Shalsha murmur

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Shalsha Pov:

It's been a few days since we defeat michael and his gangs, fortunately in Tempest capital city there wasn't any casualty this is due to the yellow corps effort for protecting the city.

And for the empire legions who got wipe out by papa, he ressurected them back and now they is staying at the 100th of labyrinth together with the treants and elves .

And as expected, papa currently is overflowing with work due to the empire legion and somehow related to masayuki

These things is not important for me so i don't bother prying too much into it.

On the other hand, falfa is keep pestering me about my ultimate skill and how yo acquire it, to be honest i myself have a vague idea about it. All i know is Ultimate Skill is akin to a authority to interfere the law of the world

Basically the holder of ultimate skill can be considered a god at some point, thus only another holder of ultimate can defeat an ultimate skill

So i just told falfa that she need to do something incredible to achieve it, and being slow as she is she believe it

Forgive your little sister for not being any help.

Occasionally i would've went to labyrinth to test my new skills, and i found it incredibly powerful! Being carried away by my new power i challenged that damn diablo for a mock battle

And i managed to tied with him. Alright that's bullshit, he beat the living crap out of me.

Seriously! That weirdo ultimate skill [Temptation King Azazel] is not that strong to be honest, but he managed to used it to created his own freaking world where he is the God!! I mean how the hell does he even do that?!

I'm lucky i didn't challenge master. Speaking about master, he somehow managed to break michael control all by himself, i have some doubt that he never really under control, but well it's not like it will make any difference now

Ramiris-sensei on the other hand is busy upgrading her suit, she must have gotten some inspiration from sacred texts

Meanwhile, the other patrons also got an ultimate skills each. This make me feel like obtaining ultimate is not a big deal.

Alright, that's enough of depreciating myself, for now i got work to do

Yes, me and diablo got to escort mama to the walpurgis. Why not papa? I don't know the details, but from what i've heard, guy himself asked for mama to come instead of papa. I guess they have they own they own motive for this though

"Azusa-sama, ramiris-sama. I've come to collect you, please. Guy-sama is waiting behind the gate"

Misery appeared as she lead us into the gate, upon entering i noticed that this placed seemed to have cracked all over

There's obvious trace of fighting as well. Well since it is guy place, and considering that not many peoples in the world could stand before him, it's obvious that who is he fighting

Diablo seemed to noticed it as well, though i don't if he has the same conclusion as me

"Yo, golden witch, how are you doing? Please take a sit"

Guy greeted mama with familiar tone. And it's not just us in this room, luminous and leon seemed to have arrived early too

"I'm fine. Though, i do wonder for what purpose am i here today?"

Mama asked politely. Maybe others do not noticed it, but it's clear for me that mama is nervous

"Calm down golden witch, we are here to discuss about the war againts the empire. No need to be so tense"

Luminous calmly said, behind her hinata can be seen standing beside louis.

Tsk, that woman really irk me whenever i saw her. It's because she showed no respect toward papa or mama everytime they met, she would just casually address them with whatever she like

Papa and mama position should be equal to your lord you know? Show some respect for god sake!

"Kufufufu, your annoyance is showing all over your face my princess"

Diablo suddenly whisper to me. Oops, it seems that he noticed it, seriously what a troublesome guy

"Who is it that your annoyance directed to? Perhaps is that hinata girl?"

What the hell man? Stop probing into my head diablo!

"Well, sort of. Tell me diablo, can you beat her?"

I've fought hinata once, and managed to win just by solely outsmarting her, if it's come to sheer power, i don't know what would happen

"Kufufufu, it might be a hassle. But no real problem"

This guy really said that confidently, well i believe him though. Diablo is ridiculously strong, he maybe on par with mama right now.

"Then what do you think? Will i be able to kill her?"

I said that but i have no intention to do so, it's just pure curiousity. Moreover she is student of someone who i greatly respect to.

"For now, it's really easy for princess to do so."

I felt something off when i heard that

"For now?"

"Yes, there's no telling when she will gain an ultimate skill. When that time come, it is greatly depends on your experience and technique to defeat her"

Diablo answer honestly, but his statement make me let out a light chuckles



"Who do you think it's the current strongest right now excluding papa"

I saw a wide smile on diablo face after he heard this, this is a very common question for demons race



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