The Demon Lord Arrival

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After discussion between rimuru and king gazel done, jura tempest federation has now officially become a recognize nation, the tempest citizen just living they normal everyday life without any problem, rimuru who just walking down the street suddenly feel an enormous yet familiar aura coming straight to him

Rimuru know who this is was and decided to lure it to where there's no citizen, the light then landed on the ground resulting an enormous explosion, rimuru then turn into his human form and inform the kijins to not take any action

"Nice to meet you, i'm the only dragonoid and known as the destroyer, Demon Lord Milim Nava!"  The figured emerge from the thick dust, rimuru seeing this immediately smile in his heart, "nice to meet you too, my name is Rimuru Tempest" rimuru in introduce himself too, milim then approach rimuru and suddenly become serious, "you....what are you? I can't seem to find any limit in your magicules" milim said with serious tone

"I'm just a normal slime you know?" Rimuru turn into his slime form, "normal? No no no, normal slime don't talk" milim replied making rimuru feel that he is dumb, "now, now eat this and go home okay?" Rimuru handed milim a jar of honey, milim seeing this just opened the jar and taste the honey, "THIS IS SO DELICIOUS!!!" milim shout

"Alright then, make sure you go back home safely yeah? I'm gonna go back take a nap or something" rimuru turn into his human form and ready to leave, but then milim quickly hug rimuru from behind shouting to let her enter the village too, rimuru know this naturally let her enter

"I guess we're siblings now right?" Rimuru mutter slowly, since azusa and her daughters still think that milim and rimuru are siblings there's nothing rimuru can do, the misunderstanding has gone too deep

Milim of course hear this but she just keep eating her honey, 'hmm, there's true dragon factor in rimuru it's basically not wrong to call us siblings' milim thought, then after a while rimuru ready a stage to introducing milim to tempest citizens, "my name is milim nava! I will be living in here from now on-noda!!" Milim shamelessly said so.

Then one goblins in the crowd finally asked what rimuru relationship with milim, milim then hugged rimuru who is in his human form and say, "we're siblings-noda!!" Rimuru got startled a bit and then gentlely pat milim head, 'well, it's not bad though, but i too once had someone who call me nii-san.....' rimuru feel nostalgic when he thought about that person

'she...should be-' before rimuru could finish his thought milim called him, " rimuru?" Rimuru then grasp milim hand and say, "let's go, i want to introduce my sister to my friend too" milim just nodded happily and follow rimuru, rimuru then brought her to his house, azusa who is lazyly lying down while reading the manga can be seen, "oh? Danna-sama, welcome home, i sense a huge mana fluctuation earlier but since danna-sama go there, there should be no problem right? Eh?" Azusa got confused when she see milim

"Who is this rimuru?" Milim asked rimuru, "ah, this is my wife azusa, and azusa this is my sister milim" azusa heard this just smile while slightly lower head to milim, "nice to meet you demon lord milim-sama" azusa said, even in the past azusa still give some respect to other demon lord except for ramiris, but what she didn't expect is, the milim is so much stronger than azusa, 'ah..even now i'm no match for her' azusa thought

"Ooo, so you are my brother wife huh? You are strong! So i approve-noda!" Milim said while patting azusa shoulder, but then a two figured rush down and hug milim, ""milim nee-san!!"" Milim who suddenly hot hugged got blushed and look at rimuru, "em..rimuru.." milim who heard these two call her 'nee-san' weirdly does not angry, more like she feels somewhat happy

"These two is my daughter, we are quite small family you know" rimuru said, milim then pat the twins head and smile, but her smile contain some nostalgic feeling, "yeah, but at least you have family rimuru, make sure to protect them" milim who rarely give a reasonable advice said so, and this shocked rimuru a little bit, "what do you mean by 'you' milim? You too, is part of this family now" rimuru said

"You are my husband sister, milim-sama so it is natural" azusa said while looking straight to milim eyes, " but-" but before milim could reply, azusa to hugged milim form behind, following that rimuru who got azusa and his daughter in his arm is naturally hug milim too, milim who for so so so so long have been living alone, finally feel the warm of the family

Milim then smile and back to her usual self, "Wahahahahaha!!! It's true right!!? I'm your family too, you all can rely on me -noda!!" Milim, the girl who run away from any attachment almost all in her life, finally decided to join the tempest family, 'i'm happy...i'm very glad i came here! Not only now i have a brother! I gor family too!' milim though while try to hugging rimuru and azusa back.

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