Ciel Talent

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Today is finally the day that the tempest tournament being officially started, unlike in the original world, rimuru make the colosseum much bigger and grand then before, the core design of the colosseum is still taken from earth, but it is much more beautiful

'now...what am i gonna do with this kids?' rimuru mutter in his heart while looking at his students

"Danna-sama, leave them to me" azusa who has noticed rimuru trouble decided to help him

"Well, it seems my help is not needed" suddenly a voice cut our conversation, it was hinata

"Eh sensei! Who is this?"


Chloe and alice who noticed hinata immediately asked rimuru while hiding behind him

"Ah, she is one of shizu-san students, the powerhouse who fought me before" rimuru answer while patting both of them

"Huh? This old hag-" before kenya could finish his words, hinata glare coldly at him making him shiver a little

"K-kenya.." ryota tried to save kenya but he is too afraid

"Shizu sensei student? Could it be...."

"The captain of holy knight! Hinata Sakaguchi-sama!"

"Wah! Azusa-sama, is it true that sensei fought again her!"

Gale asked azusa with excitement, he is too curious to know who is the winner

"Haha, yep, and danna-sama won" azusa gently answer, and turn to look at hinata

"It's okay, you can leave the kids with me hinata, go and enjoy the tournament, beside that i believe you need to take care of someone right?" Azusa said while  wink at hinata

Hinata then frowned, even though she once has been saved by azusa, she still don't fully trust her, moreover with luminous description about her

'well, she is rimuru's wife, maybe i can trust her' hinata decided to trust the kids to azusa

"You're right, i leave the kids to you, golden witch" hinata answer and walking to the colosseum with rimuru


Hinata who is walking beside rimuru couldn't help but feel comfortable when she with him, moreover with just both of them walking together like this she feel weirdly happy about it, hinata sometimes take a peek to rimuru and quickly retracted her glance

But then suddenly someone squeeze in the middle of both of them rudely, hinata frowned a little but immediately calm down, while rimuru who recognize the person just sigh helplessly

"Ciel, how much money do you spent on those food?" Asked rimuru while seeing ciel with a lot of junk food in her hands

<Un, i bought this for master and i>

Hinata then finally take a glance at ciel

"Hey, is this your slime twin or something?" Hinata coldly asked rimuru, she is a bit angry since ciel interrupted her with rimuru

<You look a bit angry, want some snickers?> Ciel said without a single care in the world

"No, thank you"

<So picky, your life must be boring>

Hinata who heard this, is trying to calm herself down and not reply anything

"She is my subordinates, ciel is always like this, don't take it to heart okay?" Rimuru said while patting ciel who is chewing her food

"You really need to teach some manner to your subordinates" hinata retorted after remembering zegion and the twins

"My name is hinata sakaguchi" hinata decided to introduce herself to ciel while offering a handshake, ciel then look at her and shake her hand

<Nice name, glad to meet you too>

"As i name is hinata saka-"

<Why are you repeating it?>

'just tell me your name!' hinata shouted in her heart pissed off by ciel attitude

Rimuru who is noticing hinata slowly begin to lose control just let out a helpless sigh, rimuru then turn to ciel

"She is asking your name, introduce yourself properly"

<Weird, you can just ask me you know? well, my name is ciel>

'ciel, you really has a talent to get on peoples nerve huh' rimuru mutter in his heart while remembering azusa's incident


Soon the three of them arrived at the colosseum, rimuru then went ahead to greet the guest leaving ciel and hinata behind

"Well, i guess we should be going too"

<Wait, the snack is already gone>

Hinata then stopped his step and look at ciel

"You are the one eating it all"

<Is that so? Then, go buy me some>

Hinata then frowned again

"Why would i? Don't get too full of yourself"

<I've got several reason, but the main reason is this>

Ciel then immediately launch a hologram from her palm showing that hinata is peeking at rimuru while blushing

"Do you think i'm scare?" Hinata coldly retorted




After that hinata and ciel is glaring at each other intensely, to the point where it wouldn't weird if a fight breakout

<I can enlarge it too> ciel finally said while enlarging the hologram

"Alright stop! I will go buy it" hinata finally gave up, 'i just need to buy some need to cause a problem' hinata thought while looking at ciel

<Why are you still here?>

"Money! Give me money!"

<Ah! Use your money>

Hinata then put his hand on her rapier hilt intending to intimidate ciel, but then ciel enlarge the hologram again

"Stop that! I will go now!" Hinata gave up again and went outside the colosseum

Ciel who is watching hinata then shout


"Tsk! What now?!"

<Did i asked you to go buy a snacks or strolling?>

"Damn it!" Hinata curse and quicken her walk

<Did i stutter?>

"Fucking hell!!" Hinata curse and run to the shop

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