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A few days has passed since rimuru named all the ogres, during the past few days gabiru also has come, and same as last time gobta defeated him, rimuru and the others now is holding a meeting on how to defeat the orcs army

Then after a few minutes of meeting, treyni show herself, "Ruler of the monster, rimuru tempest-sama i requesting your help to defeat the orcs" and just like that treyni also joined the meeting

"So you directly ask me involves in this battle?" Rimuru asked with lazy expression, "yes, though this is not entirely unrelated to you, the orc lord is born by a demon who possibly working with demon lord" treyni said casually, 'seriously, dryad are really well informed she must know the matter with shizu-san' rimuru thought

"Then let me request it again, you are the one who received the blessing of the storm dragon and took in ogres with direwolves, i believe you shall not lose to the orc lord right?" Treyni said with her usual calm demeanor, but before i could say anything shion just bluntly agree with the request

"Alright, beating the orc lord right? I shall accept that request, everyone get ready!" Benimaru and the others just nodded at me while azusa look like she too lazy to go there, i just said to her that she can stay here of she want, naturally she agree

"Now i need to form an alliance with the lizardmen, but it will be troublesome if it has to go through gabiru.." i pretend like i'm in deep thought, "then let me be the envoy, it will be done as long as i meet with the lizardmen chief right?" Souei offered himself, "i leave it to you then" i said without hesitation

Kaijin and kurobe also has begin weaponry preparations, while they got ready i called my daughters, "shalsha, falfa come here for a second" my daughters then happily rushing to me, "do you guys wanna have fun?" I asked them, ""Un!!"" They both nodded

"Alright good girls, listen here the moment papa and the others move out, make sure to follow treyni-san, if you guys follow her well, they will be a amusing clown show up!" The twins who heard this has sparkling star in their eyes, i also mention not to kill the clown, since he will be much use

The twins then immediately goes to meet treyni-san, 'clayman huh..what should i do with you..' rimuru ponder in his heart, but there are only much rimuru can do as he don't want to change too much, and that's why he has been trying to imitate the past as possible

And just like that four days has passed, and by the time gabiru should have successfully imprisoned the chief and the captain, "Alright guys, let's go!" Then rimuru and his subordinates depart leaving azusa to take care of the village, the twins has also followed treyni-san, so there should be no problem

While we are moving to the lizardmen place, souei send me a report that he found a captain of the lizardmen is being attacked by groups of orc, i then order souei to eliminates the orcs and goes to his direction, there we found an unconcious lizardmen i  quickly heal her

After she getting confused for a second she quickly regain her composure, after a few conversations rimuru decided to acknowledge this lizardmen as an envoy and successfully form an alliance

"Souei, go back with the captain and save the chief" i order him, "yes, master" souei then immediately dissapear, rimuru and the others continue their way to the battlefield

Meanwhile, "it looks like everything according to plan right? Gelmud-sama!" Laplace said so while dancing, "yeah, though the appearance of the orc lord is quite surprising" gelmud said while looking at his orb

"Oya? Can you tell me more about it?" The voice then suddenly resounded, Laplace and gelmud also shocked when they seeing the figure, "this is bad gelmud-sama, she is the manager of this forest" said laplace, "yep it's me, now i hope you can cooperate with me right now, [Spirit summoning: Sylphid] !" Treyni activated her skill

"[Aerial Blade] !!" As treyni said that, the spirit begin to sing while releasing a sharp air compression, laplace who was trying to protecting gelmud and got one of his arm got cut completely, "you crazy lady, then it's enough for me now, i will continue to watch the battle in sidelines, the..goodbye!!" Laplace throw a bomb  smoke a and swiftly ready to leave

"..where do you think you are going? Clown man" the voice suddenly whisper to laplace ear making his heart stop for a while, 'are you kidding me? She that close and i can't even sense her' Laplace begin to let out a cold sweat

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