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After ramiris agreed  to help rimuru, rimuru and others heading straight to the Dwelling of spirits, "i see so these two is your daughters.....but how?" Ramiris said in confusion after rimuru explained about the twins, "it's the same case as veldora and charybdis, except these is born through my mana and my wife" rimuru said, chloe then grab rimuru clothe and ask him, "sensei....are you married?" Chloe asked with worried tone

"Hm? Yes" rimuru replied casually, chloe then pouted and don't say anything, then they arrived at their destination, "so this is dwelling of spirits, natural magicules is so thick here" shalsha said, rimuru then don't say anything and begin to take the kids one by one to summon a spirits

Rimuru has instructed ciel to make the exact spirit as in the past, the twins just stay in sidelines and watch their father created the spirits, all the kids safely got the spirits, only chloe is left, rimuru then take chloe to pray, but the twins heard somethings in chloe conversations with rimuru, "Damn chloe, my papa is mine alone.." shalsha said slowly, "calm down shalsha, no matter what chloe is just a kid right? You take it too serious" falfa laugh at shalsha

Rimuru heard this just ignore them, as chloe pray the atmosphere around them shook to noticeable level, the twins sense this immediately went on full alert, after a while a single beautiful....spiritual lifeform appear, 'chronoa, i don't sense it before but for a hero, you really exuded such evil energy....no wonder ramiris so panicked' rimuru thought while still wearing his soft smile on his face.

Chronoa than fly to reach rimuru slowly, rimuru who sense the twins on full alert told them to stay still, as chronoa come closer, she kissed rimuru and fly straight into chloe body, the twins seeing this got incredible anger on their expression, "Damn! I don't care if she a kid or what, only mama and us is allowed to kiss papa!!" Falfa shout, "Chloe..her corpse would be beautiful" shalsha said with dangerous aura

'those two..is dangerous to let them near chloe anymore' rimuru thought then sigh slowly, rimuru then went to his daughters and kiss them each on cheeks, "don't be mad okay" rimuru said as he giving his two daughters gentle head pats, the twins just shyly nodded.

Meanwhile in tempest, azusa who is in his office suddenly receive a report from souei, 'Azusa-sama' azusa who heard this replied, 'what's up souei' azusa asked, 'We spotted around a hundred knight approaching here, should we intercept them?' souei asked, as he spotted folgen and his knights, azusa got shocked a little then asked, 'any idea where they from?' souei then reply, 'base on crest on their armor, they most likely from falmuth kingdom'

'Falmuth? Is there anyone who seem to be the king?' azusa asked as she has expected that falmuth kingdom will come, 'There is, but the king is seem to be on the military camp far from the knights that approach here' souei reported, 'Military camp? Hm...it is understandable that the king came here with an army, considering that this is monster country..but why there knights approaching here?' azusa thought in her head, azusa who is ignorance to humans greed just thinking that the king came here for negotiations

'Alright, souei come with me to meet the king,  we at least need to know their reasons' and just like that azusa make a terrible mistake that she will end up regretting later, leaving the town.

After a few days, rimuru and the twins has decided to go back to tempest, right now their in the middle to bid farewell to the kids, "yuki, i leave these kids to you" as rimuru said that, rimuru and his daughters then leave ingracia heading straight back to tempest

"Papa, why are giving shizu-san mask to chloe?" Falfa asked, "You will know later~" rimuru said then continue their journey, but not all thing is going as their plan as rimuru and his daughters sense some bloodlust directing toward them, "papa!" Said falfa with intention to alerting rimuru, "falfa, shalsha re-summon your wolves, ranga get in my shadow" rimuru order them

As they wondering what happen, souei clone appear on the tree shades warning rimuru what's happen then dissapear shortly, "Barrier?!" Shalsha sense the barrier being erected causing souei clone to dissapear, "woah damn..this some incredible bloodlust" falfa said with exciting smile on her face

'right...how can i forget about this event' rimuru who remembered the past just let out a sigh, 'yeah right tempest is currently under attack and...'as rimuru begin to remember what gonna happen he shiver a little, 'Shion!!' rimuru then begin swiftly try to escape but a girl with rapier appear in front of him

"Don't try to escape" the girl said coldly with a hint of arrogance, 'hinata' rimuru thought but then he remember that their both currently is enemy so is okay to hurt her a little, but before rimuru could do anything shalsha appear in front of rimuru

"[Spirit Magic: Adamant Rampart] !" A wall of steel emerge from the ground blocking hinata attack, "papa! Considering hinata is blocking us, something must have happened in town, go back first leave this kid to us" shalsha said, rimuru who clear about his daughters strength just teleport without hesitation while leaving the twins a message, 'don't kill her'

Hinata who was caught by surprise swiftly back down, "He escaped..?" Hinata mutter coldly, she then turn her attention to the twins, "and you, who are you calling kid?" Hinata asked, "For a guardian of humanity to lack hearing to this extent" shalsha replied with mocking tone, but then shalsha eyes turn cold immediately, "listen here kid, leave us alone" shalsha said, 'well, hinata in the past is indeed older than us, but here you just a kid to us..moreover, i really hope you don't leaving us alone' shalsha thought as she remember that hinata once beat her down in the past

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