You heard about it too? Apparently rimuru-sama is going to war with the empire! I wonder how guy-sama will react to this!" Rain said with full of energy

"Rain, if you have that much time than go wash the laundry" misery as usual ignore rain

But suddenly shalsha barged in into the kitchen

"Oh my! Shalsha-chan, what's wrong?" Rain asked as her and shalsha has gotten quite close during shalsha's stay here

"Rain, do tempest is in war right now?" Shalsha asked with slightly concerned tone

"Yes- kuhuk!! That's hurt!" Rain shout as before she could finish her sentence misery knocked her head with wooden spoon

"Nothing of sort shalsha-sama, no need to worry" misery said as she slightly bow

"Tell me more about it.." shalsha still insisted


"Tch! Fine then! I will go see it myself!" Shalsha said as she sense that those two has no intention to talk

But just before she could leave the castle, guy blocked her path

"What does this mean demon lord guy? Move" shalsha coldly said

"Ha...don't look at me like that, i'm not siding with the empire by keeping you here you know? It's just you can't leave here yet" guy replied as he know clearly what shalsha is thinking

"So it's true...tempest is currently in a war...i want to go there, demon lord guy i hope you won't get in the way" shalsha said as her body is shivering a little

"I said no" this time guy replied with cold tone as if he will never accept anymore disobedience

Shalsha body began to shiver harder by guy tone, but she still hasn't change her mind on going back to tempest

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